Noise insulation of walls in the apartment: how to get rid of restless neighbors


In typical houses of standard sound insulation of the walls, it is usually lacking. We tell how to solve the problem with the help of modern sound insulation materials.

Noise insulation of walls in the apartment: how to get rid of restless neighbors 7966_1

Noise insulation of walls in the apartment: how to get rid of restless neighbors

House of typical series were built under hard savings. The placement of the premises and the height of the ceilings was calculated in minimum, and the additional space was considered a non-disabilities. The same situation was also using means protecting against penetration of sound waves. They needed to be placed in the panels with a thickness of 22 cm, holding the weight of the entire building. The quality of this layer left much to be desired, which, in violation of storage and stacking technologies, reduced the effect of sound absorption to zero. Now under construction, modern materials are used for noise insulation of walls. About them and tell.

Noise insulation of walls in the apartment

A bit of theory

General scheme

Choosing materials

  • Frame
  • Filling
  • Sheaving
  • Additional means
  • What should not be used

Mounting work

Frameless method

Today the situation has changed, but slightly. The percentage of marriage is still high, and important technical standards remained unchanged from the Soviet period. In Stalin's buildings, with the thickness of the supporting structures, about half a meter, hearing can be surprisingly good. Brick perfectly absorbs sound oscillations, but here the insulating layer in such houses may simply be missing.

Noise insulation of walls in the apartment: how to get rid of restless neighbors 7966_3

Even if the builders put mineral wool or poured a layer of clay, in fifty years they have lost their beneficial properties, having soaked in moisture and partially collapsed. The resulting emptiness can play the role of the resonator, reinforcing the reflective effect like a guitar deck. This achieves perfect audibility.

There are several ways to solve the problem and conduct noise insulation of walls in the apartment with your own hands.

We solve the problem of noise

The solution consists in the device of an additional protective interlayer, which reduces oscillations. They penetrate in two ways. In the first case, their source does not come into contact with the supporting structures, in the second - it comes into contact, which creates additional vibrations. As an example, you can bring a moving elevator, work perforator or steps to parquet in heavy boots.

Complex protection will be required. For each of the two cases there are specially designed funds.

Sound waves need to be absorbed and reflected. Much better work complex structures, where each layer performs its separate function.

Noise insulation of walls in the apartment: how to get rid of restless neighbors 7966_4

A loose and fibrous structure is suitable for absorption. Once in her, the wave will not be able to reflect or go further. The reflecting part of the structure, which has a dense structure, reduces to a minimum, directing them in the opposite direction. The more her mass, the harder it is to make her vibrate.

  • What if the neighbors are noisy at night: 5 possible solutions

Scheme of device noise insulation

There are two main schemes that differ in the installation method.
  • Frame - fastening is made using a metal frame with a soft filler and reflective trim;
  • Frameless - protective coating from panels is mounted directly to the surface with dowels and screws.

The second option is less effective and more laborious. To get a flat surface, it will be necessary to conduct a thorough leveling of the base - otherwise the panels will be crooked, and the gaps between them skip vibrations. The advantage of this method is that when it is used, "eaten" less space.

Choose the best noise insulation of walls in the apartment

New developments are usually based on the use of old methods. They are perfectly coped with the task, have greater strength, flexibility and other important properties.

Requirements for the Protective Layer

  • Good sound formation
  • Reflective ability
  • Tightness
  • Ecology
  • Foreign safety
  • Fastening should be allowed vibration

Each design element deserves special attention. There are no secondary details here, on the characteristics of which it would be possible to close the eyes when choosing. As an example, consider frame technology.

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Details of the carcass

You can use the usual aluminum corner or wooden rails. They perfectly quench vibrations, but over time they lose shape and breathe. The compounds gradually lose strength, and the design begins to "walk", which represents a danger to finishing, especially for plaster. For wet premises, the tree is not suitable, since when wetting it starts to rot and collapse.

There are special P-shaped metal profiles, differing from aluminum corners of high strength and the presence of rigidity ribs. They are designed to create sound-absorbing systems and have all the necessary characteristics.

Screws and plastic dowels are most often used for attachment. The connection is hard and perfectly transfers vibration. It is desirable to apply special suspensions with a rubber layer. Acoustic dowels have proven well. With their help, an insulating panel on which the entire system is mounted on the base. All connections are processed by sealant.


  • Minvata - has the highest sound-absorption. Products are produced in the form of plates with a solid protective sheath or without it. You can use conventional stone wool, but there are products specially produced for acoustic systems. One example is Rockvul Plates from basalt fibers. They give different directions, which increases the scattering effect. Products are made of different density and thickness. The required parameters are selected on the label on the package. The disadvantage is the big thickness, but the efficiency of products directly depends on this parameter. Nevertheless, in some cases, the choice is made in favor of saving space.
  • Polyurethane foam panels - have a thickness of about one and a half centimeters, which makes them one of the most compact. They are not lit and not allocated toxic substances. Panels are easy to install and, unlike the Minvati, moisture is not afraid;
  • Cork - perfectly extinguishing vibrations, nonallergenic, eco-friendly, but afraid of water and fire. It is not recommended to apply it in wet premises.

