How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples


Contrasts will help to make the situation more expressive or zonate space - we tell how to work with them with them using the Yohannes color circle.

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_1

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples

Surely you have repeatedly met the phrase "contrasting accents" or faced with the recommendations to make the situation "more contrast". At first glance, everything seems quite clear: contrast means, the opposite, and if you add black parts into the white interior, it will definitely become more contrasting. But what if your interior is not at all white or black, but color? What shades add, and most importantly - how and why do it? We understand together.

What do you need contrasts in the interior

To begin with, let's understand why contrasts are needed in the interior. Here is just a small share of what they can:

  • make the situation more expressive;
  • give volume, get away from boring, flat interior;
  • allocate part of the room (create an accent surface);
  • Separate a section of the room, visually supporting the zoning of space;
  • Fill the interior with color and "anchors".

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How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_4
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_5
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_6

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_7

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_8

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_9

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_10

  • 10 unexpected ways to bring nature to the interior

Color Circle on Johannesu Itten

How to choose a harmonious color gamut or add contrast shades to the interior? The simplest and most common solution is to take advantage of the color circle proposed at one time by the Swiss artist, a theorist of new art, teacher Johannes, the author of the legendary book "Art of Color".

This color circle looks like and ...

This is what the color circle of Iohannesu Itten looks like. It is for him that designers are most often oriented, picking up a harmonious color gamut for the interior.

In the center of the circle - a triangle compiled by primary colors: yellow, blue, red. Three more colors (secondary) "completing" this triangle to the hexagon: Blue mixing with yellow gives green, red with yellow - orange, red with blue - purple. The hexagon vertices rest in the primary and secondary colors of the circle, and between them in the circle there are tertiary shades: in addition, we get yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green and yellow-green.

How to use the color circle

How will the color circle help in the selection of contrasting combinations, how to use it? There are a lot of options, we suggest relying on the simplest and most common.

1. Duet of opposite colors circle

The colors located on the colors circle opposite each other are called complementary, complementary or contrasting.

However, be careful: one hundred ...

However, be careful: it will become a mistake to combine these tones in the interior in equal proportions. To achieve harmony, one color should be done by the main one, and the second to add dosage, as accents.

Red + green, blue + orange, yellow + purple, blue-green + red-orange - such combinations are perfect pairs from the point of view of contrast.

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How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_15
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_16

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_17

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_18

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_19

2. Triada

If the basis of the interior you decided to choose three shades, mentally draw an equilateral triangle on the color circle (simply speaking, select three color equidistant from each other).

Examples of such combinations: Red & ...

Examples of such combinations: Red-purple + blue-green + yellow-orange, red + blue + yellow, red-orange + yellow-green + blue-violet.

Designers advise the use of three contrasting colors in the proportions of 60/30/10 percent.

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How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_22
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_23

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_24

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_25

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_26

3. Combination of close shades of the circle

If you are not a fan of sharp con ...

If you are not a fan of sharp contrasts, this option for you: Create a color gamut of the interior, based on 2-5 tones, located in a row in a color circle.

It may be, for example, purple + blue-violet + blue. Or Yellow + yellow-orange + red + red-orange.

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How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_29
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_30
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_31
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_32
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_33
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_34

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_35

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_36

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_37

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_38

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_39

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_40

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_41

4. Separate-complementary combination

This diagram of the selection of contrasting combinations is similar to the first, but in a pair to the chosen tone, it takes not one - the opposite color in the color circle, and two shades adjacent to the complementary.

Similar combinations will be

Such combinations will be fairly contrasting, but not so sharp as the duets of complementary colors.

So, in the company to green instead of the Red, you can pick up red-orange and red-purple. And to the blue-purple - yellow and orange.

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How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_44
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_45
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_46
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_47

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_48

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_49

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_50

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_51

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_52

5. Rectangle

If you are of those who are always little ...

If you are of those who always have little color in the interior, we offer two selection schemes for harmonious contrasting combinations of four shades. The first is "Rectangle".

Mentally draw this figure on the color circle - and get the combinations of red-orange + blue-violet + blue-green + yellow-orange, red + purple + yellow + green, etc.

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How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_55
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_56
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_57

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_58

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_59

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How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_61

6. Square

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_62

The second - "Square", with its help you will pick up a combination: red-orange + purple + blue-green + yellow, red-purple + blue + yellow-green + orange and pr.

Usually one color is chosen by the main, two - complementary, and one uses point, for rare accents.

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How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_64
How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_65

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_66

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_67

How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples 8035_68

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