How to get rid of catfish or dog wool: an overview of effective ways


We tell how to clean the furniture, carpet, clothing and bed linen from pet wool.

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How to get rid of catfish or dog wool: an overview of effective ways

Perhaps every home pet owner, be it rabbit, a dog or a cat, familiar with the problem of cleaning his fur. Especially in spring and autumn, when animals begin the molting period. Only Bald Breeds are exception: Sphinx, Chinese Crested Dog or, for example, a bare terrier. Let's figure out how to get rid of cat wool and dogs in the apartment?

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How to remove wool from different surfaces





Preventive measures

Pet care features

Clean furniture

The first step is to process furniture using an antistatics. Favoring hairs are charged with static electricity, which is why they are so great glued to any surface: the sofa, pillows and carpets.

To remove the fur with wooden furniture, sprinkle a dry napkin or cotton fabric to antistatic and wipe the surface.

The cleaning of upholstered furniture depends on the type of its upholstery. The easiest and most popular way to get rid of dog wool in the apartment is the use of a tight brush. You will also need a bucket or a basin with a small amount of water to periodically rinse it.

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You can clean the cleaning in rubber gloves, as the hair is well sticking to latex. If the plot is small, you can wipe it with bare hands, it just takes a little longer.

Leather sofas and armchairs are cleaned with an antistatic and cloth or a wet napkin from microfiber. Velur with a small pile is brushing with special sticky ribbons. To fluff up after cleaning, you can carefully walk on it with a brush. Instead of sticking tapes also use tape.

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How to remove wool from carpet

The first host assistant in this case is a vacuum cleaner with a wool cleaning function. Vacuine carpets and carpet will have no less often a couple of times a week. Interestingly, the owners of long-haired pets were lucky a little more: long hairs are less clogged into a rapid coating than short.

Before spending the carpet, sprinkle it with a spray with an antistatic or air conditioner for linen in proportion to water 1: 1. So the garbage will be easier to remove.

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What to use, except for a vacuum cleaner:

  • You can remove hair residues using a broom, slightly moistened in water.
  • It is also effective cleaning a rigid brush. True, she will take longer. And most importantly: do not forget to periodically wash the tool with water.
  • A small area can be cleaned manually in gloves or without - if desired.
  • All the same recommendations are applicable in relation to the floor covering. If it is smooth, it is enough to make wet cleaning in time - at least 2-3 times a week.

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Clean bed linen

How to get rid of cat wool in the apartment and clean bed linen - the question is more than the current one. And it does not matter, allow you to sleep with your favorite with you or not, the hairs are still detected even on the pillow.

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Proven methods

  • The most reliable way, according to the reviews of the owners, is a drying machine for clothes. Powerful filters and centrifuge without residue remove all dirt from the fabric. However, this method is not for all.
  • You can remove hair with a sticky roller or tape, but often the complexity causes the scale of operation. This is done manually: from the edges to the center.
  • You can try the folk method: cut the usual sponge for washing dishes and wash with linen. She greatly collects all small litter on himself. But, of course, this method is suitable only for coarse cotton fabrics.
  • Do not forget about the antistatic - rinse for linen.
  • And yet: It is noticed that satin collects hairs much more than any other tissue. Perhaps it makes sense to completely abandon such linen.

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Clean clothing

If the answer to the question of how to deal with the cat's wool in the apartment, is clear, let's look at one of the most unpleasant phenomena - hairs on clothes. They are especially noticeable on dark products. Interestingly, even things that are stored in a closed closet, some unusual ways are still covered with them.

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What to do:

  • Purchase a separate roller with a sticky ribbon for clothes. Put it in the hallway. So before going out, you will not forget to treat yourself.
  • You can use the tape, simply wrapped the palm ribbon. But be extremely neat with delicate fabrics!
  • Shelk and wool is better to clean, slightly moishable with water with water. Capron sock is suitable, it is electrified and easily collects dirt.

How to wash things

  • That clothes that collects the most fur, erase as separately.
  • After each washing, wipe the washing machine, remove the remnants of dirt and hair.
  • Before washing, try to remove the hairs with clothes as much as possible, so that they do not roll and do not stick to other things.
  • Be sure to use an antistatic rinser.
  • Shake wet wet clothes are slightly shake, it will also help get rid of nagwed hairs. After that, wipe the floor.

Preventive measures

Of course, in the house where there is a pet, the hair will always be present. The question is only in quantity.

Scientists have proven that the cause of allergies is not an animal fur, but a special protein contained in the secretions of pets. Nevertheless, it is the hair, dust and dirt provoke its deterioration, exactly as the development of bronchial asthma. Therefore, prevention and timely cleaning are most important in providing cleanliness in home and home health.

What to do:

  • As already understandable, the antistatic is one of the most important tools in the fight for purity. Use it not only during the cleaning process, but periodically process them all the dilated surfaces: from upholstery of upholstered furniture to carpets.
  • Often, residents of apartments with dry air complain about dirt from pets. Do not forget to moisturize the house - this is generally useful for health.
  • Keep especially valuable and delicate clothes in the covers.
  • If a cat or a dog has chosen a certain place on the sofa, a chair or carpet, the bed is plaid there or put a layer, so it becomes easier to process the surface.
  • By the way, do not forget to clean the beloved items weekly: from the towel to the burdocks.

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Pet care features

Life in the apartment changes animals. So, in dogs and cats in the free walking, which have permanent access to the street, pronounced molting passes twice a year: in autumn and spring. At this time, their fur becomes more dense, with a thick undercoat, or, on the contrary, less - depends on the season.

But many owners are interested in how to get rid of wool if the cat lines almost all the time? Most likely, this case is about pets that do not go out. The change of seasons and the weather affects them to a lesser extent, and often molting passes constantly, although less pronounced.

Lens Care Tips

  • Long-haired cats and dogs are combed once a week, short-haired - less often, once every two weeks. During the period, the procedure is repeated twice as often, that is, every three days are combeding long-haired and once a week - short-haired.
  • One of the best tools for this is a trimmer-furifier. In fact, Furminator is a brand, but in the veterinary environment he has already become the name of the nominal one. The furminator is more effectively removing the hairs compared to the counterparts, and it is no more difficult to use it.
  • Pick the brush depending on the size of the pet: the more pet, the larger the tool needs.
  • Carefully teach your pet to combing, start with a couple of minutes, gradually increase the time.
  • Some dogs are needed grooming - haircut, and harsh - trimming is a special removal of hairs.
  • If the intense molting passes constantly, it makes sense to turn to a veterinary doctor. It is not recommended to look for a problem independently: it can be a problem with a balance in nutrition and various kinds of disease.

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