7 most beautiful curly flowers for the garden


Curling flowers will help to diversify the landscape, as well as decorate a gazebo or arch. Today we understand the most beautiful varieties of annual and perennial plants.

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7 most beautiful curly flowers for the garden

In fact, curly flowers for the garden are not only the joy for the eyes. With their help, you can hide the shortcomings of the construction, hide from the neighbors and even zonate the territory. The main thing is to choose a suitable variety.

All about curly plants for cottages:


Curly flowers

Tips for inexperienced gardener

  • The first thing you need to decide is what kind of plant you want: Perennial or annually. Not only the number of seasons of its flowering and growth, but also the design of the support.
  • As a rule, annuals are distinguished by the brightness of paints and long blossoms, and perennial - frost resistance and, in general, simplicity in care. In addition, they will delight not one season, the year from year to grow fatal.
  • For annual, easy support is suitable, but perennial curly flowers for the garden require a steady strong design.
  • The creeping colors on the wall does not necessarily do to the support, they will be perfectly and without a carcass. The curling will need a grid or wire, so that they have the opportunity to cling.
  • If experience in gardening is a bit, it is not necessary to acquire capricious varieties, it is better to take unpretentious, which do not require careful care.

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Curly flowers for cottages


Ipomay with its large funnel-shaped flowers is one of the most popular garden binds. It is very sensitive to lighting, so on a sunny day it opens early in the morning and closes to noon. But in cloudy weather, bloom can enjoy almost all the time.

It grows rapidly, early begins to bloom and, in general, unpretentious in care. It has a large amount of varieties and, accordingly, form and color.

Suitable for arbors, arches and pergol. If you do not install the support of the support, it will begin to marvel on the ground, so some dacms use it as a plants covering. It is better to decide in advance, exactly how you want to grow it, otherwise then to unravel Lian, without damaging it, it will be impossible.

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Noble Clematis will require attention, it is quite capricious in landing and care. However, it is unlikely to leave someone indifferent. By the way, it is often used in decorative floristics to create bouquets and compositions.

Clematis does not tolerate metal solid fences next to them, the best support for it is a plastic grid that can be made with your own hands. The fact is that the metal, heating will burn gentle inflorescences and leaves, and solid structures, in general, reflect the rays and create the effect of "bath". Does not tolerate clematis and wind, as well as too intense watering during the cold season.

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Sweet pea

You probably saw curly flowers for cottages called scented peas. Romantic and lightweight, he claims the role of the most charming plant in the garden. White, red, purple or orange flowers - There are more than a thousand varieties! And besides this polka dot has a pleasant aroma.

The largest fans of the Latirus - another name of the fragrant peas - are the British. This is a kind of symbol of British floristics. Latial and under the cut - especially good wedding monobucts are especially good.

3 types of fragrant peas

  • Little. It can do without support, easy to grow in a large pot.
  • Average. It will take a small support, you need a garter.
  • Tall height of more than two meters. Here you need a support, you will need to shoot.

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Curly rose

Real aristocrat, classic landscape design - a curly rose. She caprit needs attention and care: loves the sun, air and fertile soil. It is impossible to plant a rose near the fence, otherwise she simply does not have enough space, the minimum distance to it should be 50-60 centimeters.

After the height of the plant reaches 50 cm mark, it needs to give the direction and set the vertical support for the garter. Thus, you can form a rose crown and evenly distribute it all over the entire height and width of the base.

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Seeing once these gently purple or blue bunches, it is difficult not to fall in love with their color and shape. Despite the fact that wisteria is liana, it is rarely grown vertically, it looks much more effectively on horizontal surfaces. So, for example, it can be used on the beams on the ceiling in the gazebo, then the inflorescences will hang out, adding pergoled decorativeness.

The only problem may be the survival rate of the plant. Glicinia is Asia and Japan, and, alas, it is poorly adapted for wintering in the harsh climate of the middle strip of Russia. It is believed that the temperature of up to -40 degrees is able to withstand only one variety - Blue Moon.

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The list would be incomplete without this evergreen curious shrub called Ivy or Header. It is distinguished by rapid growth, easy care and decorative appearance, which provide leaves of different shapes and colors.

There are several varieties of ivy, among which are found both home and street. In the middle lane of Russia, you can grow ivy ordinary, it blooms in August. However, it is impossible to say that his flowers are distinguished by beauty or aroma.

Ivy prefers wet places without drafts and strong winds. It looks spectacularly liana on trees.

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Devichi grapes

The most popular green liana in a private house is a girlish or wild grapes. If you are a novice, pay attention to this simple planting and leaving the plant. Due to the rapid growth and decorativeness, the wild grapes can transform even the most unwaspped wall or a gazebo. What is noteworthy: green in summer, the leaves begin to bug the leaves.

Devichy grapes is a five-line and triocent. The fruits of the fivethist grapes are inedible. In addition, this type is more frostable than triocent grapes.

Good news for novice gardeners: the time of landing of the girl's grape does not matter, it is equally well leaving both in the spring and autumn. To give the desired form of Liana, it is enough to install a strong support. This is important because the plant grows strong.

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