We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips


Mini-guide, which will help you get a dream headuit for a moderate cost.

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_1

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips

Is it possible to buy in Ikea or any other store mass market a dream kitchen? Many designers and ordinary people do not doubt this and we fully support them. Following our ordinary tips, you can "collect" your ideal headsets without excessive costs.

1 take care of the stage of measurement carefully

The more carefully you will measure, the less "surprises" will wait for you at the stage of assembly and installation of the kitchen headset. Carefully treat this stage, regardless of whether you are resorting to the services of professional measurers, or decide to cope with your own.

Consider all the protrusions and communications and be sure to think about ergonomics: let's say, it is not enough to install a dishwasher, you need to take into account the usability of it.

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We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_4
We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_5
We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_6

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_7

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_8

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_9

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_10

  • 9 ways to make a kitchen from Ikea unlike others

2 Plan, based on needs

IKEA has long been suggested independent planning lovers a special 3D kitchen scheduler.

Also, the Swedish furniture giant and many mass manufacturers of kitchens offer a free headset planning service. If you do not know which side we will approach the creation of a plan for your future kitchen, you can use this service. However, remember: no one except you knows your needs and lifestyle. Therefore, do not be afraid to adjust the configuration proposed by an employee of a furniture company: after all, it is to you, and not to him to use this headcard.

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_12

  • 8 Common Errors when ordering and assembling Kitchens from IKEA

3 Remember the possibilities of non-standard trimming

For a fee, kitchen installers serve the service of non-standard furniture trimming. This means that the main advantage of the headset to the order is the ability to use each free centimeter of the room - you can get acquired furniture from the mass producer.

Keep in mind that most manufacturers do not guarantee furniture with non-standard trimming.

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_14

  • Furniture is cheaper than in IKEA: 7 analogues from mass market stores

4 Do not get carried away by open shelves

Open shelves are attractively looking at photographs in magazines and Instagram, but they have a number of minuses:

  • They require a thorough organization and related accessories (often - no budget);
  • It is necessary to constantly maintain perfect cleanliness and order;
  • In small rooms, the contents of an open shelf creates a "visual noise", the feeling of the clutter of space.

I will not call you completely abandon open storage, but try not to get involved in it.

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We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_17
We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_18
We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_19

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_20

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_21

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_22

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_23

  • How to collect a cheap kitchen in Ikea: 12 products that will be useful to you

5 Do not chase the cheapest models

In the assortment of IKEA and any mass producer there are several budgetary heads. We recommend to cope with the temptation to further save by choosing the most cheap kitchen. As a rule, it is not distinguished by decent quality, appearance and functionality: manufacturers introduce such furniture in the range in case someone needs extremely inexpensive furniture for giving, a removable apartment or as a temporary option.

Be sure to specify the warranty period for the kitchen headset when buying.

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_25

  • Choose a kitchen set: 5 important points that should be taken into account

6 Do not dwell on one manufacturer

If you purchase frames and facades headset in IKEA, this does not mean that the countertop, sink, equipment, accessories and filling must be purchased here. Do not dwell on one manufacturer: perhaps another brand will offer something more suitable in size, price or quality.

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We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_28
We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_29

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_30

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_31

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_32

  • How to design the kitchen yourself: 5 steps to an ideal and convenient interior

7 Think about more attractive facades

In the continuation of the previous paragraph - a small lifehak that even the top designers enjoy. If the headset bought in IKEA is more attractive facades of other manufacturers, no one will guess that a significant part of your kitchen is a mass market product.

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_34

  • Kitchen set: typical or to order? Opinion designers

8 Change fittings

Change standard fittings on something more interesting, original and expressive.

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We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_37

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_38

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_39

9 Get Accessories Gradually

Qualitative filling of kitchen headset and accessories - not cheap pleasure. However, the advantage of the mass market is just in a relatively constant size line and not too often updated assortment. This means that you can completely acquire filling and accessories gradually, without sharp blows on the budget.

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We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_41
We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_42
We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_43

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_44

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_45

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_46

We design the kitchen from IKEA and other mass market stores: 9 useful tips 8079_47

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