How to put a slag block itself: detailed instructions


We tell about the methods of laying, give a detailed description of the process and a list of tools that will be needed.

How to put a slag block itself: detailed instructions 7893_1

How to put a slag block itself: detailed instructions

Blocks made of slag concrete appeared in the construction market for a long time. Already at the beginning of the last century, the buildings were erected. However, the material has become widely known and the material has received relatively recently. It goes to economic, utility buildings or residential buildings. We will figure out in the subtleties of the laying of the slag block to build a house itself.

All about the correct laying of slag blocks

Features of the material

Installation instructions

  • Preparation
  • First row
  • Second and subsequent

Tools and devices

Features of the material

This is an artificial stone manufactured from a mixture of slag and concrete. This circumstance determines its characteristics. Slags are formed as waste during iron melt and other metals. They absorb all impurities, leaving the alloy clean. As a result, there are also toxic substances that can be dangerous for humans. For this reason, ready-made slag concrete blocks are left for some time to weathering.

It is unprofitable, so manufacturers began to change the composition of their products. The mass fraction of slag decreases, sawdust, sand, broken brick, etc. instead, are added instead. In any case, the properties of the material are generally preserved. It is quite durable, fireproof, is not damaged by rodents or insects. The price is small. The most important dignity is the simplicity of installation. Large blocks of correct shape easily laying.

There are a number of shortcomings. The stone is massive. The average weight of the standard part 25-30 kg. Hollow and full-scale varieties are produced. The first is easier. Thanks to the presence of cavities with air, they are better preserved heat. They are chosen for the construction of walls, partitions. Full-time elements are good for foundation, supports, etc. In addition, semi-blocks and facing elements are produced.

Blocks made of slag concrete vulnerable to moisture. Water easily penetrates deep into parts, quickly destroys them. Therefore, the facades are necessarily facing. The strength of the material is relative. There are restrictions on its use.

It is forbidden to build buildings you

It is forbidden to build buildings above 3 floors. Usually build houses in 1-2 floors. Provided that there is a security certificate for slagobeton. If not, only non-residential buildings can be put out of it.

Step-by-step instructions for laying slag blocks with their own hands

Before starting work, determined with the type of masonry. It depends on the future structure. The greater the thickness of the wall, the warmer it will turn out.

Distinguish 4 types of laying:

  • in two elements
  • In one and a half
  • into one
  • half.

The last method of builders is called spoonful. It is good for hozpostroops, barn, partitions, etc. Semi-blocks are chosen for it. For residential buildings use masonry in two or a half of the stone.

The masonry solution is divorced from the finished mixture acquired in the store. You can cook it yourself. The base of the composition is a mixture of three parts of sand and one part of the cement. It is divorced by water to the state of a viscous pasta. It is desirable to add a plasticizer that will reduce porosity, increase the frost resistance and the density of the solution.

Plasticizer is better to buy. Cheap shampoo that uses some masters for this purpose may not give the desired effect. It is best to spend in a concrete mixer. Manual will not succeed in achieving the necessary homogeneity, which will noticeably reduce the quality of the solution. In addition, it will be needed a lot. Handmade will increase labor consideration.

A few words about the foundation on which the blocks are planned. Its width must be equal to the width of the part. It is permissible that it exceeds it slightly.

Top of the foundation without removing & ...

The top of the foundation without dents and bulges. If they are, even if not big, you need to align and close. Mandatory waterproofing. It is carried out by any suitable way.

Preparatory work

The laying of the slag block is similar to the installation of bricks. Special attention is paid to the laid out of the first row. As far as it is correctly done, the durability of the construction and the fatness of its walls is determined. Therefore, begin with marking, which is carried out on the basis. On each corner of the foundation, it is placed one block.

It is necessary to make it so that the right quadrangle came out. After checking the planes of the rogues to which the labels are applied, securely fixed. This is a landmark for smooth masonry. Between the ranks you need to stretch the cords, the height of the elements laying will be monitored. The cord is stretched very tight, without saving.

