Ceiling in the bathroom: how to make it right


We are talking about the advantages, disadvantages and types of rush ceilings.

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Ceiling in the bathroom: how to make it right

Bathroom, along with the kitchen, is a real test for finishing materials. Permanent water splashes, high temperature and humidity - it significantly narrows the range of decor permissible to use. Together with this, often in the photo and video with the implementation of design projects, you can observe the interior design using the REC. We will tell you how much the cutting ceiling in the bathroom is convenient and practiced in everyday life.

Ceiling Ceiling in the bathroom

Options for profiles

Materials varieties

Advantages and disadvantages

  • pros
  • Minuses

What to pay attention to when buying

The variants of the design of the bathroom with racks a great set, this material is convenient and unpretentious. Actually, therefore, and so popular in the bathroom. With it, you can implement any lighting, to build one or more lamps. And, nevertheless, despite the fact that the principle of fastening here is the same for all, the diversity and the variability of this finish amazing imagination.

Options for profiles

There are three types of plates that are conditionally named after the three European countries: Germany, Italy, France.

  • German profiles are clearly smooth racks in all senses. No excess decor, curved lines or rounded shapes. Just and in the case.
  • Italian profiles - the opposite of the German. Rounded corners, wavy lines, refsters, all this here can be observed in abundance.
  • French profiles are an option uniting the first two. The presence of strict clear lines is balanced by roundings and chamfer.

Of course, not all rails are suitable for this classification. There are also those that look completely different, differ in shape or color.

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Another variety is a panel with perforation. Perforation is small holes-holes throughout the perimeter of the canvas. Why can this option be considered successful? First of all because of good ventilation. As we wrote above, the bathroom is a place where many moisture accumulates on surfaces. If this moisture does not evaporate and the room will not breathe, the likelihood of the spread of fungus and mold is very high. And it is not so easy to get rid of it. Perforated panels will prevent the moisture to lock upstairs, which means that the fungus on the walls are not terrible.

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  • How to make a suspended ceiling in the bathroom: 2 step-by-step instructions

Types of materials

In addition to the form, the kit may differ in the material from which the dies are made.


For some, a pretty dubious idea for the landsca of the bathroom. However, on sale you can find different sets of wooden or pressed rails. Tree and water - things are incompatible, from moisture the surface will begin to dance, it can make fungus. If you really want to make a bathroom under the tree, then select a similar design, but not from natural breeds.

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  • Wooden rails in the interior (50 photos)


This is the most affordable and budget option in the market. The combination of these qualities makes it the most popular type of finish. The main advantage of plastic is moisture resistance. It is not subject to corrosion from water in principle. But there is also disadvantages, the most important - short-life. Over time, plastic panels dull, can give yellowness. But not all - it is important to choose a high-quality kit here.

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Steel - the second in accessibility and variety of forms the idea for the update. Such profiles are inexpensive, and thanks to different variants of the decor fit into a variety of premises. An essential lack of steel dies is the appearance of corrosion. Facing steel with different coatings protects the surface, but during installation, the panels will be inevitably cut, which means their edges will remain open.

The most optimal choice. Why? It's not terrible or water nor high temperatures. It is not subject to corrosion and has a light weight, which will play a significant role during installation, especially if you collect the cutting ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands. Considering that the thickness of the ridges of the entire half-meter, their weight will be impaired at all during repair work. Of course, aluminum needs proper care, only with this condition he will serve for a long time.

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Advantages and disadvantages of construction

Of course, each finish has its advantages and disadvantages. Reiki is no exception. Therefore, before you go to the store for purchase, learn everything for and against.

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  • Non-flat surface preparation. No need to play alignment, primer or sow the surface of the ceiling. The only thing you need is to do is clean the placement from mold if it is. Cove the surface with an antiseptic so that the fungus does not start again. Plus a little pushing the surface in the case of cracks or other small defects. Everything else will take on a new coating.
  • No need to carry out large-scale repair and update of the old ceiling. It is simply not visible for the new coating, so you can safely leave everything there as it is.
  • Light weight design. No need to make Caica, then additional fortifications and frames, and start mounting the dies immediately. You can not be afraid that all this will collapse under your weight to your head.
  • You can hide old ugly communications. If you live in Khrushchev or Stalinka and tired of the type of old pipes - such a design will save you from this problem, it will just hide them. And in the event of a leakage, you can remove part of the design to repair the pipe and return everything to the place.
  • The same moment concerns wires, cable wiring and engineering structures. All this is attached and hidden in space between overlaps and, if necessary, easily gets and checked.
  • Aluminum and plastic models are very well withstanding the features of the microclimate in the bathroom. This makes such a kind of ceiling of the universal idea of ​​decoration for wet rooms.
  • If you learned in advance how to assemble the suspended cam ceiling in the bathroom, and the installation was carried out correctly, the surface will serve you in faith and truth of several decades. If we are talking about aluminum construction, then the term of the full service is about 20 years, the service life of steel is slightly smaller due to possible corrosion.

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  • The gap directly from the concrete slab to the rush design becomes the place of condensate. So, in the future, mold may appear there. That this does not happen, it is important to provide a ventilation system.
  • This design will not suit the owners of living space with low ceilings. Rack design will reduce the height of the wall even more.
  • The cost of a quality set for mounting with good aluminum parts is often a lot of pocket.

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What to pay attention to when buying


As we have already written above, the most successful choice for the bathroom is aluminum dies. Since this set is the most expensive of all, you can save and buy plastic or steel. But will this save if the service life is shortened? You decide. On what kind of version you did not stop, be sure to consider the air exchange system in the bathroom to avoid the accumulation of moisture and the growth of the fungus. Take a look at the perforation options, perhaps this will suit you more. It is necessary to provide an additional channel for ventilation. Such a preparation for updating will be the guarantor of the long service of any coating.


It is very important before you go to the store, calculate and plan how rails will be located on the surface. This is important not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also will save the family budget. A clear idea of ​​where every detail will be located, measurements and drawing will allow you to avoid a large amount of debris. You buy smoothly so much dice as you need, and no more. There is one lifehak from the pros: if you want to achieve a flat smooth surface, then the location of the dice is better to do longitudinal, from the door of the view. This will allow to hide small clefts. General Council - Position the material so that it takes as little dice as possible. This, again, is a direct way to saving money.


Why is it very important to take into account the width of the dice? Many choose wide details, being confident that it will facilitate installation. Yes, the share of truth in this is, so really easier and faster. But firstly, this option will look bad in a small bathroom - and such a majority. And secondly, it is very difficult to accurately calculate the location of the big dies, and there is a risk of sending a lot of material in the garbage.

At the end we offer to look at the video process of mounting the rush ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands.

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