Elimination of sewage breakup: 3 simple ways to clean pipes


We tell how to clean the siphon, as well as remove the blockage in the pipe with the help of vehicle, chemistry and plumbing cable.

Elimination of sewage breakup: 3 simple ways to clean pipes 8194_1

Elimination of sewage breakup: 3 simple ways to clean pipes

Operating engineering communications - a pledge of a comfortable life. Unfortunately, sometimes they are clogged, cease to work. It happens most often at the most inopportune moment when the time to wait for the plumbing is not enough. A homemade master must be able to correct the situation on their own. Therefore, let's talk about writing the sewage and eliminate blockages at home.

How to get rid of a blockage

Types of clogging

Cleaning siphon

Methods of cleaning

  • Sanitary vetuz
  • Chemicals
  • Santechnic cable

What are there are blocks

Get rid of the overlapping cork system from garbage will be much easier, if you know how it was formed. Distinguish three types of clogging;

Fat and salts deposition

Solid sediments can delay on the walls of pipes, especially if their surface is not smooth enough. So, saltighs inevitably appear inside the communications if the water is rigid in the region. Metal parts are especially affected. Fats are postponed over the salts. Finding into the system in warm form, that is, in the form of a liquid, they cooled in the process of movement in communications. Frozen lumps cling to irregularities, fixed on them, attract other fat pieces. As a result, for a fairly short time, the discharge site is tightened with solid fat, in which trash and other contaminants are stuck. So a fat plug is formed, overlapping fluid current. You can only prevent this in one way - to put the grease trap on the sink.

Elimination of sewage breakup: 3 simple ways to clean pipes 8194_3

  • How to save pipes clean: Review of types of blockages and tips on their elimination

Soap traffic jams

It is formed in the bathroom, less often in the kitchen with a frequent use of soapy water. The liquid enters the sewer system where it is mixed with small garbage, hair, etc. A dense gel-like mass is formed, which adhesibly sticks to the walls of the pipe. Over time, it increases in volume. Such a plug until it scored communication, it is very easy to remove with hot water.

Elimination of sewage breakup: 3 simple ways to clean pipes 8194_5

Foreign object

Sometimes there is a fairly large item in the system, which overlaps the passage for water. It can be a rag, a ball, a children's toy that fell into the drain by negligence. Especially often it is found in the apartment where little children live. Sometimes dense clogging is formed from a large amount of toilet paper, despite the fact that it should be dissolved in the liquid.

A similar problem causes her hair washed from the sink or bath. They are going to lumps cling to the slightest irregularities of the inner walls. Such "networks" delay garbage and become the cause of difficult clogging. Prevent the problem will help a special mesh, installed on the drain. All you need to do is clean it regularly.

There is another reason for clogging, it is the most unpleasant. These are constructive miscalculations when designing. If there are such, you will have to either put up with regular cleaning, or redo the communications. It is especially difficult to do this in an apartment building.

Elimination of sewage breakup: 3 simple ways to clean pipes 8194_6

What if the problem is in the siphon

A dense tube can be formed on any site of the system. The complexity of its removal depends on the availability of the "problem" site. The easiest way to cope with the clogging of the siphon. This is called "knee", which forms a pipe at the exit from the plumbing device. Structurally, it forms a hydraulic machine. The node prevents the sewer to enter the room.

Inside the siphon, a certain amount of contaminants will inevitably accumulate. This is due to its shape. Therefore, from time to time it has to be cleaned. It does not make anyone as prevention, but it is necessary to delete the plug.

How to Clean Siphon

  1. We exempt the place to make it convenient to carry out manipulations under the sink. We substitute water tank.
  2. The lower part of the siphon is twisted on the thread. Gently, not to damage the item, unscrew it.
  3. We remove large fragments of pollution. Thoroughly rinse all elements of hot soapy water.
  4. We put the bottom of the siphon place, tighten the thread.

Elimination of sewage breakup: 3 simple ways to clean pipes 8194_7

How to break a blockage in the sewer pipe

Unfortunately, the mud seal is not always inside the siphon. It happens that it is located inside the system so that it is very difficult to "get" it. Especially often the plugs are formed with areas with a strong or, on the contrary, weak slope, turns and bends. We will analyze what can be done in this case.

