How to wash windows outside on High Floor: Verified methods and safety rules


We find out when it is necessary to call industrial climbers and which devices will help to do without their own.

How to wash windows outside on High Floor: Verified methods and safety rules 8134_1

How to wash windows outside on High Floor: Verified methods and safety rules

Double frames are not so difficult to clean the dirt if both halves are opened. But how to be, if one of the deaf sash? This problem is particularly relevant for triple plastic double-glazed windows installed in the rooms. The average deaf part of them is wider than the side, while reaching her middle is not so easy. You can, of course, call the installers and instruct them all the dangerous work, but there is another solution. If the apartment goes to a noisy street and a thick layer of dust accumulates in a few days, a constant cleaning is needed. There are several ways to achieve cleanliness without risk for life. How to wash windows outside on high floors, not only professionals from cleaning companies should know.

How to wash windows outside on a high floor

Complex measures

Safe methods

Cleaning formulations

  • Folk recipes
  • Finished means
  • What to choose


Algorithm of action

Complex measures

To solve the problem, it is necessary to approach comprehensively. Even completely secretion, it is necessary to reduce the time of staying in the "open space" as much as possible. It is important not only for skill. It is necessary to choose a detergent composition that can quickly eliminate dirt. No less important selection of tools and devices designed to facilitate the process.

How to wash windows outside on High Floor: Verified methods and safety rules 8134_3

Safety regulations

When working with an open sash, there is always a chance to fall out, especially if you climb higher and get up on the windowsill. Looking down, it is easy to lose the balance. If you add dizziness and fear of height to this, it becomes somehow alone. Fortunately there are several completely secure ways.

  • There are special electronic devices that can be bought in the store. For example, Hobot Windoro robot. It holds on a vertical surface due to magnets and vacuum suction cups. Control is remotely using the console. There is such a technique about twenty thousand rubles
  • Sometimes it makes sense to contact the cleaning company. Industrial climbers will cope with hard-to-reach areas. Perhaps the services of professionals are expensive, but if the apartment is located not from the side of the lively route, but from the yard, glass is dirty slowly. In this case, the appeal to such organizations will not be too frequent
  • To wash the glass, sometimes it is enough just to remove the frame. Make it is the easiest way to loggia or balcony, where sliding designs are used. With double-glazed windows, everything is much more complicated. They cannot be disassembled, and then put the sash to the former place, but there is one faithful tool that will help in such a situation. Tell me further
  • A safety strap will help you safely. He is unlikely to insure the unpleasant experiences associated with the fear of height, but during its use of life, nothing will threaten. The belt must be securely fixed. Before work, it is necessary to check whether it is well fastened and can it be able to withstand the weight of a person the mount to which he is tied.

How to wash windows outside on High Floor: Verified methods and safety rules 8134_4

Than washing windows

This question has always been relevant. During a long time, many ideas appeared, including the stores. However, many still prefer traditional methods. Consider both options.

Folk recipes

Such formulations can be prepared with their own hands.

  • The simplest solution is to add dishwashing fluid. Pouring should be quite a bit. It is necessary that foam formed, but not strong
  • Instead of foam "Ferri" and "Pemiolux", vinegar and ammonia are suitable. For the preparation of the solution one or two teaspoons. Work better in rubber gloves, since substances are quite toxic and able to cause burns
  • The "branded" mixture of alcohol and vinegar, added in equal proportions, and mixed with 100 g of corn starch were proven well.

How to wash windows outside on High Floor: Verified methods and safety rules 8134_5

Finished means

They can be divided into two main types:
  • Aerosols - they are effective, but have one small drawback. When spraying, they cover not the entire surface, but only its part. To solve the problem, the composition should be applied to a thick layer and smear
  • Creams
  • Solutions.

In all cases, it follows in rubber gloves, since the solution contains active chemicals. If there is an allergy to chemistry, it is better not to use it. Linen the dirt and dust can be without it, but it will take more time for this.

How to choose the right composition

The best solution will be taking advice on the packaging. If the substance is intended for profiles made of a specific material, this will necessarily be reflected in the title or in the description. Can not use:

  • solvents containing olive;
  • abrasive substances, soda, powders - noticeable scratches remain;
  • pure unbelived alcohol;
  • Stain removers, especially based on gasoline.

Useful devices

If the lengths of the hand are not enough to reach out to distressed places, the rag is unlikely to suit. Special devices for washing windows outside, for example, a tool with a long handle, capable of reaching at least to the middle of the surface. By the way, in the question, than to wash the windows on the balcony outside, they will also be useful.

  • Sponges with long handles
  • Brushes, mops and mop with ordinary and telescopic handles. There are models with microfiber nozzles absorbing moisture better than ordinary tissue, and preventing static electricity accumulation. In order for the mop better to fit to the surface, a hinge fell to it, allowing it to be at different angles
  • Scrapers - It is advisable to use bilateral, in which each side is made of rubber. It is designed to collect moisture
  • Bilateral magnetic brushes. They are two halves, which are installed on both sides of the glass and attract each other with magnets. If one move from the inside, the second will repeat its movement outside.

How to wash windows outside on High Floor: Verified methods and safety rules 8134_6

The choice of tools does not depend on the material from which the profile is made. They should have a soft surface that does not leave scratches.

How to wash windows outside on the high floor yourself

First you need to achieve cleanliness from the inside - otherwise it will be difficult to understand whether everything is purely on the other side. The whole profile follows. It is advisable to remove the plugs and remove the dirt from the voids.

A pelvis or bucket is suitable for the solution. If the tool must be pre-distributed, you must fully follow the instructions. So that it does not have time to dry on the surface with a large area, it is better to prepare a second container with clean water in advance.

No problems should have no problems with opening and removable sash. If for some reason they do not work, you need to call the masters from the company that is engaged in their service.

How to wash windows outside on High Floor: Verified methods and safety rules 8134_7

Before starting to rinse hard-to-reach places, it is necessary to protect yourself. The safety cable is suitable, but it often happens that it is not for anything to fasten. The radiator with all its visible reliability is not suitable for this. Much more benefit will be from a partner who can and inspire and file a tool.

The tool is applied to the surface, then it is rubbed with a brush, a sponge or other device. Then the liquid is removed by clean water. It is much easier to do until she dried up. Drive dirt from the most remote side to yourself, to then remove it with a rag. It is necessary to give her a few minutes to twist.

In order not to be left, the solution must be washed completely. After that, the frame and glass must be wiped with a dry nozzle of fabric or microfiber.

How to wash windows outside on High Floor: Verified methods and safety rules 8134_8

If you know how to wash the windows on the balcony and in the room outside with your own hands, you can enjoy the cleanliness all year round. There are solutions that make it possible to make the process safely by saving to the means. But most importantly, we were convinced that the task was fulfilled.

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