5 beautiful plants that bloom in winter


Azalea, Cyclamen and Poinsettia - tell about home plants that will delight with bright colors during the cold season.

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5 beautiful plants that bloom in winter

1 Poinsettia

Poinsettia or "Christmas Star" - a plant that in many countries decorate at home in Christmas. It looks unusual: the top of it is crowned with small flowers, which are framed by bright red bracts with sharp edges. The plant received its second name because of their unusual shape, as well as blossoms in the New Year holidays.

The traditional shade of the bracts is red, however, thanks to the work of breeders, you can find a pink, white and even blue poinsettia.

Despite the fact that it is a winter plant, cold it does not like. Therefore, do not put it close to the cold glass if the flower is on the windowsill. If you keep the plant away from the battery and often spray from the pulverizer, then you can extend its flowering. The bright red shade of the leaves is usually saved until spring, then they fall, and they grow new green.

Be careful, Puancettius belongs to the family of modukop, which is considered to be poisonous. Therefore, white juice that is distinguished by the domestic stem or leaves can be poisoned.

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2 Azalya

This plant is very beautiful, but requires special care. It blooms very magnificent: buds cover Azalia so that sometimes green leaves are not visible.

The plant should not be kept under direct sunlight, especially this is contraindicated in summer: because of the bright light, Azalea can die. Put it better in a cool place with not very bright lighting and create moderate humidity. This can be done with spraying.

To achieve bloom, you need to create certain conditions. At the beginning of the winter it is better to keep the plant at a temperature of 6-8 ° C and reduce watering. When you see the swollen buds, you need to increase the temperature to 16-18 ° C. Approximately such conditions are created on the glazed balcony in the late autumn and early winter. To achieve the coolness, gardeners often look a pot with azali ice cubes. At a temperature of 12 ° C, it can bloom up to 2 months, at room - just a few days.

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5 beautiful plants that bloom in winter 832_15

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5 beautiful plants that bloom in winter 832_17

5 beautiful plants that bloom in winter 832_18

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3 Cactus Slubberger

Kaklberger Cactus or Decembrist is a very popular homemade plant. It produces its flowers at a time when the frost is behind the window and lie drifts. For this quality, it is often referred to as the "Christmas cactus". Flowers plant from December to the end of January, so it will delight you throughout the winter. Inflorescences can have different shades: pink, raspberry and red.

During flowering, the cactus should be plentiful. Watch out for the state of the soil: it should not be dry. Also in this period of time it is not recommended to move the pot. In the period of rest, on the contrary, the plant should be poured minimally. If there is an opportunity, in the warm season it can be taken out to the street in the shadow, for example, to the balcony.

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4 cyclamen

Cyclamen - perennial plants that begin to bloom at the beginning of autumn and finish in spring. In the period of rest - late in spring and summer - the plant resets the leaves and flowers. He has a very unusual form: they rise on thin legs over green foliage.

Behind the plant you need to carefully care: it is sensitively both to the drying of the soil and to excessive watering. If a couple of times they forgot about it and the earth dried, it is worth placing cyclamen in a capacity with water for 45 minutes.

Be careful with him, for a beautiful appearance lurking the inside: the plant is very poisonous. Therefore, it is possible to transplant it only in gloves. If the juice falls on the hands, very strong irritation will appear.

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5 Kalanchoe Blossfelda

This plant is the most popular from the genus Kalanchoe. During the period of flowering (from the middle of the winter in May) it looks very beautiful: on inflores-borders, the flowers gradually open one by one.

At the beginning of autumn, the plant laid buds, at this time it should be in a cool place at an average temperature of about 15 ° C. If it is possible, it is better to artificially reduce the light day to 9 hours. If you want Calanchoe Blossfeld to bloom at a certain time, then the flowering period can be pulled out by arranging "short days."

Watering the plant is moderately when the upper layer of soil dried. You can check this with a wooden stick. DANGER DANGER, because Kalanchoe will begin to dump the foliage.

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