How to take an apartment in a new building: detailed instructions


When accepting an apartment there is always a chance to find serious shortcomings. We tell how to maintain the process and what to do if defects are detected.

How to take an apartment in a new building: detailed instructions 8344_1

How to take an apartment in a new building: detailed instructions

Acquisition of housing in a new building - the company is quite risky. It is impossible to estimate the quality of housing in advance and disadvantages are detected already when viewed. Of course, risks are huge. By law, builders are obliged to eliminate all their shortcomings, and the last instance are buyers. As a guide, when accepting an apartment, you can use the SNOP and GOST, as well as our article.

Step-by-step instruction for receiving an apartment

We disassemble the entire process on items


What documents will need

How to conduct an inspection

Registration of property rights

There are technical standards designed specifically for apartment buildings. They contain requirements for walls and overlaps, heating, water supply, ventilation, sewage. There is nothing that would not be described in standards and technical conditions. It will be difficult to understand independently in all nuances, so it is better to enlist the support of organizations involved in the inspection of premises in the newly built buildings. When analyzing structures and communications, they issue an official conclusion that can be the basis for addressing government instances.

How to take an apartment in a new building: detailed instructions 8344_3

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Acceptance of an apartment in a new building yourself

We understand the items. When buying a housing, the owner must pass several stages that have yet built the house:

  • Choosing a company engaged in building. You should choose the organization that has time to prove himself well. It should be paid attention to its experience and track record. Prices in this case should not be a defining factor. This item is perhaps the most important of all. After all, it depends on it whether the building will be built, and it will not have to spend time to correct errors after inspection. It is better not to rush with the choice and seek advice to a lawyer.
  • Compilation of an Agreement Participation in Share Construction (DD), in which all the terms of the transaction will be indicated, including the time transfer time. It should also contain information about the object. For example, it is planned to finish, if planned, what. The sample of the contract can be found on the Internet. It is compiled according to the established form, but some differences are allowed.
  • Conclusion of the contract and payment amount of the transaction.
  • Entering the house in operation. The object takes the State Commission.
  • The developer must notify the buyer about the end of work. If new owners arrange everything, an act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment can be signed at this stage. In the case of defects, a defective act is drawn up.
  • Obtaining new keys and registration of privileged documents.

How to take an apartment in a new building: detailed instructions 8344_5

If the scaler refuses to take accommodation, without having specific complaints, the company has the right to transfer it an object unilaterally. That this does not happen, all defects should be made to documents.

When the first inspection should go

The DTU has a deadline to which the builders undertake to present the keys to new owners. Usually the quarter is indicated, and not a specific date. The new owner must sign up for an inspection within one week. This time is regulated by law and is indicated in FZ No. 214. If the building has not yet been commissioned, the shareholder receives a notification that the meeting is transferred. This situation arises when the State Commission refuses to take a built building. In this case, the shareholder will be asked to re-inform the contract, indicating in it another time of delivery.

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Required documents

Before inspecting, the shareholder should drive up the office of the construction company. It is required to show a passport or power of attorney if the owner cannot be present personally, as well as the original DDA and payment receipt. The developer makes permission to enter the house and document from Rosreestra that the address is assigned to the address. To make sure the quality arranged to the State Commission, the buyer in the right to demand a conclusion about the compliance of sanitary standards and project documentation (ZOS).

When drafting DDU, it is necessary to devote a separate item to a penalty for violation of the deadlines. If you are late for more than half a year, it is a reason to turn to a lawyer. The owner of housing is a claim in two copies and transfers one of them builders. The second he leaves. Legislation obliges the company to respond within ten days.

How to accommodate an apartment from the developer

To be fulfillment, this event will have to be carefully prepared. It will be necessary to capture a flashlight, roulette, notepad, pen or pencil. Need a sheet of A4 format. With it, the thrust is checked in the ventilation channel. During the inspection process, it will be necessary to make markers indicating detected defects. For this, a marker or a piece of chalk is suitable. It is more convenient to use the photo and video camera, but the lens does not always manage to fix the shortcomings.

For a meeting, you should choose a bright day of day so that all flaws are clearly visible. Before starting an independently examination, you need to go to the forum where the remaining solutions are communicated. In the future, this will facilitate troubleshooting. If there is no such forum, it should be created. The cohesion of the shareholders is the best weapon against unscrupulous developers.

