How to choose paint for walls for different rooms


Acrylic, silicone, latex or water-emulsion - suggest which paint optimally painting the walls in different rooms.

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How to choose paint for walls for different rooms

When choosing paint for walls in the apartment, it is important to pay attention not only to color, but, first of all, the composition, as well as performance characteristics. Let's discern with each parameter more.

All about paint for walls in the apartment

Types of paints and varnishes
  • Water soluble
  • Acrylic
  • Latex
  • Silicone

Important characteristics of materials

Paint for different premises

  • For kitchen and bathroom
  • For bedroom and living room
  • For children


What else to consider

Types of paints and varnishes

To say unequivocally, which paint for walls is better, it is impossible, because there is no single rating. The choice depends on the budget and the type of room you want to paint.

All materials can be divided into three groups: for outdoor work, for internal and universal, which can be used in both cases. It is logical that two types of three are suitable for interior repairs: specialized kids and universal. Why not use the materials intended for the street?

The fact is that the coating for facade works may contain toxic antiseptics, hardeners - substances that in a closed, incredible space cause irritation and even allergic reactions. For painting, only the walls of the garage are suitable.

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Paintwork materials intended for internal works in the house or in the apartment are two species: based on water and other solvents.

Water soluble

They are also called water dispersive, water-emulsion - the difference in composite components. They are popular for their price and practicality: quickly dry, well korgery, do not smell, perfectly fall on almost any surface.

At the same time, the cheaper, but not stable emulsion - based on PVA. It is easily contaminated, exposed to moisture. The walls do not cover it, the maximum is the ceiling in the room with a non-aggressive medium, for example, in the living room or in the bedroom.

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As part of such paint there are aqueous dispersions of acrylic resins. After applying, they form a thin protective film, resistant to moisture and mechanical effects. Such a coating is suitable even for rooms with high humidity.

By the way, the acrylic-based water opens is well on both wooden and concrete surfaces. The only "but": if there are small irregularities, it is first recommended to carry out a putty, with more serious defects - you first need to spend correctly.

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Most often, the acrylic coating in the store is sold in the form of the basis of white. To get the right shade, you need to add a color-colored pigment. This can be done even at home yourself. So that the result does not disappoint you, the problems of incompatible components did not arise, take the pasta to the same company as the basis.


These are water emulsions based on latex copolymers to which rubbers are added. What paint is better for walls in the apartment: acrylic or latex? Depends on the goals. The second are even greater durability, water resistance, but also a higher price.

Latex emulsion often make up rooms with high humidity. In addition, it is recommended to apply to wallpaper for painting and use to create decor from plaster, for example, imitation of a brick wall. A thin layer that is formed after applying maintains the surface texture, while further protects it from water and moisture.

Like acrylic, latex coatings are mixed with a kel for obtaining the desired shade.

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This emulsion based on silicone resins is one of the innovations of the construction market. It is suitable not only for the decoration of the walls inside, but also for the design of the facade of the building, it has good rates of resistance to mechanical damage, to ultraviolet, thermal resistance and antiseptic properties. The only weighty minus is its high price.

However, in pure form such emulsions are rare. Most manufacturers offer acrylic silicone mixtures.

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Important characteristics of paints and varnishes

  • Shelterness - ability to paint the surface of the surface. The higher this indicator, the less layers you need to create a uniform tone. The coverage of cheap colors is lower, it is worth considering when buying, you will need more cans.
  • Parry permeability is the ability to "breathe". This indicator is important for premises with high humidity. Parotransmitted lacquers spend moisture and protect against mold and fungus.
  • Abrasion resistance, that is, mechanical damage, this is an indicator of durability. It is determined in laboratory conditions, simulating the washing procedure.

Paints for different premises

How to choose paint for walls in the kitchen and in the bathroom

As you know, the most aggressive environment in the apartment is located in the kitchen. Here is high humidity and temperature, splashes of water and fat. Not every coating will endure this. Materials need appropriate: waterproof, vapor-permeable, with good indicators to abrasion. Latex and silicone emulsions are responsible for such requests.

The same applies to the bathrooms - here moisture in combination with steam and high temperatures.

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For bedroom and living room

A calmer bedroom and a living room does not require from covering wear resistance and waterproof. Acrylic paint will help to avoid financial costs. Choose products on the packaging of which there is a marking of a wet cleaning, so you can periodically wipe the surface.

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Design of children

The most important thing here is safety. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the marking on the environmental friendliness of the material and its hypoallery. Most manufacturers offer special goods for children.

Little child does not strive to paint the room? Choose a color that can be washed, resistant to mechanical exposure. For example, an acrylic emulsion.

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Often it is in the nursery that you want to create an emphasis: a fabulous pattern or a texture finish. And this can be done even with your own hands. And with a child older, the lesson can turn into an exciting game. What paints draw on the wall? The optimal option is acrylic. Pros are obvious: the palette of colors, no smell and ease of application.

How to choose texture

  • Matte does not shine. Ideally hides the shortcomings of the surface. Suitable for rooms with low patency, such as bedrooms. Visits popularity and deep emulsion, it is particularly relevant in the interior in a modern style.
  • The half-one has a barely noticeable gloss. She has a little higher than the indicators of wear resistance and durability, such surfaces can often be washed. Suitable for covering the hallway, corridor.
  • Semi-man was created for the design of children's, kitchen, bathroom - rooms that will have to wash. She has good strength indicators, resistance to dirt and wear.
  • Glossy gives shine almost like glass. This is the most resistant abrasion of paint. But it is difficult to work with it: the surface must be perfect, because the gloss may emphasize even the smallest roughness and irregularities. By the way, thus you can make an accent wall.

Reduce material consumption will help the right choice: be sure to align the surface, use primer and roller with an average pile.

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What else to consider

If you can not choose a bedroom color, kitchen or living room, try to make an inscription board - an inspiration board. Get the folder on the computer or print you liked the interior options. When a sufficient amount is accumulated, see what unites them? What is the color scheme, stylistics?

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Designers in one voice call are not afraid of bright colors. However, we will be honest: the majority still prefers a neutral base. Want to try the options for pighters? Start with an accent or small rooms. By the way, most likely a successful experiment will be a bathroom. Neutral white bathroom and shell will withstand the neighborhood with any color.

It is also desirable to select harmonious colors in adjacent rooms. Especially if they are visible in the passage. So the feeling of a sharp transition will not be created, besides, the space will seem visually more.

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Alas, not all colors look equally well in the store catalog and in reality at home. To see how the selected sample behaves, try to paint the probe - a drywall square with a side of at least 50 cm. Put this piece on the light - next to the balcony, in the shadow at the entrance, look at the change in shades.

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