First row

Start with the preparation of the solution. The calculation of the kneader is carried out so that it can be spent in an hour, a maximum of one and a half. On average, the laying of four elements requires a bucket of the composition. This should be focused on it. Sand with cement is falling asleep in the concrete mixer, the equipment starts. Water is poured by small portions until the solution receives the desired consistency. At the end, a plasticizer is added.

Step-by-step instructions for mounting the first row:

  1. We recruit the solution, impose it to the foundation, evenly distribute on the basis. Important moment: According to the instructions, the seam thickness is 10-15 mm. Consider this when applying the mixture.
  2. We take a slagoblock for the middle, bring it to the place of work. Deploy in the right direction and put on the foundation.
  3. Determine the height of the installation part. If the upper edge protrudes over the stretched cord, we take a Cyanka and, slightly tapping, omit the element to the desired height.
  4. Under the weight of the stone, a part of the adhesive composition is extruded from the seam. Carefully remove it, we clean.
  5. Similarly, we put the second, then the third part.

We take the level and plumb, check ...

We take the level and plumb, check the horizontal and vertical of the wall. If there are errors, we remove them immediately. I bring a row to the end. Do not forget to periodically control the location of the blocks.

Second and subsequent ranks

Start laying the second, as well as all the subsequent even rows, you need from half the part. This ensures the necessary shift. Cutting the element will have to be yourself. You can do it with a hack or manual disk saw. The rest of the installation technology does not change. First, the cord is stretched at the desired height, then, focusing on it, put stones. After laying two or three elements, the plane control is required.

To reduce loads, strengthen the walls and warnings of cracks, reinforcement is used. It is necessarily in the first row, as well as in every fourth. For this, steel rods are used, a metal grid with 5x5 cm cells or an armature frame made of galvanized. Additional reinforcement is required for all openings under the door and windows. Work at a height with heavy details is quite complex. Before you launch them, you need to take care of convenience and security. The simplest solutions in the form of a ladder or stairs are categorically not suitable. They are too unstable, work is not safe on them.

If there is such an opportunity, ho ...

If there is such an opportunity, it is good to use the platform, the height of which can be adjusted. There are also comfortable forests where everything you need will easily fit.

Fixtures for masonry slag concrete blocks

In the recommendations, how to put a slag block on the foundation are mentioned tools and devices.

What will take:

  • Master OK. Looks like a small blade. They are superimposed and smash the paste, remove its surplus. Handling the handle lines the position of the part.
  • Special hammer. One feather flat, other pointed. Acute perform chips on the slag concrete element. Stupidly split it in the pressure.
  • Fishing. The tool for removing the part of the suture solution.

Markup devices:

  • Steering cords. Control the horizontal of the row.
  • Plumb. Controls the vertical wall.
  • Building level. Used to control planes.

In addition, use coal, rules, long slats. This set to the experimental master is quite enough to accurately remove the walls of the construction. Inexperienced use additional devices.

The most comfortable are the shab

The most comfortable are templates, vertical and horizontal patterns. They help to lay the reservoir of the mixture of a given thickness, which reduces its consumption and facilitates laying.

The design of such a device is simple. This is a frame with stops from below that fix it on the basis. Thus, the template cannot shift to the sides. Its dimensions are selected based on the dimensions of the slag concrete part. Due to this, a certain amount of cement-sand paste is stacked, the horizontal of the wall is stored. The device can be purchased, but it's easier to make it yourself. We offer a video telling about such templates.

We figured out how to put slag blocks. If you wish, you can learn and build what you need yourself, significantly saving. It must be remembered that the material is afraid of moisture. Therefore, building is desirable to bore. Do not suit this plaster. She is badly cloured with a slag concrete, after a short time begins to crack and fall.

  • From the project to the finish finish: how to build a bath from slag blocks with your own hands

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