How to take an apartment in a new building: detailed instructions 8344_7

Check-sheet Accepting an apartment in a new building

Inspection begins with the entrance and the entire floor. Public sites are not objects of share ownership, but it does not mean that shortcomings are allowed here. When marriage is found, a collective complaint is drawn up from all tenants. It will not be superfluous to fix the testimony of meters on water and electricity. The objects of equity property do not include:

  • staircase, including elevators, stairs, windows, garbage chute, entrance doors;
  • the basement - here there are pipes of heating and water supply;
  • Roof and technical floor.

All detected flaws are fixed in a defective act.

How to take an apartment in a new building: detailed instructions 8344_8

What to pay special attention

  • The entrance door must be installed correctly, without distinguishing and closing silently and easily. It is not allowed to have mechanical damage - scratches, dents, chips. It is important not to forget to check the lock.
  • Similar requirements are presented to glass packages. Tightness is checked with a burning match or paper sheet. If the flame or cloth with closed sash pegs, it means there is a draft.
  • The finish must comply with the draft. Walls, floor and ceiling without finish finish can not be perfectly smooth, but after plastering and putty, the priceer in the right to insist on their compliance with generally accepted standards. Defects include cracks, protruding fittings, mold and condensate. With the help of roulette, it is necessary to check the size of the premises and the presence of distortions.
  • Heating, ventilation and gas pipeline should work properly. The presence of sublishes, dents, rust, distillauses are not allowed. It should be checked all the valves in all rooms. It is important not to forget about the fixing devices. If the radiator is walking, it should be entered into a defective act.
  • Outlets can be checked with a small electrical appliance that will be easy to capture with you.
  • If plumbing does not correspond to the contract declared in the contract, or if it has damage, it also needs to be made to the list of shortcomings.

The customer is in the right to choose paint, wallpapers and other materials, if specified with the construction company. Other wishes of shareholders are also taken into account.

How to take an apartment in a new building: detailed instructions 8344_9

How to take an apartment without decoration in the new building

In this case, the walls, the floor and the ceiling do not have a finite coating. The finish is made by the buyer for its funds. The area is verified for compliance with current technical standards.
  • When inspecting the premises, attention should be paid to the presence of irregularities. If their value is a few centimeters, it is a serious defect, which requires a large number of plaster.
  • Pipes must be without curvature. The maximum possible curvature per meter is 2 mm.
  • The device is not allowed without waterproofing separating it from the walls.
  • It is also necessary to check the health of the valves, windows, doors, electricians and all communications.

Does the help of professionals need

When selling housing, many nuances are specified, but some rules must be respected by default. They are written in detail in GOST and SNIPS. You can check them yourself only in part. To be confident that there are no deviations from sanitary and technical standards, it will take help from professionals with special equipment. Such companies will help to hold:

  • control of hidden work;
  • Measurement of wall deviations, gender and ceiling, as well as measured area;
  • Check compliance with fire safety standards, as well as sanitary requirements. Such studies are necessary to avoid the appearance of mold when the stove earns, the heating devices and humidity in the premises will increase;
  • examination of the roof, technical floor and basement;

With a thermal imaging examination of external walls and double-glazed windows, emptiness caused by the cause of drafts can be detected. With the help of devices, you can find out whether the bearing walls and overlappings of hidden defects that can lead to loss of strength and collapse during operation are not.

How to take an apartment in a new building: detailed instructions 8344_10

Services are relatively cheap. So, for example, a thermal impetition is on average about 3,000 rubles, the area of ​​the area and the compilation of the plan in the computer program is 45 rubles per square meter.

What to do if defects are detected

When defects are detected, they must be displayed in the appropriate act. One instance is sent to the developer. If the deadlines are not specified in DDU, they should be denoted in a defective act. If the shortcomings are insignificant and concern, for example, only finishes, a new owner can send its claims to the construction company, while adopting a living space.

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What to do after acceptance

In the absence of claims, a transmission act is signed. It indicates the transfer date and main housing parameters. Then you should contact Rosreestr to register ownership.

Pack of documents for Rosreestra

  • transmission act;
  • permission to commission the building;
  • BTI plan;
  • DTD;
  • Cadastral documents on the assignment of the address and registering.

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