Sanitary vetuz

The device is invented to break through the clogging by mechanical exposure. It is a rounded cup of rubber with a handle. The principle of its work is similar to the pump. He "pulls" from the pipe water, destroying the mud plug. This is done like this:

  1. Tightly close the hole overflow on the washing, bath, etc.
  2. At the bottom of the plumbing device we pour some water so that the valve of the Vantuza was completely covered.
  3. We establish the vehicle over the drain so that the cup is closed. The rubber element should fit tightly to the surface. This is the basic condition for its effective work.
  4. Do not break the valve from the bottom, perform the device handle several movements down and up. This creates an increased pressure that destroys the blockage.
  5. We remove the device, turn on the water, check the quality of work. If the liquid does not go out, you need to repeat the manipulation with the vehicle.

In the process of cleaning it is necessary to remember caution. It is impossible to push the device too much. Plumbing or its attachments may not withstand excessive pressure.

Elimination of sewage breakup: 3 simple ways to clean pipes 8194_8

Special tools for cleaning sewers

Vantuz does not always help clean the communications. If the expected effect does not follow, aggressive chemical preparations are used. Their set, the composition will also be varied. It may include active alkali or acid. Therefore, before buying, it is important to clarify. Separate a means depending on the material of the communications so that it does not harm them. It must be remembered that they are always dangerous for people.

For this reason, they are treated very carefully, do not leave in an affordable place. All precautions must be described on the packaging of the solution. There is also a dosage and other recommendations. Well, if the room in which they work with the drug is ventilated. The appearance of poisonous evaporations, harmful to humans. The elimination of mud seals with a chemical means is done like this:

  1. Carefully read the instructions on the package.
  2. Fill either fall asleep in draining due amount of the drug.
  3. We are waiting for the time specified in the recommendations.
  4. We richly rinsed with cold or warm water. This moment is also discussed in the instructions.

Important moment. Never mix different drugs. The consequences can be the most unpredictable.

Elimination of sewage breakup: 3 simple ways to clean pipes 8194_9

You can try to use vinegar and soda as a home chemical. Soda is falling asleep into the drain, near the glass of diluted acetic acid is poured. After a while everything is washed with water. Despite the fact that this method is advertised as an effective tool, eliminating sewage blockages, it rarely helps. But as prevention is very good.

Santechnic cable

The most effective solution from those that can be implemented independently. It will take a plumbing cable for work. It can be different diameter. Choose according to the principle: the thicker the pipe, the greater the diameter of the device. At the end of the product can be fixed the tip. Spiral screwed into the seal, after which it can be extracted outward. The ball splits the blind pollution, pushes them further.

Plumbers consider the most effective tip in the form of a crown or frieze. They cut the seal, restoring the fluid current. It is necessary to work with a cable carefully. Excessive force will lead to the destruction of the system. It is necessary to know that the device does not pass through turns performed at right angles, as well as through the siphons. It is injected into the sewer through the plots of joining plumbing or in revision hatches.

Elimination of sewage breakup: 3 simple ways to clean pipes 8194_10

Alone to cope with the cable is difficult. Need an assistant who will help rotate the tool.

How to work with a plumbing cable

  1. The cable is unwinding, we introduce into the sewer tube.
  2. Slightly scrolling, pushing to the site where the movement finds it difficult. This means that the tipped in a mud plug or into the wall.
  3. Gently perform reciprocating movements. This will help the adaptation to advance further if it rested into the wall on the rotation. If it is compressed pollution, the cable will spring. It will be difficult to rotate.
  4. Having determined the scored area, we act in accordance with what tip will be on the device. If it is not at all or this is a ball, try to break the clogging, push it on. The spiral is trying to capture the seal, pull it out.

After removing clogging, we take the cable, we richly rinse the communication with a hot soap solution or a chemical agent.

Elimination of sewage breakup: 3 simple ways to clean pipes 8194_11

We disassemble the most effective home methods, how to eliminate the zoom in the sewer tube. If they did not help, then the case is complex. No need to look guilt. It is better to seek help to professionals. They will carry out hydrodynamic clearance and eliminate the problem. Sometimes there are recommendations on the organization of hydrodynamic washing with screwdrivers: a vacuum cleaner, compressor, etc. Do not risk the integrity of engineering communications. The consequences may be the most unpleasant.

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