Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials


We tell about the advantages and minuses of the painted ceiling, GLC, RESEKs and other materials and choose the best.

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_1

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials

To decide which ceiling to choose in the bathroom, and the truth is not easy. There are many finishing methods. Let's help to deal with their advantages and disadvantages. But first briefly list what is required from the coating.

Selection of the material for the ceiling in the bathroom:

What needs to be taken into account

Finishing options

  • Paint
  • PVC panels
  • Plasterboard and SML
  • Reiki
  • Stretch cloth
  • Mirrors
  • Lining


What should be the finishing material

Let us list the minimum requirements.

  • First of all, of course, moisture resistance is important. Even with a good drawing, it is better not to risk - the dampness is in each bathroom. Swimming, washing - all contributes to this.
  • It is desirable that the surface is easily cleaned by contaminants with an ordinary rag with water. Even better - if it does not have to care for it.
  • The material should be easily mounted and not interfere with the lighting.

In addition, they take into account the size of the room. Some coatings are not suitable for a small area, since they eat space. A simple light, smooth ceiling will fit almost any style. But choosing original, multi-level or colored designs are not always recommended. In the usual, the more close room they may be inappropriate: reduce the area, will be too cumbersome. In general, this is all that is required from the coating. Let us turn to the description of all options.

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_3

  • How to make a suspended ceiling in the bathroom: 2 step-by-step instructions

Which ceiling to choose in the bathroom


The usual wizard whimslets advise to replace moisture-resistant water-resistant paint. It is less susceptible to referring, which means that the appearance of mold. Do not use oil enamel - she will yellow and start falling off. Previously need to clean the previous coating. You need to paint smooth, primed and covered surface. Select the primer of deep penetration with fungicide.


  • Low cost.
  • You can do everything yourself.
  • To correct the problem space is quite simple.
  • You can combine shades to get an interesting interior.


  • It is not suitable for the surface with pronounced irregularities that are difficult to sharpen. The irmentation will not only do not hide them properly, but also emphasize.
  • If the flooding happens, you will have to repair.
  • It happens that after some time the paint darkens.
  • It will not be possible to hide communications.

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_5
Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_6

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_7

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_8

Plastic panels

Plastic panels are good stuff if you are looking for an inexpensive finish for a simple interior.


  • You can separate the ceiling PVC panels without the help of specialists.
  • They are waterproof, they are easy to clean.
  • In stores there are modules of different shapes, with drawings and without them.
  • Luminaires in such a bathroom are usually built-in.


  • Dirt can accumulate in the cream between the trim.
  • Indoors with poor ventilation rust framework and fungus appears.
  • Plastic is usually not very durable.

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_9
Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_10

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_11

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_12


Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom? Plasterboard - if you need to hide communications or serious defects. The packaging should be marked G Clac. Usually there is a greenish color in such a hypname, it is moisture-resistant.


  • You can make built-in multi-level lighting.
  • The design is durable and will last 5-10 years.
  • Soundproofing.


  • The ceiling will become below.
  • Installation is quite complicated. Alone can not cope.
  • This is not the cheapest coating. It will take the installation of the frame, the gypsumoque, the primer, putty.
  • In the case of a strong Flood, the GLC will not save and it will have to be dismantled or repairing.

Instead of HCCV, you can use similar to properties, but more modern material - composite glass styled plates. The sheets of shifts are thinner and lung than plasterboard, the design of them takes less space. Panels are flexible, durable, refractory and waterproof. Install them also on the frame. The facial surface is well unlocked with any finish.

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_13
Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_14

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_15

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_16

Suspended speech

It is a long narrow panels attached to the frame. Reiki can be made of plastic, aluminum or steel. It is best to choose aluminum lamellas - they do not rust.


  • Soundproofing.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Plastic panels are easy to cut - you can make complex structures.


  • A decrease in the height of the bathroom.
  • The possibility of corrosion.
  • Some interiors do not suit such design.

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_17
Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_18

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_19

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_20

There is also a tiled suspended ceiling. Method of mounting, advantages and disadvantages are the same as in the case of rubber structures. Modules are not primed and painted. They can be made of plexiglas, metal, plastic, mineral plates. Cellular tiles look good in the interior style High-tech and minimalism. They can mount backlight.

Stretch PVC web

Make such a ceiling independently it is hardly possible if you do not have skills. But this is one of the most practical finishing materials.


  • He will not redeem, and since the canvas is solid - dirt does not accumulate on it.
  • Protects from the flood. If the neighbors will fill you, water will delay, and not go down. It will be necessary to call specialists, they will salt water and shove out.
  • It is convenient to hide any communications in niche and make built-in lighting.
  • In a large bathroom, you can install a multi-level design. The glossy film will visually expand the space. A narrow cornice around the perimeter of the room will help to visually pull the walls.


  • The main minus coating is that it is easy to pierce.
  • Also around the lamp may appear yellow stains. It will be impossible to get rid of them.

On the second photo - two canvas. White satin and translucent, followed by LEDs.

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_21
Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_22

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_23

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_24


Make a ceiling of glass or mirrors is difficult - it will be necessary to help specialists. And the coating itself will be expensive. Mirrors are mounted on a reinforced metallic frame. It is possible to reduce the cost of work by choosing white shiny plastic panels.


  • The reflection and shine visually increase the space.
  • You can save on lighting.
  • Such interior is very beautiful. Stained glass windows with backlit are particularly well.


  • On the surface there will often be divorces and stains, and it is hard to wash it.
  • High price for material and work.

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_25
Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_26

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_27

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_28

Wooden panels

What else to make the ceiling in the bathroom? For example, a tree. Wide panels or narrow lining are mounted on the frame.


  • Tree is durable.
  • Beautiful looks.


  • The tree is hygroscopic - absorbs water.

First, the material is covered with water-repellent impregnation. If there is bad ventilation in the bathroom and very wet - it is better to abandon such design.

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_29
Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_30

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_31

Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom: 7 practical materials 7919_32


  • For budget, durable, practical and neat repair, PVC panels are suitable. You can install them yourself, they do not absorb moisture, easily cleaned from dirt. To replace a spoiled item, you do not have to dismantle everything. It will be enough to replace several lamellas.
  • The stretch canvas will cost more, but he has more advantages than plastic panels. The canvas protect from flooding, it looks better, you can hide irregularities under it, install the built-in lamps. And the film with a glossy surface will also increase the room.
  • Plasterboard - for those who are not afraid of time-consuming installation. From it you can create intricate forms. In the rest of the GLC loses the stretch ceiling. Although it is also possible to hide communication, make backlight.
  • Suspended structures look good, moisture resistant, but they are more difficult and more expensive.

Mirror and wooden finish are not so practical as listed materials, it is usually expensive, needs complex care.

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