7 small changes in the house for the new year, which will help make it comfortable


Add to living room Fact textiles, sleep on a new customized pillow, decorate a kitchen table with a seasonal flower for mood - tell what tricks will help make the house even more comfortable and more comfortable.

7 small changes in the house for the new year, which will help make it comfortable 820_1

7 small changes in the house for the new year, which will help make it comfortable

What makes the house comfortable? Only thoughtful layout and comfortable furniture? Not! Also many details on which we do not always have time to pay attention. But it is they who form our perception of space. We tell how to make your home better without big investments.

1 Add blankets and decorative pillows

Layout is one of the most popular interior techniques. You are unlikely to find an empty bed or a sofa even in minimalist projects. Take this idea.

The sofa in the living room and the bed in the bedroom will decorate the cozy plaid. But you should not be limited to one, let it be several models from different textiles. Try combining materials and prints: velor and cotton, flax and wool - such contrasts will make the interior more interesting. And you do not need to align them, the effect of negligence is that it is necessary. It also concerns or decorative pillows. Combine them in color, size and material. In the bedroom, you can create a symmetric composition of four products, and to use and more in the living room - depends on the sofa size. But also take into account the number of plaids - it is not worth filming the entire place.

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2 Change the mattress, pillows and blanket

One of the important components of the comfort is a strong dream. Therefore, without a convenient bedroom in the new year nowhere. It is even more important than the interior, because it is the bed accessories define our health. And if you thought about buying new sleeping facilities, now is the time.

Orthopedic mattresses and pillows today can hardly be surprised. But some manufacturers went further: they produce products that can be configured to configure themselves. It is these that you can find, for example, Beyosa in the Favorit range *.

High mattress consisting of 5 layers, slightly springs. At the heart of its design - a layer with a branded cutting beyosa and an independent spring block that are adjusted to the features of the body and point through it.

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Favorit * blanket-transformer - for those who are important to the bedroom microclimate. On the one hand, it is divided into two horizontal segments. Therefore, at the same time, the legs can cool and warm the upper body. And if you turn it on the other side, then get the effect of vertical zoning. One part will be cool, and the second is warm. And the sites are not confused: the white is made of a fluff-containing teak with Outlast technology, and beige - from a warm satin.

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7 small changes in the house for the new year, which will help make it comfortable 820_6

7 small changes in the house for the new year, which will help make it comfortable 820_7

7 small changes in the house for the new year, which will help make it comfortable 820_8

What pillows do you prefer? Thin and hard or thorough, but softer? Imagine that you can now manage the degree of rigidity and thickness. The Beyosa pillow consists of four layers that can be put in a convenient order for you. Start with two layers, and later try to add height and softness - hardly someone will remain indifferent to such experiments.

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7 small changes in the house for the new year, which will help make it comfortable 820_10

7 small changes in the house for the new year, which will help make it comfortable 820_11

7 small changes in the house for the new year, which will help make it comfortable 820_12

New pillows, blankets, mattresses and even bed can be viewed in the Beyosa offline store, which opened on November 21 at the "Afimoll City" shopping center in Moscow.

3 Make a permutation

Refresh the interior without investment is to make a permutation. Especially in anticipation of the new year. Even the dining group at the window or the room shifted to the center will help refresh the design. Plus, it is functionally: a place for a traditional family dinner will appear. Include from the plan: mark the zones to improve it. It is clear that in the kitchen with a headcard will not work the cardinal experiments, but in the dining room and even very much! In the design you will help the rules of rhythm, symmetry and speakers. And do not be afraid to clean the furniture from the walls: the arrangement does not always look more advantageous on the perimeter.

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4 Enter colors for mood

Color therapy is one of the best ways to create the desired mood. And it's not just the effect of color on psychology, pick up accessories and invent new combinations - no less pleasure. You can use the same textile in the interior with the help of the same textile and decor. Try to change them every season. Let it be thematic colors: for example, for the new year, you can buy red, burgundy, emerald and gold accessories, in the spring for sure the fresh pastel palette, summer is bright juicy paints, and autumn - traditionally society and warm gamma.

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5 Explore the collection of plants

If you have not done it in 2020. Greens makes any interior comfortable and more comfortable, so designers rarely cost without it even in minimalist projects.

The selection rules are simple: the larger the room, the larger there should be an instance. Palms, ficuses and monsters are suitable for a spacious living room. You can add multiple plants in small spaces. But in this case, first determine the place for the pot, and then choose a flower based on the lighting conditions. And do not forget about Kashpo and wicker baskets. The latter will fit for outdoor specimens. Use attention to seasonal offers. Now as a decor of a dining table or a coffee table, you can use Poinsettia - a popular Christmas shrub with red leaves.

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6 Spend a revision of the decor

The first, where to start, is a wardrobe with books, although they are not a decor as such. Try grouping books in size: the largest put horizontally, negotiate the vertical - medium-sized publication. Interesting idea Trend: Expand the books of pages ahead. In this way, you can "calm down" a little by the interior due to the monotonous texture and color of the pages, and not covers. Cartins, posters - all this also periodically needs to be updated. And here we suggest playing with the theme. Vintage pictures, advertising of the last century and cinema bills and theaters are especially impressive.

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7 Choose an aroma for home

Winter - the best time for this! The special sense of the holiday has to experiment with the smell of the house. Cinnamon, Orange, Salt Caramel or Gingerbread - Manufacturers offer hundreds of options.

If you are just starting familiarizing with flavors, we recommend paying attention to candles - they are not as intense as diffusers, essences or sprays.

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