7 Seld tips on the choice of plants for landing in the country


We check the winter hardiness, the manufacturer and find out how to choose plants with the correct root system. These tips will help to make the landscaping accurately attached to the country area.

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7 Seld tips on the choice of plants for landing in the country

1 Check winter hardiness

There are eleven climatic zones with different medium minimum temperatures, they are called winter hardiness zones. The first zone is the coldest, the mosses, herbs and some shrubs grow here. Eleventh zone - tropics, with liaans, palm trees and orchids.

Moscow and St. Petersburg are between the fourth and fifth zone, Krasnodar is shifted to the sixth, and Sochi - to the ninth zone. Choosing a plant, make sure that it is suitable for the zone of winter hardiness of your site.

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7 Seld tips on the choice of plants for landing in the country 8208_8

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2 Find out the manufacturer

Seedlings from European and domestic nurseries every couple of years have transplanted to a new place, turning relative to the parties of the world, so they are prepared for landing in the soil and have a harmoniously developed root structure. They were poured in a timely manner and fed, checked for the presence of parasites and diseases, so you can be confident in their quality. Purchase seedlings of any plants in the natural markets along the tracks are unsafe, since one patient plant can not only die, but also infect others.

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7 Seld tips on the choice of plants for landing in the country 8208_11

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7 Seld tips on the choice of plants for landing in the country 8208_13

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3 Select the root system

Plants come on sale with a closed root system, that is, with a lump of land on it and open - without soil. The second option is cheaper and easier during transportation, but be sure to check how long the tree is in such a state. Manufacturers are counting on the fact that this seedling will be in the ground fairly quickly, otherwise the risk is the risk that the plant will perish.

A tree with a closed root system should have a dense complex of land, which is not falling apart and is not very creepy. On the edges of it should be the white living tips of the roots.

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7 Seld tips on the choice of plants for landing in the country 8208_18

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4 Check the trunk and crown

The barrel of a seedling should be smooth, without damage. Check the bark, especially at coniferous trees - it should not be too much resin, this is a sign of the disease.

Crown in a healthy plant is uniform, foliage is not frightened and does not fall. At the same time, the fiction of the old needle is a normal phenomenon, since the plant survived the load.

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7 Seld tips on the choice of plants for landing in the country 8208_23

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5 Find out the age of plants

The older the plant, the more difficult it is to get used to the new place. Therefore, it is best to acquire seedlings about three to five years.

In order not to doubt the purchase, ask the certificate of the quality of the plant. The age, climatic zone and manufacturer should be indicated there.

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7 Seld tips on the choice of plants for landing in the country 8208_28

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6 Decide on landing time

Depending on when you plant plants, choose the format in which they are sold. For example, plants from containers and pots are planted from April to November. Saplings with an open root system are planted immediately after digging from the soil of the nursery - this is two to three weeks in the spring, when the snow came down.

Adult trees often transplanted in winter, digs them with a frozen soil.

But in the fall of planting new plants risky - with unrepent roots, they may not survive frosts.

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7 Seld tips on the choice of plants for landing in the country 8208_33

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7 Check the substrate

When choosing seedlings of colors, pay attention to the state of the soil. It should not be too wet or overwhelmed, be without white or green plaque. The gaps between the pot and the soil should also be.

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7 Seld tips on the choice of plants for landing in the country 8208_36

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