How to clear the bedroom in the bathroom: removal and prevention methods


We explain how to eliminate the blockage in the bathroom with boiling water, ventuum or cable, and also tell about the methods of preventing the appearance of mud plugs.

How to clear the bedroom in the bathroom: removal and prevention methods 7915_1

How to clear the bedroom in the bathroom: removal and prevention methods

Even the most clean owners of apartments are faced with such a problem as clogged pipes. Therefore, in its home reserve, you should always have means and devices that will cope with this trouble. Consider in more detail how to eliminate zoom in the bathroom.

Eliminate the blockage in the bathroom

Causes of occurrence

Independent cleaning

With the help of professionals


Causes of appearance

The reasons for pollution of the water supply can be several. First you need to understand, it only concerns your apartment or all sewer riser. In the first case, you can eliminate the problem with your own hands, but in the second it is necessary to call a specialist.

To determine the degree of blockage, turn on the water from the cranes that are not connected in one drain system. For example, in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If there are no problems in one of the shells, then you are dealing with local pollution that can be eliminated yourself.

Why zatore arises:

  • Fatty raid from food residues.
  • Invalid bias of pipes when installing.
  • Old sewer system.
  • Adhesive trash and hair particles.
  • Lump wool lumps.

If you do not know how to clear the block in the bathroom, you can call the plumbing. But there are such moments when there is no time to wait for his arrival, and you need to escape on your own.

  • 11 things that never need to wash off in the sewer if you do not want to fight clouds

Troubleshooting bathtub at home

If there are several options how to clear the bathroom:
  • Thermal - under the influence of high temperature water.
  • Chemical - special means dissolving mud tube.
  • Mechanical - opening of the drain system or the use of the cable.
  • Pressing pressure - Vanutuz.

Thermal impact

The simplest method of cleaning is boiling water. Such a method is well suited in the sink in the kitchen, where the draining can be clogged due to fatty plates. It is enough to turn on the hot water for 10-20 minutes and the plug will gradually disappear. If you have iron pipes, you can pour boiling water from the kettle in them.


In the store you can find a huge selection of chemicals that are easy and quickly cleaned stock. These are foams, gels, liquid solutions and powders, which include different acids and alkali. The advantage of this method is that there will be no physical manipulations here. However, before purchasing such a means, carefully examine the composition. Some components may be too aggressive for plastic products and are suitable only for steel and cast-iron risers.

Principle of operation in chemistry

The principle of operation in chemistry is approximately the same. The required amount of substance needs to pour or fall asleep into the drain hole. After the time specified on the package, turn on hot water and wait until the contamination is completely eliminated.


Be pointed when using chemicals, because when you get into the skin, they can cause a strongest burn. Also avoid getting tools for mixers, since their effects are poorly reflected on the chrome surface.

We advise strictly observe the instructions and withstand the substance in the drainage as much as written on the package. Otherwise, with long-term contact, the pipe walls can be deformed.

  • How to save pipes clean: Review of types of blockages and tips on their elimination


Such a method is used if the plug is very deep and the surface methods of exposure to it do not cope.

The cable itself is made galvanized & ...

The cable itself is made of their galvanized steel cable or spring-free type. At the end of the product, there is always a rash or a hook, which you can pick up the contamination, pull it out or push it into a wider part of the sewer system.


How to clean the pipe cable

  • Holding a tool for the handle, deepen it into the drain.
  • Pusk rotational movements.
  • After the product was nevertheless, it is necessary to push him back sharply and pull him again.
  • Extremely remove the cable. Help it with two hands so that it does not spring.
  • Turn on the hot water to wash off the residues of the mud tube.
The tool can also be made from the remedies, for this take a flexible metallic cable for a length of 2-3 meters. Its tip can either slightly "fluffy", breaking the rods in different directions, or bend in crochet. For convenience, wrap the other end with a dense cloth, so you get a kind of handle.

Cleaning siphon

If the water does not leave, and in the room there will be a resistant unpleasant seasalization, it may indicate that the siphon has been scored.

Despite the fact that it is fit ...

Despite the fact that this adaptation should prevent foreign objects in the sewer system, as well as prevent unpleasant odors, it often becomes a matter of liquid stagnation.


Before disassembling the design, laying under it absorbing the cloth or put a small basin.

Unscrew all the fasteners, drain the liquid and remove the flask. After you fully clean the design, the product can be collected back. Please note that the running nozzle should not be based on the flask. If the installation conditions are broken, the seed of sewage will appear indoors.

Turn on the water and check the siphon to flow. If everything is installed correctly, then the pelvis can be removed from the bottom. All cleaned pollution and lumps do not flush into the toilet or in the sink. This dirt is better to dispose of as ordinary garbage - in a bucket.


This is a simple device with air, liquid and pressure destroys the formed blockage. It should be borne in mind that when preparing cleaning, the second hole in the bath or car wash should be closed with a hermetic plug. So you will create the necessary vacuum.

You can also help pollution and ...

You can clean the pollution with liquid, and without it. Vanutuz should be placed on the drain hole so that it fits tightly to the edges and left a single gap. After that, tightly holding his handle, make several translational movements, and then dramatically lift the vehicle.


Check if the water has become free to leave, then the preventing garbage managed to break. If not, then repeat the procedure again.

Here you need to pay attention to the fact that this method is suitable only for those blocks that are close to the plum. The pipe scored behind the siphon, this method will not be cleaned.

Folk remedies

If there were no special solutions and fixtures at hand, and it is necessary to urgently clean, you can use folk methods. One of the most effective is the mixture of soda and vinegar. It is important to do everything clearly and consistently. Put half a pack of soda into the drain. After 15 minutes, fill in half a glass of vinegar. The drain hole is better to close the plug and leave the chemical reaction to one and a half hours. After the specified time expires, open the cork and fill in the drain of boiling water.

You can prepare a warning solution

You can prepare a solution in advance. Half of the salt mugs and one mug of soda are mixed in a glass of water and poured into the drain for 10 minutes. After that, the riser needs to be cleaned with Vanutuz, and then boiling water.


However, such methods are effective for blockages that are close to the drain. Deep mud tube Similar methods will not dissolve.

Purification by professional aggregates

Hydraulic or electromechanical cleansing You can only make a plumbing, since it has all the necessary equipment and the ability to handle the tools.

In this way, Muso is eliminated

In this way, the garbage is eliminated, which accumulated over several years. At the same time, the wizards pick up devices suitable for your pipes to not damage and not deform them.



If you have an old house, most likely the entire water supply system was worn out and microcracks were formed inside it, in which any contaminants fall.

Old pipes should be changed, with ...

Older pipes should be changed, modern materials in many ways are largely superior to outdated models and will not be so fast and often clogged. If the replacement is not possible, then cleaning and prevention should be carried out at least once a month.


This can help chemicals that are poured into the plums in a smaller volume and eliminate pollution and fall from the pipe walls. Thanks to this, they will not stick anything on them and form mud tubes.

Install the grille on the drain hole to the pieces of food, hair and other small garbage could not get into the drain.

As for the kitchen: Before you put the dishes in the sink, consider the residues of food into the trash can. So it is necessary to act with oil and fat.

We also recommend periodically disassembled siphon and customary.

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