7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture


Symmetry, asymmetry, rhythm, static and other techniques that will help you achieve an ideal setting.

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_1

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture

1 Symmetry

One of the most simple in the embodiment of the composition of the composition is symmetry. It will help in many situations:

  • If the setting is not enough organization;
  • If the interior seems to be too air, light, inactive;
  • If it seems that the furniture in the room is placed chaotic and is badly combined with each other;
  • If you do not have anything to "catch up", there are no accents or a composite center;
  • If you need to clearly designate the division of the room to the zones;
  • If you want to create a more static, calm, solid interior.

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_3
7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_4

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_5

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_6

  • If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance

2 asymmetry

Roughly and obviously disturbing symmetry, you will get another expressive reception - the asymmetrical location of furniture or decor. In which purposes can be used:

  • reduce the rigor, the core of the situation;
  • shift the "center of gravity" (the deliberate violation of symmetry attracts the view, makes us concentrate on a certain area of ​​the room);
  • Functionally dispose of furniture in the rooms of a complex configuration ("wagon rooms", attic rooms, rooms with protruding support columns, etc.).

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_8
7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_9

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_10

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_11

3 rhythm

Using the recurring settings in the interior, you can create a rhythmic composition that will become a very spectacular solution for the premises of any area. In which cases it is especially important:

  • There are no pronounced, clearly separated functional areas, but I want to make an element of ordering;
  • You are a fan of neutral colors and do not like patterns, but you want to revive the situation, make it disqualified and interesting;
  • It is necessary to highlight one of the functional areas in the room.

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_12
7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_13
7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_14

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_15

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_16

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_17

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4 Statics

The static interior is not so difficult to create, if you rely on a number of key moments.
  1. Make focus on pronounced vertical and horizontal lines.
  2. Choose more "heavy" furniture - low, on low strong legs.
  3. Make elements of symmetry.
  4. Focus on solid natural materials (wood, stone, metal).

What will give a pronounced statics in the interior

  • Give the weight situation, make it a visually more solid, expensive;
  • emphasize the selected stylistic solution (more often - classics, neoclassic, retro-styles, but the reception can be appropriate in loft interiors, and in the Rustic style premises, and in others);
  • Create an "out of time";
  • turn the forced tight placement of furniture in a small room in a conscious compositional choice;
  • Stress the functional purpose of the room (office, bedroom).

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_19
7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_20

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_21

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_22

5 Dynamics

Opposite static reception - dynamics. Perhaps it is somewhat more complicated to use this composite reception than others, but with our prompts you will definitely cope.
  1. Leave enough space indoors.
  2. Share the room to asymmetrically located functional areas.
  3. Make a line and stripes: vertical, diagonal (help the selection of wall decoration, the diagonal laying of the floor covering, appropriate textiles and decor).
  4. Use the intake of asymmetry.
  5. Make elements of the rhythmic composition.
  6. Add geometry to the interior.
  7. Separate contrast color accents.

What to create a dynamic composition

  • revive the situation, move away from static;
  • emphasize the functional purpose of the room (to issue a living room for frequent reception of guests, children's or teenager room);
  • Visually expand the room (most of the receptions for entering the interior of the dynamics also visually spread the walls);
  • Distract attention from disadvantages of the configuration of space (the dynamic composition makes the look "jump", and the cons of the premises are far less noticeable);
  • Strip the selected interior style (modern, high-tech, eclecticism, fusion).

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_23
7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_24

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_25

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_26

  • Dynamic composition in the interior: how to create it and revive the space

6 Dominant element

Another simple in the embodiment, but a rather spectacular compositional reception - the choice of dominants. Make the subject or group of items noticeably stand out against the rest of the rest - and here it is, your center composition.

What to use a dynamic composition

  • make a bright accent;
  • drag attention to the right part of the room, distracting attention from the rest of the space (relevant, for example, in a bedroom-living room or kitchen-dining room);
  • Enhance the status of the interior (for example, a single bright and noticeable design lamp can raise the status of the entire room);
  • Posted by space the desired mood (focus on the fireplace, even if bio or false) instantly make the room more comfortable, and the motley kilim on the floor will give the setting fashionable ethnic notes);
  • Save (if the main furniture does not shine with beauty and style, distract your attention to the bright accessory).

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7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_29
7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_30

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_31

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_32

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_33

7 Rule three

A simple exit for those who want to adjust the existing arrangement, stylishly arrange compositions on open racks and shelves, dilute the excessive stripping of the symmetric arrangement of the setting elements - the placement of objects by groups of three.

The secret is simple: in most cases, our view perceives the composition of three items as sufficient and complete.

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7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_35
7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_36

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_37

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_38

7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_39

  • 7 rules of compositions that will help you competently arrange furniture 8285_40

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