How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying


We choose the fragrance depending on the room, your needs and season.

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_1

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying

1 What goal do you want to achieve aroma?

Personalize house

So, for example, if you just want to refresh the house and make it more personalized, you need to choose flavors, based exclusively for your own taste - what you like, then take it. It is this "tells" about you more, and the rules in such a choice simply do not. The only advice is still selected 2-3 directions before going to the store, since the untrained nose ceases to distinguish the flavors very quickly. If you listen to 10 and more positions, you can hardly find "yours."

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_3

Create a relaxed atmosphere

Then your choice: Lavender, Cedar, Sandal. These flavors help to relieve stress and even contribute to the best sleep. Pay attention to the flax fragrance - the last time the mass market increasingly offers candles with such an odor. It is associated with purity and also helps to create a relaxed atmosphere.

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_4

Aromatized candle "Easy Lavender"



Concentrate in dealer

Citrus flavors, mint, rosemary have stimulating properties and contribute to concentration. Consider this when choosing a smell.

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_5

Create a romantic atmosphere

Then your helpers are cinnamon, jasmine, vanilla.

  • How the freshness smells: 7 flavors that will add cleanliness of the house

2 For which room you choose the fragrance?

The question is not idle and is associated with what effect smells are produced.

So, for the bedroom it is better to choose aromas from a relaxing line: Lavender, cedar, sandalwood. But you can and add a little passion with the help of musk, amber.

For the living room perfect unobtrusive floral flavors, but the classics lovers will always come up with spicy and wood smells.

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_7

The working area needs mobilization of cerebral activity and there are sharp smells of pepper and citrus.

The bathroom advises to use those smells that have your body care products so that there is no disharmony. But clean floral flavors and the same flax will always come by the way.

But in the kitchen of flavor colors is better to avoid - they change the perception of smells of food. More suitable - fruit odors and spices, for example, thyme.

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_8

Set of aromatic candles "Winter Pear"

1 190.


3 For what time of the year?

Depending on the season, the aromas also need to be changed. So, the warm months are well perceived by sea odors, herbaceous, citrus friction. And in the cold season, warming smells are needed. For example, wood, confectionery (apple pie, vanilla, cinnamon), and closer to the new year they become popular needles, citrus and coffee smell.

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_9

Aromatized candle "Yuzu and Mandarin"



4 In what format is the fragrance?

There are several common species.


This is a vessel with liquid and several wooden chopsticks. The fragrance spreads quickly, but only in the first couple of days, then the smell is active only near the diffuser itself. And its intensity can be adjusted by the number of wooden sticks - in fact, they are soaked and smell.

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_10
How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_11

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_12

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_13


A small bag where the flavor is nested. They can be done with their own hands, it is convenient to put in drawers with things.

Aromatic Sasha.

Aromatic Sasha.



Aroma candles

Perhaps the most common type of flavors, which will also become a decorative component of the interior. The advantage of candles is that they retain a resistant smell and can be "included" by itself - Ignoring the candles.

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_15

Perfumey cards

Another option for cabinets and even dressing rooms.


Surely they are familiar to you on the assortment of IKEA - such fonders are poured into the tank and put on the shelf.

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_16

Perfume and sprays

This method is good when it is necessary to improve the fragrance locally - for example, in a crushed room.

Ambientair Spray Lacrosse Madagascar Vanilla

Ambientair Spray Lacrosse Madagascar Vanilla


This device in which several drops of essential or aromatic oils eat, and after they begin to distribute them around the room.

How to choose an aroma for home: 4 questions to which you need to answer before buying 7865_18

The flavor is quite saturated, but the advantage is that you can buy a collection of oils and change them depending on the mood, and not spending constantly on a new spray or fragrance.

Medisana fragrance-humidifier

Medisana fragrance-humidifier

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