How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort


We made a selection of bright sunshine shrubs that can be grown in the middle lane without much care.

How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort 8011_1

How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort

It will not be an exaggeration to say that a decorative shrub is the heart of any garden. Different sources are divided by their approaches to growing and choosing seedlings. But sometimes among the variety of species is quite difficult to understand what is suitable for you in color and mood. How to make the right choice? Large or small garden you do not matter, perennials will successfully fit into any section. Today we have collected the most popular early perennials with yellow flowers and share their names. The main function of these plants is decorative. To competently turn on a new plant in a garden landscape, it is important to know that the shrub with yellow flowers blooms in the spring, like most others, and in April-May already has violent vegetation.

Choose a variety of yellow perennial

Landing options

Types of Shustarnikov

  • Bloodroot
  • Keria.
  • Magonia
  • Currant
  • Spirea
  • Shipovnik

Recommendations for care

The use of decorative shrubs

How can I use a perennial in the garden? The main options for disembarking are four.

  • Sprinkle in the flower.
  • Build a landscape group.
  • Allocate in a single plant.
  • Shape border or fence.

How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort 8011_3

  • Unusual flowers for your garden: 7 varieties that you will not see from the neighbors

Names of yellow flowering shrubs


The plant perfectly tolerates low temperatures. If you look at the photo, you can see that the lappache happens in different sizes is both a small compact bush, and a spreader tree, one and a half meters with a yellowish column. One of the advantages of the bush in its long flowering period. You can enjoy bright colors from June to September without a break.

If you are going to settle this flower, prepare a plot with good lighting on the sunny side. The nepochka does not tolerate darkened places. In addition, it is worthwhile to moisten and feed the soil, because it is rather whimsical to the quality of the earth a perennial. How best to use this resident of the garden? Ideally shape an elevation or border from it. In addition, it looks good and in the composition of the Alpinaria, as well as in combination with coniferous rocks. The most popular varieties of the laptop throw away the first leaves early with the first spring rays and bloom all summer.

How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort 8011_5

Japanese Keria

Another representative of winter-hardening perennials. Shrub blooms with yellow flowers and is a real gift for those who have been looking for a plant for a harsh climate.

Keria is very unpretentious in the sense of temperature drops. Withstands strong frosts, and in the case of frostbite to spring, it can be completely regenerated. In the spring, within two months, pleases the eye with charming yellow inflorescences resembling buttercups. As well as the pallet, Keria is better to plant a place in a well-lit place, although it is not so picky to the soil. Sun side in this case guarantees beautiful bloom and healthy seedlings.

How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort 8011_6

Magonia Padoliste

Magonia loves low temperatures, moreover, bloom starts precisely during small frosts in February and March. She is more found in European territory with a softer climate and warmth, but it can be good for both in Russia. Flowers in Magonia are yellow and piszzled, they exude a very pleasant, but quite intense fragrance. It is often compared with the valley with the valley. By the way, did you know that frequency fruits of Magonia can be eaten? Of them, there are still boarants and insist wine.

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Currant golden

We all know the currants as a fruit culture. It happens red, black or white. What else? It turns out, in addition to the fruit, this perennial can create a wonderful mood on the plot with its bright colors. An excellent example is a golden currant. In the spring, it throws a bright foliage, after there are inflorescences consisting of car-shaped tubes, and a little later comes the time of berries - the perfect version of two in one thing! Golden currant is quite large, height can reach two and a half meters. By the way, the bees also love her very much - those who have tried currants, understand what it is about. Fruits in currant appear by July, they are browned with shade and very sweet. By the way, the currant retains its brightness to almost the winter - the autumn of the foliage becomes orange, then red, the bugmer and finally purple. So feel free to squeeze the currants - and your garden will be decorated until the winter.

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How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort 8011_9

How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort 8011_10

How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort 8011_11


Very beautiful plant, including a lot of varieties. One of the largest groups of flowering shrubs, diverse in shape, sizes and shades. Spiree can be quite small, such an ideally complement the flower bed or a flower garden, and it can be high - and then it is usually included in the living hedge.

How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort 8011_12


This name is familiar to each of us, isn't it? A long-term shrub that is sometimes known to the wild rose. Yes, really they are similar to the rose. And if you saw that this decorative shrub blooms with yellow flowers instead of red - know, this rosehip is called "Hugo." This perennial will not only decorate your garden, but also gives a vitamin charge for the entire upcoming winter, because the fruits of the rosehip is a storehouse of vitamin C. And then the cold is not terrible.

How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort 8011_13

  • 8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia

Recommendations for care

  • Carefully choose the place where you will plant a bush. Consider the preferences of each variety.
  • Buy seedlings only from official dealers. It will save your garden from the pests listed, and the sprout itself is from missile wagon.
  • If you purchased the repair option - do not forget to trim the inflorescences so that there are no re-blossoms.
  • Adhere to a certain zoning in your garden. Do not mix plants, they may not get along. If you do not have sufficient knowledge, refer to the help of professionals.
  • Dilute blooming plants with coniferous trees. Otherwise, from a constant motley carpet will begin to rich in the eyes.

How to grow yellow blooming shrub at the cottage without effort 8011_15

Be sure to land on the plot a couple of perennials with yellow flowers. They fill the sun any even the most gloomy day! And do not forget to love your garden. After all, he is like a child - he needs your care and warmth, especially now when flowering in full swing.

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