What is asbestos, what is his health danger and what can be replaced


Most often asbestos are used in the construction of a bath, but it causes serious diseases, up to malignant tumors. It can be replaced by Ministerith, insulating in roll and other materials.

What is asbestos, what is his health danger and what can be replaced 7889_1

What is asbestos, what is his health danger and what can be replaced

If you have conceived to build a bath, then you probably plan to use the material about which we will talk about in our article. However, during installation, the question may arise whether the asbestos harvested for health when heated. Tell about it, the properties of the construction product and its counterparts.

All about Asbest and its features

What it is

Scope of application

Influence on the body


What is asbestos

This building material with

This building material consists of thin fiber minerals. It tolerates high temperatures well, withstands fire, while very strong and elastic. Now in construction moves and markets can be found both separate canvases and see this substance as part of cement mixtures and other building materials.


Properties asbestos

Wide use in the construction industry, he found due to its special properties:
  • Low electrical conductivity
  • Hemonslessness
  • Resistance to the effects of radiation radiation
  • Ability to absorb gases

2 types of material

  • Chrysotile asbestos is a multi-layer silicate that is well tolerates the effects of alkali. It is this substance most often can be found in the Russian market.
  • Amphibole - despite similar physical properties with the previous view, it has its own structure. It is used not as often as the first, since it is significantly inferior to him in quality. In addition, in many countries, it has banned its use, since it highlights hazardous substances.

They also differ in color, composition and length of the fibrous component, which is subsequently reflected on wear resistance and durability.

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Where it is used

If you study the question, what is asbestos need, then you can see that it is used in different fields, including industrial production, construction.


In the installation work especially C & ...

In the installation work, its refractory and thermal insulation is especially valued. Therefore, very often, when installing wall panels or floor laying, asbestos plates or wool from the same substance are used.


Mechanical engineering and metallurgy

Cables, various metal and concrete structures are usually processed by this mineral in the form of spraying. So they acquire refractory properties.

In addition, cement pipes are installed in some homes with the addition of this substance. It is thanks to him that they become more durable and durable.

Chemical industry

Asbestos found an application in Chem ...

Asbestos found the application and in the chemical sphere, where different plastics, paper and paints and paintworks are manufactured.


Textile industry

Here this mineral is used in the manufacture of fabrics for overalls. With it, protective gloves, helmets and suits are made. In addition, brake summer and sealing gaskets for pipes are also made with its addition.

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Does he harm health

The people are among the people that building materials are extremely dangerous to human health due to harmful vapors. There is another version that speaks of its safety, which is still accurately confirmed. Consider what the asbestos are dangerous.

Really long con

Indeed, long-term contact with the material during installation can have a detrimental effect on the body. For example, among occupational diseases associated with this fibrous substance, chronic respiratory diseases, fibrosis and even lung cancer.


The emergence of these diseases is due to the fact that when inhalation of dust particles from asbestos, its fibers are not outlined from the lungs, but settle there for life there. Thus, they gradually destroy the organ and harm health. However, it is possible to get sick only if a person is in place with such dust very long.

The substance only in compound with cement does not highlight any harmful vapors and is completely safe for humans. But still, it is better to refrain from use in the bath, because with a periodic heating, it can overreach with time. And this will cause dangerous dust in the air.

How to replace asbestos

Now there is a huge selection of materials that possess the same properties and are well suited for replacement.

Insulation in roll

It makes three types of mineral wool:

  • Basalt Wat.
  • Glasswater
  • Shagkovat

Each type is suitable for certain types of work. In accordance with the instructions, select exactly the analogue that you will need.

This building material has a heat resistance and perfectly retains heat.


This material is lightweight, durable fire-resistant and waterproof. It provides not only thermal insulation, but also has the ability to muffle the sound.

Fire-resistant plasterboard (GKLO)

If necessary, isolate in a bath with a wall that is located near the furnace, you can use GKLO. This fire-resistant material is also able to withstand the effects of high temperatures and does not secrete harmful substances when heated.


Also, Mineritis is produced specifically for the construction of the bath. It is installed between the oven and wooden walls. It can withstand about 650 degrees, does not burn and is not subject to rotting.

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