We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species


We tell about perennial, annual and two-year-old colors that will not require a lot of your time to care, but will make a plot beautiful.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_1

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species

Unpretentious colors for giving a great set. It is enough to choose only a few varieties with different flowering time, so that the site has always been beautiful. Always - this is not an exaggeration. Some plants are pleased with their appearance in early spring, others - late autumn. And high dryers look beautifully and in the snow. In the article, we have collected all possible options.

List of unpretentious flowers

  • Kolkhikum
  • Crocuses
  • Muscari
  • Lrangessi
  • Barwin
  • Astilba
  • Geranium
  • cornflower
  • Loosestrife
  • Chamomile Sadovaya
  • Spiraea
  • Flox

Annuals, twilights

  • Marigold
  • Nasturtium
  • Cosmeya
  • Alissum
  • Calendula
  • Viola
  • Margaritka
  • Rudbeckia
  • Petunia
  • Facelium

Perennial unpretentious flowers for giving

Let's start with undemanding, but beautiful bully, for which you do not need to care.

Unfreight (Colchicum)

Gentle in appearance, but a persistent unscrewing is dismissed at the time when all other garden beauties are already fading. Some of his views are flowing only in November. From the conditions - the sun or semolot, the water permeable light and dry soil for all varieties, except for the autumn-free. He needs a wet soil. Kolkhikum plant in the Rabatki, suspended containers, mountaineering, lawns. He is poisonous, so it is better to work in gloves.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_3
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_4

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_5

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_6

  • 5 Soviets on work on a plot for lazy gardeners


This name is known to everyone who is fond of plants. Low crocuses are the first to appear on urban flower beds and disappear only in May. Some species are autumn. Good grow in the sun and in a half. There are almost no requirements for the soil - the main thing is that water will not be formed.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_8
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_9

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_10

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_11

  • 7 interesting facts about the colors that only gardeners know (check yourself!)


Mouse hyacinth is another unpretentious flower for giving. Disgraced in April and pleases with its own species and aroma until June (depending on the variety). You can plant Muskari on a warm sunny place or in a slight shading in the late summer and early autumn.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_13
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_14

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_15

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_16

  • 8 beautiful plants for the garden blooming the whole country season

Lily of the valley

These beautiful perennials we are accustomed to see in the woods, but on our site you can also create a snow-white cleaner. The valley bloom in May. Then poisonous, red berries appear. It is best for primrose suitable half. In a sunny place, the bells will also bloom, but it will be necessary to water. Soil is needed fertile.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_18
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_19

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_20

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_21

  • 6 unpretentious perennial flowers for the design of borders on the site (beautiful and simple!)


If you need the teothelubile unpretentious perennial flowers for giving, which will quickly grow out - put Barwinka. This is a low-grade plant, blooming in April-May.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_23
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_24

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_25

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_26

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Loves rarefied lighting and moisture. Some varieties reach 120 cm in height. It looks beautiful and successfully carries out in the shade of trees, next to the reservoirs, in flower beds. Low-minded species are grown in containers.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_28
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_29

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_30

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_31

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It grows with any lighting from May to August. True, in the sun it will need wet soil. Akvilia is planted in rockers, on ordinary flower beds, on the shore.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_33
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_34
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_35

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_36

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_37

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_38

  • What flowers to plant in autumn: 9 best plants


Good grows on the shaded areas. You can use in border compositions, rockers, mountaineers, along shrubs. Depending on the variety, it dissolves from May to September.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_40
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_41

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_42

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_43


Good grow in the sun and in half the summer. There are no special requirements for the soil. Perfectly get along at the flower beds with other plants. Combined with peonies, decorative-deciduous, nyond.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_44
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_45

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_46

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_47


Derbennik will bloom from July to September. An ideal place for it is a lowland, a reservoir coast, shaded after dinner. It is well tolerate even heavy loam. The only requirement is moisturizing the soil.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_48
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_49

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_50

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_51

Chamomile Sadovaya (nyondist)

Large plant. He decorates the cottage from June to frosts, if you put it on a sunny, dry plot. Nyurist needs periodic, moderate watering, loosening and spraying from ants.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_52
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_53

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_54

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_55

Tollga (Labaznik)

Tolga has beautiful cream or pink flowers - pancakes and a strong honey smell. She loves wet places with any lighting. The labaznik perfectly arrives on heavy clay soil.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_56
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_57

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_58

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_59


One more incredibly fragrant, beautiful flowers. Framed around in the middle of summer and can stand all early autumn.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_60
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_61

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_62

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_63

In the photo - a few more non-addictive perennials.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_64
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_65
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_66
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_67
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_68
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_69
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_70
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_71
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_72
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_73
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_74
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_75

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_76


We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_77


We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_78


We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_79


We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_80

Grivacy barley

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_81

Lunaria after flowering

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_82

Lunarium during flowering

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_83


We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_84


We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_85


We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_86


We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_87


  • 7 reasons why don't plants come out in the house

Annual and twarmrooms

Here about plants that bloom in the first year after disembarking in the flower and retain decorativeness of one or two seasons.


Velhets are orange, yellow, white, red, two-color. They grow well both in the shade and in the sun.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_89
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_90

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_91

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_92

  • What to plant in March to seedlings: a list of cultures and tips on the right landing


Walking plant blooming from the beginning of summer to the first frost. Nasturtium loves illuminated, windless places and light soil, in which water is not delayed.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_94
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_95

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_96

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_97


One of the most unpretentious annuals. It will grow in the shade, and in the sun, on any earth. Soil should be occasionally disappeared. So that the inflorescences were more - put a cosmeya tightly to each other and on the illuminated place.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_98
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_99

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_100

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_101


Medonos, blooms at the beginning of summer and fades to autumn. It is suitable for light, dry plots.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_102
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_103

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_104

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_105

  • We select neighbors in beds: plant compatibility tables in the garden and garden


Perhaps one of the most unpretentious colors for the cottage. Nail - so calendula is called people - good as in the flowerbed, and simply scattered with islands throughout. Start blooming in June-July and finish in September-October.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_107
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_108

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_109

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_110

  • Flowerbed for lazy: 9 garden plants that bloom themselves


Depending on the variety, it may be single, a biennial or perennial plant. It blooms from the middle of the spring to frosts, very quickly boils. The only requirements for cultivation are a water permeable, nutrient soil, sun or half.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_112
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_113

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_114

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_115

  • What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species


Blooms at the end of summer and fades after the first cold. Perennial species can bloom the whole season. And for those and for others it will take a lot of light, well-drained soil.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_117

  • What flowers to put on the cottage in April: a list of beautiful plants for your flowerbeds


Beautiful flower resembling chamomile, only with bright yellow color and red-brown middle. You can plant in the sun and in a half.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_119
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_120

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_121

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_122

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Annual ampel flowers growing the entire summer season. Petunia love well-lit places.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_124
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_125

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_126

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_127

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Sun or halftime, light soil - everything you need for growing Futsellius. Blossom starts in June, ends in September.

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_129
We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_130

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_131

We choose the most unpretentious flowers for the cottage: 23 suitable species 8087_132

Now you know what unpretentious flowers to plant in the country. But decorative plants are not the only option for designing the site. Perhaps you want to combine beautiful with useful? Then break a small dosage club with mint, Melissa, Kotovnik, Monary, Pharmacy Chamomile. These herbs bloom in neuro, but the delicious aroma and delicious additives in tea for the winter are provided with you. Only first find out if you have no contraindications to the reception of these herbs.

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