How to get rid of ants in the country by purchased and folk remedies


We tell how to prepare the means of struggle from soda, boric acid or ordinary yeast and what chemical means to use.

How to get rid of ants in the country by purchased and folk remedies 8051_1

How to get rid of ants in the country by purchased and folk remedies

Before you tell how to get rid of ants in the country area, let's talk a little about what role they play in the garden. Do you always need to act radically and withdraw them completely?

Ways to deal with ants:

Briefly about ants

Folk remedies

  • Plants and spices
  • Screw tools
  • Screlers
  • Bait
  • Boric acid
  • Barriers
  • Mechanical methods

Toxic substances

  • Insecticides.
  • Trap

Ants: Friends or enemies?

The fact is that these insects not only harm the auction, but also are very useful. This also applies to forest, and garden species. At a minimum, they are not bad to break the soil and destroy the larvae of caterpillars, flies, pawless ticks. Some studies suggest that thanks to small labor workers, the content of potassium and phosphorus increases. Two or more than ten times - respectively.

Of course, the torn crop of sweet fruits and hordes of the tribes on the beds - a weighty reason to start fighting pests. Black ants are especially dangerous in this regard. Red-haired (red) often penetrate the house and eat food reserves, spoil things. In this case, you can immediately go into the course of insecticides or traps. If the insects did not have time to apply a lot of damage, start with humane methods. According to gardeners, they can help.

If the TLA has already settled on the trees and other cultures, you need to fight it separately. It will not disappear, if you derive ants. Moreover, the elimination of tribes can help reduce the number of ants.

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Folk remedies from ants in the country

It is very easy to withdraw them - sometimes nothing except gardening inventory and the surrounding nature are required.

Plants and spices

All plants that we list are scared by pests with their smell. It does not always work, so it is better to use a way in a complex with others. Velhets, calendula, mint, wormwood, Pijm, Cleanphela, Valerian, Carnation, Bow, Parsley, Garlic, Mustard, Tomato Mint, Hardware Help Ensure. Stems, leaves, bulbs or slices need to be cut and decompose on ant trails or near the cultures to which they bring to TRU. Garlic slices also lubricate trees, and flowers and herbs are planted between vegetables and fruit landings.

Some gardeners spray the trails and habitats with a warm presentation of the pod-red pepper, onion husks, lavender or herbs listed above. It is recommended to do it a few days in a row after sunset. Another way is to pour cinnamon on an anthill or occupied bed. Or decompose the citrus crusts. These smells are no less unpleasant to ants.

How to get rid of ants in the country by purchased and folk remedies 8051_4

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Screw tools

Running insects from the site and from country houses it is possible to eat at hand.


Try to evict them with ash, soda, tobacco dust, soot, hammer red pepper. Or mix the crushed bark with ash and lime. Components need to be poured on the tracks for which ants crawl and their nests. What do not like this insects:

  • Smoked fish. It is believed that if you put your head next to their habitat, they will move.
  • Ammonia.
  • Dried nutritional thick coffee.
  • Millet. It is poured in places of depression of pests. Ground individuals suffer grains inside, and they climb passages, thereby destroying the workflow and feeding. Cover the break with anything so that the birds do not missed it.
  • Dishwashing liquid. It is connected to sunflower oil, water and poured inside the nest after sunset. So repeat several days.

  • How to get rid of red ants on the garden and in the house


In addition, you can make a variety of traps. For example, from yeast. Take raw yeast and fold them on a saucer. Add approximately the same sugar and a little warm water. She should not be hot! Mix well ingredients. The essence of the bait is: pests are attributed to the nest of this sweet mass, inside it begins to wander and spoils all stocks.

There are two more options, the truth is not such effective, since the anthill himself does not affect. First remedy - soaked in honey water sponge for washing dishes. Scatter them on the tracks and when insects will climb them - throw in boiling water. Second - banks with a small amount of sweet syrup, fruit bone, meat residues at the bottom.

