Mcsians in the bathroom: how to get rid of them forever


We tell why the lipsters appear and how to eliminate them by people and household chemicals.

Mcsians in the bathroom: how to get rid of them forever 8148_1

Mcsians in the bathroom: how to get rid of them forever

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To understand how to get rid of the wet in the bathroom, you need to know what they represent. So you can distinguish them from other animals. You will know the habitats, the characteristics of the body and prevent their new appearance in your home. These are small, 10-18 mm, the odd crustaceans. They have dark gray, brown, sometimes white oval tales, mustaches and seven pairs of their feet, at the expense of which they quickly move.

In nature, these animals love very wet places with a minimum of sunlight and feed on with a organic. You can meet them under stones, logs, inverted boats. What do they find in human housing?

How to withdraw Mokritz

Where and why they appear

What to take first

  • Cleaning, drying
  • Sealing
  • Preventive measures

Folk and store insecticides

Why and where the wets appear in the apartment

In the houses they attracted the same thing as outside - the lack of light, moisture and a lot of food. That is dark, raw rooms, where there is always something to get used. Usually this bathroom, toilet. Less likely kitchen. They penetrate there through ventilation, water supply and slit in the wall, from basements or attic. They can be seen in secluded and not very places:

  • Bin.
  • Sink.
  • Bath.
  • Plinths.
  • Tile seams and space under the tile, if there is damage.
  • Hose for draining in a washing machine.
  • Linoleum.
  • Wet rags lying on the floor.
  • Thresholds.
  • Stands under the pots with domestic flowers.

To understand how to get rid of the wet in the bathroom, you also need to know what they find there. In eating these animals are unpretentious - at home they feed on wet paper, plaque on the walls, skin particles, dust, garbage, mold, lichen, seeds. Dangerous unpleasant creatures are difficult - they do not bite, do not strangle, do not tolerate diseases, in rare cases spoil indoor flowers. In a private house, grocery reserves may suffer if they are stored in a poorly prepared place or forget to throw out rotten vegetables and fruits.

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Usually do not apply all over the apartment. It is necessary to make a lot of effort so that they appear in the rooms - not to endure the garbage for a very long time, do not air housing and pour everything with water (or live over the basement, under the attic, next to the unclean neighbors). So most often to deal with the invader accounted for in a limited territory. This facilitates the task.

By the way, in housing there is another creature with similar habitats and food habits - scales. These are white, loony, covered with scales, pointed to the tail, insects. They can also withdraw the methods that we describe below.

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Preventive measures

From where the wets are in the bathroom and that they attract them, you already know. The disturbed microclimate of the room, the absence of cleaning and light is three reasons for the neighborhood with them. Therefore, it is necessary to take for destruction from eliminating favorable conditions for them.


Throw old sponges, napkins, rugs, garbage. Wipe all surfaces, including walls, space under the sink, bathroom and plumbing itself. It is better to do this with some detergent. It is not necessary to repeat such cleaning every day. Enough - once a week or a little less often.

Dry the bathroom and maintain it in such a state. After using the soul or sink, wipe the drops on the floor, wall and surrounding items. Try to follow this rule at least once a day. Check all the pipes for a malfunction and replace the flowing areas. The slightest leakage will drag the process for a long time.

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Access limitation

How to bring the wets from the bathroom and toilet so that they do not appear again? One of the most effective means is the sealing of all the slots and overlapping the ventilation with a small grid. Eliminate all leaks and inspect the floor and walls for cracks. If they are - close them with silicone sealant. Also close the gap between the bathroom, sink and wall. The gaps of the plumbing pipes can be seen by alabaster or mounting foam. Perhaps the source of invasion is not in your apartment. Inspect the ventilation grid - is there no holes in it?

Creating a favorable microclimate

Leave the bathroom door open and ventilate the apartment after every water procedure or at night. Check if ventilation works well. This can be done with a paper strip. Open the windows and the door, bring the leaf to the exhaust. If she glued to the hole, then everything is fine. The included heated towel rail or heater helps - water will dry faster from their heat. If possible, eliminate the drying of a large number of clothes indoors.

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Folk and shops from wets in the bathroom

In apartments where wets are too much, you can use additional methods of struggle.

  • Salt, red pepper, tobacco. Crustaceans do not like such ingredients. Lower them where there is moisture and darkness. You can use separately, and you can make a mixture in equal proportions. The minus is that the vertical surfaces do not process. We will have to prepare a solution and spray the walls from the spray. Relation: 0.5 ppm Each component is 1 liter of hot water.
  • Boric acid. Destroys crustacean chitin. Lower the powder in potential habitats, spread in water (1 teaspoon on 0.5 liters of water) or make a bait trap from a substance and egg yolk.
  • Brooms. Well wet them and leave them overnight. In the morning there should be whole bunches of the creatures of the creatures. It will only remain gently put branches in the package, tie and endure.
  • Raw potatoes. Works on the same principle as brooms. Cut from the tuber core and leave them for a day or night. Then throw away the traps.
  • Dry kvass. The walls and gender are treated with solution.
  • Alum. The ratio: 100 g of alum on one liter of water.
  • Vinegar. It works as well as salt, pepper, tobacco - scares, if you spray the room.

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Some hostesses advise to get rid of new inhabitants using RAID, Dichlofos and ordinary chalks, from cockroaches. It will be necessary to spend several treatments so that the result is stable. They proceed with space under the bathroom, sink, near the garbage bucket, plinths, for pipes, in the corners. In general, in those places where wets were discovered. In addition to this, you can use:

  • "Mole" or any similar gel for cleaning pipes. Regularly, once a month, pour it into the drain if you have problems with the clouds. Everybody remains in the pipe, various insects and animals feed.
  • Taraks. Powder is dissolved in water and spray dark and wet places from the spray gun.
  • Chlorine. It is also bred in water and handled the bathroom, including vertical surfaces (50 g of means per 1 liter of water). To do this, you will need gloves and mask. In the morning or after a few hours, wash everything with ordinary water and dry.
  • "Neugenous", "Riapan", "Fenatsin". These powders are simply scattered in all wet and dark corners.
  • GET. Effective odorless liquid, safe for people, but toxic for fish. If there is aquarium nearby - close it tightly.
  • Quicklime. Fill it a small container and leave for two or three days in a closed bathroom. At this time, no one should go there, as it is harmful to humans.
  • Tetrix. Professional means for disinsection of premises.

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Mcsians in the bathroom: how to get rid of them forever 8148_17

It is possible to completely get rid of the wets for forever only with a complex struggle: regular cleaning, venting, drying, sealing of all cracks. If the house was built for a long time and eliminate the gaps and dampness in a separate apartment is difficult, try to cooperate with the neighbors. It is necessary that they simultaneously fulfill all the conditions from the article.

Most likely, they have already arisen the same problem. Joint actions you do not solve it completely, but accurately significantly reduce. Connect utility services if there is a suspicion that the source is in common areas. They are treated with insecticidal smoky checkers.

There are disinsection services that help to remove any insects and animals. True, in old buildings should not be hoped for a long-lasting result. Usually it is enough for several months. Extend the effect of such treatment will only be compliance with cleanliness and regular ventilation in all apartments, in the attic and in the basement.

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