12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean


To make the visibility of cleanliness, find where to hide cheated clothes, keep your hand to clean the inventory and follow other advice from our article.

12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_1

12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean

1 Keep the inventory in an affordable place.

The hard-to-reach household helpers, cleaning products, rags, brushes and sponges, the harder it is to highlight a free minute on fast cleaning. Make the entire inventory as accessible as possible: Keep the bathroom and toilet toilet products in the bathroom (or maximum proximity to it), clean kitchen textiles - in the kitchen, bed linen - in the bedroom, etc.

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2 Get out of the replaceable sets of textiles

Replacing textiles on fresh, you can quickly and easily create visibility of cleaning and fill the house with the smell of purity. Make sure you have interchangeable kits for each room in the apartment: sufficiently kitchen and bath towels, there are spare shower curtains and bath mats, there is enough covered and plaid, there is an additional tablecloth and a set of bed linen.

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12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_15

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3 Choose double-sided textiles

Lifehak, which will make cleaning twice as less, - make a choice in favor of bilateral textiles. Carpets and tracks, decorative pillows, tablecloths, pillowcases and duvets, - All this can be bilateral, and if necessary, it will help you out great.

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12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_20

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4 Use paper towels

Wash kitchen towels, as well as a hand towel and face can be much less likely, if you get a habit of using paper towels. In addition, this option is more hygienic.

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12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_23

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12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_25

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5 Make sure that each thing has its place

The law of disorder: if things have no place, it will be anywhere, disappearing and appearing in the most unexpected moments. Determine the specific place for each little thing in the house, from slippers to the console, - and you do not have to spend time looking for the necessary.

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12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_28

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12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_30

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6 hide cheated underwear

The ironing of clean linen is a process that occupies a lot of time, and if you infrequently find it, try to aesthetically hide the mountain of chewned things. For example, select the shelf for them in the closet or make a separate basket.

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7 Track problem areas

Pay attention to the problem zones of your apartment - those where the mess is most often manifested. Think how you can fix the situation: for example, if the bed accumulates the mountain of clothes, it may be helped with a wall or floor hanger; If you constantly stumble about shoes in the hallway, it is likely to come to buy a new shutty; If a different trifle accumulates on the chest of drawers, select a separate box, basket, or even one of the boxes.

Obuvan Nika Comfort ETC3

Obuvan Nika Comfort ETC3

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8 Reduce the number of free surfaces

In continuation of the previous paragraph: Open surfaces (chest, bedside tables) - literally a magnet for all sorts of trifles and disorder.

If you resolutely once disassemble the bumps, periodically arising from free surfaces, try to minimize their number. Refer to decorative installations - and instead of chaos, the bedside table will delight you with a stylish exposure.

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12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_39

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12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_41

12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_42

12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_43

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9 Get your food waste chopper

The chopper of food waste gives two bonuses at once: the garbage will need to take out much less often, and you can almost forget about the unpleasant smell of the garbage bucket.

Household chopper Bone Crusher BC 610

Household chopper Bone Crusher BC 610

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10 Think about buying new household helpers

The modern range of household appliances is quite wide - and is able to seriously rescue those who have no time to clean: washing, drying, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, car washrs, etc.

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12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_48

12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_49

12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean 7897_50

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11 Use household chemicals

Also to help hostess - household chemicals, allowing more to maintain cleanliness: polyterols for furniture with antistatic properties, antisoles for mirrors and glass, etc.

Pronto Polyrol Antipul and Anti-Allergen

Pronto Polyrol Antipul and Anti-Allergen

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12 Watch out the smells in the house

The smell of freshness persistently associated with cleanliness - and is able to deceive our perception. A well-ventilated apartment with natural, unobtrusive flavors for the house will seem well-groomed and clean, even if you are not too strained with cleaning.

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