Furniture of the future: 7 smart new products for a comfortable life


Smart bed and sofa, table and screen will create comfortable conditions for recreation, work, training and just life. All as in fantastic films, only today.

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Furniture of the future: 7 smart new products for a comfortable life

1 Smart Bed from Eight Sleep

The design of this bed consists of three stroke layers of different stiffness. For comfort, a system of smart sensors, which track 15 sleep parameters, and biorhythms are provided: fast sleep, deep sleep, heart rate and respiratory rate. The smart bed will help choose the optimal time for falling asleep and awakening, given the individual features.

She courtes the moment when the body is ready to wake up, and will turn on his favorite music or gently curb to get out of sleep was comfortable. There is also climate control, different for two half beds. For example, if you are cold, and your half is hot, then you can enable heating, and partner, on the contrary, cool a bed a little. Smart Bed from Eight Sleep is compatible with AMAZON Alexa online assistant and easily embedded in the smart home system. It can turn off the light or turn on the coffee machine in the morning - it is enough to say a few words. There is only one restriction, Alexa does not understand and does not speak Russian.

2 The Mirror: Personal coach

An interactive coach mirror is a 40-inch vertical screen. The Mirror reads biometric data: pulse, pressure, respiratory rate, temperature via Bluetooth Synchronized cardiac rhythm monitor or Apple Watch, and determines the optimal load.

You can choose a workout and an instructor using a smartphone - The Mirror is connected to the replenished base of interactive fitness training. Real-time can be operated with the best coaches that will give commands, track your status and adjust the program execution. You can choose your favorite soundtracks and invite friends remotely join you. During training, the mirror reflects progress and biometric data.

3 Kitchen Machine-Screen from Eywa Kitchen

By the size of the eyewa as the standard door of the mounted locker, thanks to which the smart screen is engaged in the kitchen. He is controlled by voice, and also has a touchscreen. The kitchen helper can find on the Internet and show video recipe, turn on the favorite musical composition or put a cartoon for a bored child.

Giving the EYWA command, you can enable light and manage kitchen appliances, as well as dictate a list of products, and the assistant will buy them in the online supermarket with delivery to the specified time. EYWA can be controlled remotely from the smartphone and always be on video links with homemade. The smart screen is integrated with an online assistant from Yandex Alice and Google Assistant, and can be the center of managing all the systems of the smart home.

4 Digital Kitchen Desk from IKEA

Another smart kitchen assistant is a digital kitchen table. A novelty from IKEA can weigh and recognize products, offer dishes that can be prepared from the ingredients posted on the table and demonstrate recipes.

The digital kitchen table may well replace the cooking panel and microwave due to the built-in induction heating function. You can set the temperature - ready-made dishes are not cooled, and set the timer - heating will be turned off on time. Thanks to the table-built tablet, the table is convenient to use the table, and the camcorders placed above the table and machine vision technology make a novelty flawless.

5. Smart Desktop Tabula Sense Smart Desk

Another intelligent table will help concentrate at work. At first glance, it differs little from the usual - a table top of a veneer and metal legs. But it is enough to put a smartphone to a certain place and thanks to the built-in wireless charging, it will receive a new energy supply.

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Furniture of the future: 7 smart new products for a comfortable life 7853_4

Furniture of the future: 7 smart new products for a comfortable life 7853_5

Furniture of the future: 7 smart new products for a comfortable life 7853_6

Connect your computer to the table, and you can use USB HUB to work with flash drives - it is at hand, on the end right. A smart table is built in Bluetooth speakers and induction heating for a drink. The Tabula Sense height can be adjusted and working sitting or standing.

6 Panasonic Smart

Having settled behind the smart table Panasonic, you can work without a computer - a tabletop, like a large touchscreen of the smartphone, is controlled by the movements of the fingers.

You can work with mail and messenger, conduct video meetings and participate in webinars. Wireless charging for smartphone and induction heating for a cup of coffee are also built-in.

7 Smart Sofa Miliboo

Smart Sofa can become a comfortable center of the smart home. The novelty, developed by Miliboo, is integrated with all systems through the Miliboo Connected Furniture application, and hears you thanks to Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.

Smart sofa can be controlled through a smartphone or just voice. It will help to relax after work, vibrating into the tact of the musical composition, or takes you into the virtual reality of the game or the film, creating an effect of a 4D cinema. But with the real world there will always be a connection - a wireless charging for a smartphone is built into the armrest of smart sofa.

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