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The top layer can not only reflect, but also absorb noise. The effect is achieved due to its porous or fibrous structure. At the same time, the waves reflected, high density is necessary. Such properties have soft fiberboard (MDVP), drywall and gypsumless sheets (GLC and GVL). It is advisable to make several different layers.

Additional materials

To enhance sound absorption, the reflection can be paved another layer between the trim and the filler. You can use rolled noise insulation for polyurethane based walls, polyester, traffic jams and bitumen polymers. The coating has a small thickness. One of the advantages is that it is a solid cloth. Sound oscillations are seeping through the seams, so they need to be thoroughly seal. In this case, only vertical joints will have to be processed. Products may have a porous, perforated or membrane structure. Such a sewn will work well on the reflection of the waves. Its use without sound-absorbing loose lining will bring little benefit.

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For additional sheaving, universal plates with rigidity and looseness can be used at the same time. One example is thin panels with cells filled with sand. They are environmentally friendly, they are not afraid of moisture, do not burn and do not distinguish harmful substances.

To close the seams, the mounting foam, tape or damper tape is often used. It has a porous structure and well produces vibration. It serves to fill the space between the elements of the plating, but also gluits them.

What materials do not use

As you know, the sound of air is passed worse than through liquid and solid. However, the presence of void is not a guarantee of high efficiency. Moreover, rigid micropores can work as resonators. Thin wall pores only add problems. If the structure should extinguish the oscillations, soft fibers will be best handed over with this task, massive hard stoves are needed for reflection.

For the construction of the frame and filling are not suitable:

  • Polyfoam and its derivatives - Painoplex and expanded polystyrene. They represent the accumulation of bubbles with a solid shell and protect only from vibrations.
  • Polyethylene foamed, for example, foam, foaming, isolon, has a thickness of only a few millimeters and is only suitable for protection against moisture and cold. It is desirable to apply in kitchens and bathrooms. Humidity can be too high in conventional residential rooms, especially near the window.
  • It is not necessary to mount only the rigid materials necessary for reflective trim. By themselves, they are ineffective. This group also includes porous plaster. Without a mineral wool layer, it will not bring much benefit.

Mounting work

Start follows from surface preparation. With the framework technology, it is not necessary to align it. It will be enough to clean it from dirt, dust and fat and handle antiseptics that prevent the appearance of fungus and bacteria. The wall should be dry. If the moisture is not removed naturally, it is necessary to eliminate it with a hairdryer or heat gun - otherwise the risk of mold and microorganisms will appear. Porous and fibrous structure is an ideal environment for them, but only with moisture.

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When the base is ready, markup is made. The size of the frame of the frame of the frame is to choose from the length and width of miners plates. They must completely fill the space, but not to shrink - with a strong seal, their properties are lost.

The guide profile is mounted on the markup. Jumpers are attached to it. The design is pasted with a porous ribbon that improves the absorption of vibrations. It is desirable to glue metal parts from all sides to reduce contact with reinforced concrete slab or brick base. This also uses mineral wool strips.

Plates are mounted with anchors with wide hats. The usual will fall through the fibers or destroy the thin protective shell of the panels. The joints are stuck with a porous ribbon. The insulating membrane or other similar rolled material, which improves the reflective abilities and absorbing sound waves is pasted. At the final stage, a trim is made. For draft trim, you can use a porous plaster.

Works must be carried out during overhaul to close not only vertical surfaces, but also horizontal. Even with flawless sound insulation, the walls of oscillations will penetrate over the overlaps with which it is rigidly connected.

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If the noise source is located in one of the apartments, you need to close it from the inside. Efficiency will be much more.

Thin noise insulation of walls

The thicker protective layers, the better they work. If the question of saving space is especially acute, you will have to search for a compromise.

The frameless method is used. So that he worked, it is advisable to put two layers. The first can be made from mineral wool plates with high density. He must keep the shape under the weight of the cladding and not to remember - otherwise it will lose its useful properties. For this, the Rockwoool Acoustic Ultra-thin or their analogs will be suitable. The thickness of the products is less than 3 cm. This is two times less than that of standard. Mount the coating should be on the MDW layer.

Noise insulation of walls in the apartment: how to get rid of restless neighbors 7966_11

We reviewed the most effective protection options, however, even they will not be able to completely eliminate the rumble of the perforator and the hum of the music center included on the full volume. In essence, the noise isolation of the wall in the apartment is a means of neighbors that are too good. This problem has only one decision - remember that other people live in the house and try not to interfere with each other.

  • Features of frameless sound insulation of walls, ceiling and floor

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