How to get rid of weeds on a plot, garden paths and beds: 13 ways


We tell how to deal with this manually, garden tools and other valid ways.

How to get rid of weeds on a plot, garden paths and beds: 13 ways 8019_1

How to get rid of weeds on a plot, garden paths and beds: 13 ways

In the article, we will tell how to get rid of weeds on the lawn, in the garden and on the site as a whole. Of course, the listed funds will not cope with the problem of coming, but some of them will greatly facilitate the life of the gardener.

Ways to fight weeds:

Why not get to remove weeds forever

How to remove grass on a crucible track

  • Manually
  • Tools
  • Folk remedies
  • Herbicides
  • Prevention

Fighting wilderness in beds

  • Pumpo
  • Mulching
  • Mixed landings, Siderats, repeated sowing
  • Chemicals
  • Burning
  • A haircut

Methods of cleaning the lawn

  • Chemical
  • Mechanical

Why it will not be possible to remove weed plants forever

Whatever the method you do not choose, most likely, you will have to use it again. All because the seeds of wild species will spread the wind, birds. They can germinate even from a small piece of root system, and they are completely difficult to snatch them. Herbicides are also not a guarantee that you will forget about the weeding. In addition, many substances are considered harmful to harmful and ecological situation in general.

How to get rid of weeds on a plot, garden paths and beds: 13 ways 8019_3

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Garden removal on garden tracks

On the paved paths, the space between the tiles constantly overgrown with grass or moss. Plants slowly, but correctly destroy the paving, they often look untidy and can even be dangerous. For example, wet moss becomes slippery after the rain. Of course, the chance of slipping and falling small, but it must be taken into account. There are several options for solving this problem.

Manual weeping

It is best to pull shoots after the rain - they are easier from the wet soil to be removed from the root, and this slows down the appearance of new sprouts. After you finish the weeding, collect Sorrow and put it out for the plot.

Mechanical canopy

How to get rid of weeds on the plot? With the help of tools, it becomes much easier, although it remains with this weekly routine. You can cut what has grown, trimmer, or burn out the solder lamp. The second way is inconvenient, since the coating may suffer because of it. The lamp leaves the Scoot traces.

How to get rid of weeds on a plot, garden paths and beds: 13 ways 8019_5

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Folk remedies

There are two effective recipes with ingredients that will be found in every home or nearby store.

  • Boiling water with a small addition of soda. The solution slows down the growth of grass. It is better to shed them seams after weeding.
  • Boiling water with salt and vinegar 9%. One liter of water is needed 2 tablespoons of salt and 10 spoons of vinegar. Pour the space between the stoves at night so that the smell is weathered by the morning. In a day or two, everything you have been treated, will die and very easily separate from the ground.

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Tell how to get rid of weeds and grass is not forever, but for a long time. On the site next to vegetables, fruit beds and trees, herbicides should be used with caution, as they affect and useful cultures. The most popular products that destroys all the plants in the processing zone:

  • "Roundup".
  • "Tornado".
  • "Hurricane Forte".

To achieve the result, three mandatory factor are needed:

  • Wildlightened, clear weather.
  • Slightly moisturized leaves.
  • Three weeks before processing, the destroying look can not be watering with other means.

There are means of selective action. For example, "Lontrel-300d". The effect after its use appears two weeks later.

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Weed species are not picky, but still love certain conditions. For example, the appearance of MCH is a direct consequence of high humidity and plot shaders. Therefore, the best method of combating it is a good drainage. If possible, provide the sun access to the track. It is clear that there are shaded areas, but sometimes it is enough to cut branches in the trees to become lighter. Vinegar with water will also help slow down the spread of moss.

How to get rid of weeds on a plot, garden paths and beds: 13 ways 8019_9

Another invader of cottages - moc. Get rid of it very simply even manual weeding. The only problem is that new shoots appear very quickly in the same place. To reduce their quantity, act comprehensively:

  • Reduce the humidity on the path where it grows is one of the main growth conditions of the wet.
  • Tighten the thickets in a timely manner (until the seed ripening), burn them outside the site.
  • Bring the composition of the soil to neutral with the help of haired lime, wood or peat ash, crushed chalk, dolomite flour. You can also sprinkle intercutric seams by the usual salt, drone.