How to get rid of ants in the country by purchased and folk remedies 8051_7

Boric acid

A good way to combat ants in the country - traps, based on which boric acid powder with the addition of something sweet. Similar mixtures can be used not only in the garden, but also in the house. In the residential premises, if possible, try to close the cracks so that the pests do not get inside. Other prevention methods:
  • Remove all products, especially sweet, in containers.
  • Get rid of moisture sources. Repair the dripping cranes flowing frames.
  • Remove mess around the building and inside it.
  • Treat wood with special impregnation from the woods.

Boric Acid Adhesive Recipe

  • Pour two tablespoons of warm water in the pile or dish.
  • Add to it ⅓ teaspoon of boric acid.
  • Point one art. l. Sugar with a small amount of honey or jam.
  • Mix everything and leave next to the socket or where you notice the most individuals.
  • Two days later, change the liquid to the new one, since over time it loses properties.

This is one of the most effective drugs. He is good because he helps meal the whole colony in a few days. Workers are not immediately dying, but manage to bring the mixture into the nest, poison the uterus and larvae. Therefore, it is very important not to increase the number of boric acid. Otherwise, you destroy only a small part of the livestock. Instead of water and sugar, you can use mince or boiled and sophisticated potatoes. They are connected from 1-3 teaspoons of powder, make small balls and lay out next to habitats.

Building a barrier

These methods can be successfully combined with pests on trees.
  • Butter. Fract the trunks with vegetable oil. Insects hurt the smell.
  • Double sided tape. Get it down at the bottom and no one can folel on the leaves.
  • Foil. Get foil so that it turns out a skirt with a sharp edge. Through it, insects will not be able to get up.
  • Duct tape. Get it on trunks and spread with a solidol from above so that it does not get on the tree itself. This will scare the workers of ants.
  • Moat. It can be quite small - 10 cm in width and depth. Build around trees a ditch with a substrate from a waterproof material and fill with water.
  • Plastic bottle. The five-liter container is suitable. It is cut and glued with a tape to the tree. Look in the video as it looks.

Mechanical methods

If there are no many age ants in the country, take the shovel and transfer them away from the site. Usually they are built on sunny places. If you sharpen this part of the garden, then the anthill will quickly empty. In this roller show how to transfer an anthill from the greenhouse.

Two more advice from gardeners:

  • Clean the territory from old stumps, boards, logs, fallen branches foliage. In all this, pests can create a nest.
  • In the spring and autumn, dripped the soil as deep as possible. In the process, add ash, ash, sunflower oil or any other repeller from the first part of the article.

The second method works particularly well, but it must be borne in mind that the female is at a depth of at least meter and to achieve the effect of digging. Some spill the nests with boiling water, but there is little good use, since most of the colony will remain at depth. Some part of it you will kill, but it will not give a steady effect.

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Destruction of insects of poisonous substances

Now let's tell you how to get rid of ants in the country house and in the site, if you are not against chemicals. It is not recommended to use them during flowering and fruiting, since the active substances are harmful including for people and plants. Carefully read the instructions and do not experiment with the dosage. Do not apply aerosols to remove single individuals. The main task is to withdraw all the nest.


There are several funds:

  • "Ant-eater"
  • Muracide
  • "A great warrior"
  • "Bison"
  • "Alatar"
  • "Diazinon"
  • Dr. Klaus.

Substances are represented as gels and powders to dissolve in water. Special love of gardeners enjoys the Gel "Muravyad" and "Diazinon". At the same time, conduct treatment from Tly. Otherwise, a new colony will quickly appear on the site, since the TLA is the perfect power supply for it.

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You can make drawing belts to protect fruit trees. Find the non-segment of the material that is enough to wrap the trunk. It can be any fabric, a rug, sintepon, paper. They are tied or glued at a distance of 20-30 cm from the ground and impregnate insecticide. In order for him longer to retain his properties and not wet, polyethylene is fixed on top. Also on sale there are special non-dry adhesive bases. They are applied to the substrate. Gardeners often replace such a target of tar or resin.

How to get rid of ants in the country by purchased and folk remedies 8051_10
How to get rid of ants in the country by purchased and folk remedies 8051_11

How to get rid of ants in the country by purchased and folk remedies 8051_12

How to get rid of ants in the country by purchased and folk remedies 8051_13

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