Separately worth the bar counter: species and features


We tell about what to pay attention to when choosing a separate bar stand, about the design features and manufacturer materials.

Separately worth the bar counter: species and features 8021_1

Separately worth the bar counter: species and features

Today, it is becoming increasingly popular with separate bar counter racks for the kitchen. And it is not surprisingly capable of transforming almost any space. Let's figure it out, is it worth installing it in your apartment?

All about island bar




Where to locate


A separate bar in the kitchen differs from its analogues of the P-shaped and M-shaped. And that's what:

  • Its installation on a small kitchen is not the best idea. This bar looks great in spacious premises. He does not interfere with the passage and makes the space harmonious, filling the empty area. In a small kitchen, preference is better to give the rack, which will continue the headset, options for the wall or, in general, at the window - on the site of the window sill.
  • It often replaces the dining group - the table and chairs. However, this is not always justified. This idea is hardly appreciated by older relatives, they are inconvenient to climb high chairs. Weighing and against standing and young parents: a child can fall from a high table or chair, which is fraught with injuries and even fractures.
  • The size of the bar is limited to a small number of seats, harmoniously look two on each side or three, a maximum of four - with one. Too long design will resemble a real bar in a cafe.
  • Finally, the rack is not a mobile piece of furniture. It can not be moved simply, especially when it comes to island design. Although, of course, there are mobile options - with wheels on the legs. But such a bar it will be strange to look at the classic kitchen, it is rather a solution for minimalist and modern interiors - not suitable for everyone.

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Types of separate bar counter

There are two types of isolated bar structures.


Most often is a laconic P-shaped structure for two persons. It is not always a supplement to the headset and may differ in the stylistic plan - the seeing stylish highlight of the interior. The photo looks very spectacular!

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Functional Island

Which provides for guests for guests. He, on the contrary, is part of the kitchen kit, made of the same materials as the headset.

Unlike a simple rack, there are many options for its arrangement: cabinets and retractable boxes, open shelves and even wine shelves for highly creative. In addition, there is a working surface for cooking. An excellent idea for a party in such a kitchen is a joint preparation of dinner, which, by the way, is practiced in European countries.

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Multi-level options are found: the work area can be located near and be slightly lower than the bar level.

Designers often offer to make space more practical, placing over a bar counter suspended design with shelves. This is an excellent option for interiors in the style of contemporary or loft.

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First of all, the material depends on the stylistics of the room and the functional purpose of the bar.

  • For Loft style apartments, structures are suitable with the base of metal, concrete or artificial brick. The last, by the way, can be made even on your own. And the countertop can be made wooden or stone - depending on the base and headset. Single simple racks are welcome, they resemble the sources of the selected style.
  • On classical or neoclassical cuisine, there are more common racks-islands made of natural wood. Great decoration in the form of columns, vensels, scribbled flaps is welcome here. Countertop under the party headset - from natural stone, artificial materials are undesirable here.
  • In the modern style of clear rules not. The set can be included with the bar-island or with a simple stand. Very stylish in such interiors, monolithic structures of stone, artificial or natural, concrete, wood, or even plastic are found.

Material table top separately standing bar for kitchen depends on how often you will use its working surface. The greatest way is made of natural stone, metal and agglomerate. More capricious: wood and plastic.

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Where to locate

Since a separate bar is an element of spacious kitchens, the question of its location becomes relevant. And there is a couple of options.

  • Traditionally, the Bar-Island comes complete with a P-shaped garnitour. Beautifully looks at symmetrical accommodation options when it is put in the center of the room. But in this case, follow the passage: it should be at least 1 meter, otherwise it will be closely.
  • In the combined living room and dining room or in the studio apartment there is a question about zoning space. And here to the rescue comes a simple bar counter. It will help designate the cooking area, dining room and directly living room. By the way, in this case you can experiment with the table benchmark, rearrange the chairs on the side of the living room or on the cooking zone.

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