What else can you do:

  • Minimize the amount of soil between the plates is to clean it with a solid brush.
  • Put under the flooring geotextile cloth. It creates a greenhouse effect, does not germinate seeds and roots in the ground.

Tracks - a relatively small problem. This disaster for the dacket is weed plants in the garden.

  • How to prevent the appearance of weeds on the plot: 7 ways to facilitate life

Fighting weeds on the site

The beds suffer from weed herb most. The aggressive species interfere with the growth of healthy crops. If you do not pull them regularly, they will fill all the space. Garden works will become very laborious. Pour the garden is more convenient with small pointed blades, chippers, small robber. The main thing is to do it regularly at the beginning of summer, before seeds appeared. There are 6 more ways to destroy wild species.

How to get rid of weeds on a plot, garden paths and beds: 13 ways 8019_11


It is best to pull the plot of forks - so less chances that you damage the roots and the new plant will be processed from them. In the process of the root, you need to collect, and then remove away from the beds. You can use a cultivator or a fiberboard - easier to get rid of wormwood, reurenik. They have a powerful root system with which it is difficult to handle manually.

An alternative opinion is that the steaming should be carried out only once - when the garden is tab. The top layer of the soil is processed, and subsequently it is only loosened with a flat.

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Cover free space in landings with a dense layer (5-10 cm) mulch. She will block sunlight to the seeds and they will not sprout.

What is suitable:

  • Pine bark, needles and cones.
  • Peat.
  • Paper.
  • Compost.
  • Sawdust.
  • Bevelish grass.
  • Chip.
  • Geotextile canvas or black film.

In the compost, peat, humus can be seeds of wild species. To check if they are, in the spring, fly the mulch with water and cover the film. If shoots will appear in a few days - do not use the mixture.

How to get rid of weeds on a plot, garden paths and beds: 13 ways 8019_13

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Mixed vegetable garden, Siderats, repeated sowing

You can grow on one bed flowers and vegetables. A secondary culture will not leave places for Sora. Landing should be dense. The only moment to be taken into account is plants compatibility. For the same purpose, Siderats are sown. Raps, Surepitsa, mustard, Facelia, legumes enrich the soil with nitrogen and fill empty space. Another option is to re-sow fast-growing vegetables or greens. For example, salad.


How to get rid of weeds in a garden with the help of poisonous substances? Agronomians advise not to use them next to vegetables, berries, herbs. Roundapup, "Hurricane", "Killer", "Glysofat" destroy not only weed plants, but also those that you planted. Herbicides can be applied with caution next to trees, on the border of the plots. Read the instructions carefully and follow all safety rules.

How to get rid of weeds on a plot, garden paths and beds: 13 ways 8019_15

Fire processing

On the beds, seeded tug-free seeds, summer houses are used by a soldering lamp. The surface is treated with a sliding flame, without lingering for a long time in one place. After that, the earth is watered with cold water.

A haircut

If you regularly cut down the entire upper part of the weeds completely, then their amount will be reduced. This is explained by the fact that the root system will spend the nutrients to repel the stem again. This method will work not with all the plants, but why not try it in a complex with other means?

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How to remove wild species from lawn

Gardeners advise to properly cut the lawn - do it regularly and not to leave properins. You can also fall on the lawn with a microcylevera, meadow mint, obscures, polaritsa, oatmeal - they do not give to germinate unnecessary cultures. Timely and sufficient irrigation, feeding helps lawn cereals to develop better. In favorable conditions, they themselves will displacing dandelions, wetting, drinking and not only. But these are preventive measures. As in the case of beds, it is possible to fight with weed grasses in two ways.

Chemical method

Herbicides are usually used at the initial stage of the creation of a lawn - a few months before it settled or a year later, when the planted mixture is strengthened. After their use, some species may disappear. For example clover. Do not react to poisonous substances usually mint and woodwist. After processing, three or four days is not haircut.

How to get rid of weeds on a plot, garden paths and beds: 13 ways 8019_17

Mechanical method

Weeding with the help of various inventory: garden forks and other tools. After you delete the root, a foss will remain on the surface. It is better to sit down immediately by cereals, adding soil. So the lawn will faster will be attractive and there will be no place for a new wilderness. It is possible to get rid of the moss by piercing the soil and fusifying with robbles.

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