6 simple ways to update old chairs


Want to transform the lost view of the furniture or give a vintage chair a second life? Our tips will help you.

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6 simple ways to update old chairs

1 Paint

The easiest andatic option to transform the old chair is to repaint it. However, in this case there are nuances.

The correct coloring process

  1. Before painting, make sure the strength of the chair (especially concerns vintage furniture), if necessary, reinforce the connections, make minor repairs.
  2. On the chair there are chips and dents? Take advantage of the putty (on wood, metal, etc.).
  3. If the surface of the chair is smooth, lacquered, passed in front of it with fine-grained sandpaper and cover the primer with high adhesion.
  4. Really old wooden chairs we recommend priming before painting blocking ground: otherwise there is a risk that after staining on the surface spots come.
  5. If you don't know anything about the last life of the chair (for example, he got to you as a gift or was bought from hand, on the flea market, in the store of old things, etc.), also use the blocking soil.
  6. Want to get the most smooth coverage? Use a short pile roller, paint thin layers (giving them to dry well), go through the surface of the fine-grained sandpaper before applying each new layer (not forgetting thoroughly clean the chair from the dust formed).

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It was

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It was

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It was

  • All about painting the old furniture do it yourself

2 Thinking

The chairs with a soft seat can be updated, having dragging the new cloth. You can trust this business professionals, but you can do yourself.

How to drag chair

  • Disconnect the seat;
  • Carefully remove the old textiles (or its residues), use the old fabric to create a new pattern;
  • If necessary, replace the filler;
  • Pick the desired material and make a pattern;
  • Secure the cloth on the seat (most often it will be more convenient to do it with a furniture stapler), move around the perimeter of the seating, tensioning textiles well to avoid folds;
  • Return the seat in place, and your updated chair is ready.

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3 Color partially

It is not necessary to paint the subject entirely to give it a new appearance. Especially if a wooden chair, with a pronounced beautiful texture. You can cover the paint, say, only legs. Or back. Or seat (in this case, be sure to cover the surface with several layers of varnish).

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And you can apply on the drawing chair using the stencil.

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  • How to update the old chest of hand to 5 steps

4 Acquire a case

Exit for those who do not want to mess with paints and brushes - a textile case on the chair. He will hide everything unsightly and make the furniture look completely in a new way.

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5 We buy a pillow for seating

Cushions for seating on the chair will refresh the appearance of furniture, hide the losses of the seat, add the interior of textures.

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6 Building

If your chair can no longer call new, but to the exquisite retro appearance to him far, you can speed up the process - and to form your furniture. And you can give a "timing of time" and a completely new object of the situation.

Why make up

  • The engagement of vintage parts give the space a highlight;
  • Such a designer move is now quite relevant;
  • A great way out for those who are not strong in smooth, uniform surface coloring: non-rose and other flaws will look at the vessel in the vintage style very organic;
  • And also for situations where the risk of appearance of spots on the surface after staining (for example, the furniture is too old or, on the contrary, freshly added, chairs of unclear origin, etc.) - in the case of the formation of these stains only give Furniture Sharma.

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It was

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It was

2 options how to formulate

  1. Dry brush method: Color the chair in the main color and then pick up the contrast - and slightly walk around the edges and protrusions with light strokes of almost dry brushes.
  2. Contrast color under the main: color furniture in the tone, a contrast selected, pass the wax candle along the areas where scuffs are outlined. Cover the main color, and after drying, it is neatly walking along the grated candle places with a fine-grained sandpaper or spatula, removing the coating to a contrasting "substrate".

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