Ruberoid for foundation: Features of the choice and technology of waterproofing works


Premature wear of finishing and bearing structures, unpleasant dampness inside the house - all this is inevitable if there is no waterproofing of the foundation. We will tell you how to make it correctly using the rubberoid.

Ruberoid for foundation: Features of the choice and technology of waterproofing works 8237_1

Ruberoid for foundation: Features of the choice and technology of waterproofing works

The term of "life" of any building depends on the state of its supports and carrier structures. Most of all threatened with increased humidity. Water penetrates inward building materials, slowly, but they destroy them. It requires effective protection. It uses a coating, penetrating or rolled insulation. Many are chosen to waterproof the foundation Ruberoid. It is inexpensive and efficient. We will analyze step-by-step process technology.

Technology Waterproofing Foundation Ruberoid

Select the type of support system

Select insulation material

Mounting technology for different types of supports

  • Tape
  • Slab
  • Columnar

Features of choosing the type of foundation

The support should have sufficient strength to withstand significant loads. Of great importance is the type of soil on which the structure is erected. First, it is necessary to collect the most complete information about the soil and level of groundwater. It is important to know the level of peak lifting of groundwater, soil composition. Exploration drilling will give the most complete data, but this is a time-consuming event.

The easiest way to collect information, if you interview future neighbors or contact the land management bodies. Received information will help choose the correct:

  • Constructive Type of Supporting
  • Determine its parameters
  • Choose the necessary materials
  • Select time for work.

In any case, an effective guide & ...

In any case, effective waterproofing will become the mandatory stage of building building. But depending on the type of reference system, the method of its execution will be somewhat different.

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Which ruleroid to choose for the foundation

Insulating material is a bituminous base impregnated. Initially, it was only a cardboard, later there were panels with a glass cholester, a nonwoven cloth. Some isolation varieties received their own names:

  • Rowarest. It is made of cardboard, designed to isolation of the foundation.
  • EuroRuberoid based on synthetics, stacked in roofing pie.
  • The glasskerberoid is made of fiberglass, it is used as a roof coating.

Another bitumen is stacked on the impregnated base, on top of it - the sprinkle. It can be a large, scaly either shallow. Such varieties are used for roof, RK is marked. For insulation, the so-called plug-in canvas is often chosen. RPP marking.

The density of the panels differs. For roofing, the indicator varies from 250 to 350 g / sq. m, for laying from 200 to 300 g / sq. m. For waterproofing, it is theoretically choosing any type that determines the density of the canvas. True, if it was decided to lay roofing, you will have to remove the sprinkle, otherwise it will not be possible to glue the next layer.

When choosing it is worth considering the laying method. Traditionally, the material passes into several layers on bitumen mastic, cold or hot.

To facilitate installation use

To facilitate installation, self-adhesive varieties are used. There are already pasta from bitumen on their reverse side. It must be heat and tightly press the strip to the base. Such isolation is also called the prescribed, the price is slightly higher than that of the standard.

  • All about the waterproofing of the foundation with their own hands

How to put rubberoid on the foundation: technology description

Insulating carpet "envelops" all supporting design. For its arrangement, two types of protection are mounted.

By type of protection


The first reservoiro reservoir is placed under the supports, right on a falling pillow in several layers. Strips are put with a small adhesive so that there are no cracks left. The length of each of them should be such that after the fill it was possible to get up the edges of the insulation and fasten it to the concrete wall. For the same reason, the width of the resulting reservoir should also be greater than that of the main design.

The second layer is mounted similarly, but already on top of the supports. Newbies in construction do not always understand why the rubberoid is needed between the foundation and the walls. It is believed that one horizontal layer is quite enough. This is a serious mistake, since each of the reservoirs of waterproofing prevents capillary absorption of moisture, and therefore the destruction of the reference system. You can only put the wall covering on the wall at the construction stage, so it will be impossible to correct the error.


To get a solid hermetic "cocoon", fully closing the foundation, its walls are also isolated. Works are carried out in the vertical plane.

The cloth is pasted on the basics

The canvas passes on the base of the mastic, with an effort to it is pressed. The strips are put with an overlap at 10-15 cm, otherwise, after drying the adhesive mixture, the appearance of gaps.

By the type of foundation

Ribbon foundation

In this case, the waterproofing closes the supports, the basement or the base. It is important to ensure good ventilation so that the mastic is well dried. High humidity makes it impossible. Operations are carried out in such a sequence:

  1. The base is purified by garbage, dirt, dust. Carefully inspect, we note the detected defects. They need to be pressed by the repair solution, otherwise it can be spilled in these sections with a waterproofing canvas. Close up flaws, waiting for a complete drying of the mixture.
  2. Breastplate. Select the appropriate primer, you can with water-repellent properties.
  3. After drying, the primer thoroughly wore the surface with bitumen mastic. We put it in two or three layers. Do not forget that each of them should dry before applying the following.
  4. Cropped to the desired size of the insulating web band are heated by a burner, superimposed on the surface with an adhesion of 10-15 cm. The edges additionally wrap the mastic, we press well.

After laying again warm up & ...

After laying, once again heating the entire insulating ribbon construct carpet to ensure that it is the best adhesion with the base. Preheat bituminous paste securely stick to the wall.

Plate system

It is a "recessed" into the ground slab, so the waterproofing technology is almost no different from the horizontal. However, some features still have. If the work is carried out not at the construction stage, it is necessary to release the structure. To do this, trenches are digging around the entire perimeter, the width of which is at least a meter. The depth must be greater than the plates of approximately half the meter.

Next, the foundation design is cleared. All detected defects are closed with a repair mixture. Then two layers of bitumen pasta are stacked alternately. They give it well dry. Only after that the runneroid is mounted. First, it is dismissing it so that the strips are enough for a horizontal plane and both vertical.

That is, putting the coating start from the bottom of one of the walls, then cover the upper plane, go to the opposite direction. Thus, it turns out a solid insulating carpet.

Be sure to be observed

It is necessarily complied with the filament between the strips, their edges are sampled by mastic. After installing the first layer, the second is placed on top. Everything is performed similarly, only the direction of the canvas changes. They are laid across.

Stage design

Its feature in the presence of a certain number of depth pillars, the upper part of which is above the ground surface. They are made of concrete, but the formwork in this case is not required. Its role is performed by the walls drilled in the soil of the well. It turns out to fully hydroize the columnar system, it is necessary to mount the insulator directly into the well. This is done like this:

  1. Drum down the well of the desired diameter and depth. At the same time, we take into account that you will need to complete the subference and put the refrigerated "formwork".
  2. The sand is laid on the bottom. It will be a pillow under the support. It should be well tumped.
  3. From the frontal fabric, we make a cylinder in the size of the well. The diameter of the workpiece must match it. The length is chosen so that the insulation closes not only underground, but also the above-ground part of the support. The seams between the stripes are securely glued with bitumen paste.
  4. The prepared cylinder falls at the bottom of the well. The reinforcing metal frame is installed inside.
  5. Formwork is exhibited for the formation of the base.
  6. Concrete solution poured.

After drying, waterproofing works continue. Stelite rubberoid coating, forming a hermetic isolating carpet.

Definitely sneak all with

Be sure to practice all the joints and seams, including those formed between the supports and the basement. All of them must be completely waterproof. The operation is performed qualitative so that the gluing lasts for a long time.

An insulating layer of rubberoid is inexpensive, but very effective protection. It is used for buildings of different types. On top of a closed such waterproofing of the supporting structure, any walls can be put: brickwork, concrete slabs, a berry bar, etc. If instead of mastic from bitumen as an adhesive mixture to take liquid rubber, it turns out hermetic, very plastic protection. It will serve as much as the structure itself.

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