What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials


Plastic panels, self-adhesive film and not only - we have prepared a list of moisture-resistant materials that can be used in the bathroom to diversify the interior.

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_1

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials

In the article we tell you how to separate the bathroom, except for the tile, cheap and beautiful: we list ordinary moisture stable materials. They do not mold, the mold will not appear in the room, and you can cope with their installation yourself. In some cases, even pre-preparation of the surface will not need. Let's start with wall coverings.

Once reading? See the video in which we list all the materials

How to replace tile in the bathroom:

On the walls

- PVC panels

- Paint

- Decorative plaster

- wallpaper

- Self-adhesive film

- Gypsum Carton

On the floor

- Linoleum

- Laminate

- Vinyl tile


What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_3

Alternative wall finishing options

There are six alternatives to Kafel.

Plastic panels

They are leafy and rubber. The first is wide, due to which the pasting occurs faster. The latter often look more beautiful. Here are the advantages of PVC panels:

  • Many shades on sale.
  • They are easy to wash, they are waterproof.
  • Before installing, you do not need to level the walls.
  • Create additional sound insulation.

All this at the exit gives us almost the perfect material for the repair of the bathroom. The minus of such a surface is its fragility. It begins and breaks under pressure.

If there is a mold on the wall or a rejected plaster - it needs to be removed, covered with a wall with anti-grapple impregnation, sharpen it.

The panels can be glued with liquid nails or are laid on an aluminum profile clamp. In a small room, one drawing looks good, blonde, elongated lining. If the area allows you to experiment with different textures, alternate vertical and horizontal installation, combine different cladding, make decorative inserts. In addition to the walls of PVC modules, furniture items are squeezed. For example, the sheets often make the screen under the bath or coating for the sink cabinet. See how interiors with similar design may look like.

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_4
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_5
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_6
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_7
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_8
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_9
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_10
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_11
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_12

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What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_15

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_16

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_17

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_18

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_19

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_20

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_21

  • Installing PVC panels in the bathroom: Tips for choosing and installation instructions


Such a finish is quite laborious, but it has two undeniable advantages. The first is that the paint can be found under any interior style: classic, modern, minimalism, vintage, Provence. Second - in price. Dye and tools are less than ceramics.

One shade can look boring, so designers advise to combine two or even a few. In order for the transition between them to be smooth, the rapid tape is used. It is glued to the border of two colors.

The only negative is the need for surface alignment. From it you need to remove all the old cladding, wash away from dust, to handle with an antiseptic or primer with such an additive, shook the defects or shade. Material is applied with brush and roller or sprayer.

To extend the service life of the painted wall, make a good ventilation in the bathroom and sometimes leave the door open.

The question remains how to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tiles? There are three suitable paints:

  • Acrylic
  • Silicone
  • Latex

They are matte and glossy. The shiny surface looks beautiful, visually increases the area. Her drawback is that it emphasizes all irregularities. Alkyd and oil-resistant dyes include alkyd and oily, but they leave behind an unpleasant smell, poorly weather.

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_23
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_24
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_25
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_26

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_27

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_28

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_29

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_30

  • 5 ways to save on the repair of the bathroom and bathroom

Decorative plaster

The mixture should be waterproof, which means that the compositions with the plaster base will not fit. You can choose from three options:

  • Mineral. Budget, fireproof material. Cons: Low Elasticity, the need for thorough primer and alignment.
  • Acrylic. Their advantages: elasticity, durability. It has bad vapor permeability.
  • Silicone. Impeccable compositions for interior decoration. They are strong, resistant to fading, breathable. The only minus is a higher cost.

Some of the smooth compositions, and other small fillers that give relief are included. First, the wall is equalized by cement plaster, make waterproofing, ground, apply the finish finish, paint it and be covered with varnish.

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_32
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_33
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_34
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_35
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_36

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What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_38

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_39

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_40

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_41


Typically glued only half the walls, create combinations with paint, plaster or panels. But it happens that the canvas cover the whole wall. It is recommended to do it only in the part of the room where there will be no direct contact with water. Fliseline, vinyl, fiberglass or liquid wallpapers will be needed for work.

They should be the designation of moisture resistance - in the form of a wave or drops. Than them more - the better. It is advisable to use glue designed for the type of wallpaper that you bought. Even if all the conditions are made, good ventilation should be made in the bathroom.

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_42
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_43
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_44
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_45
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_46

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What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_48

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_49

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_50

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_51

Self-adhesive film

If you want the finish to cost cheap, pay attention to self-keys. It is sold in rolls. On the back of the leaf there is a sticky layer. It is quickly mounted on almost any wall: tree, tile, plywood, glass, gle, plaster, metal.

The work itself is very simple, but the surface treatment is required, since the delicate coating will not hide defects, but only emphasize them.

Decorative waterproof film is comparable to tiles or plastic panels. The shelf life is approximately 10 years. The surface is matte, glossy, rough and metallized.

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_52
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_53

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_54

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_55


If the room area allows you to pre-strip the walls with plasterboard. It will help to hide the defects of the former cladding and reorganize the pipes. Only moisture-proof GLK will suit work. It is glued or installed on a metal frame. The first way helps to save space, but do not hide communications. After installing the sheets, the sheets put sand and ground. Then you can glue wallpaper on them, apply paint, decorative inserts made of glass and mosaic.

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_56
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_57

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_58

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_59

  • Plasterboard in the bathroom: Features of choice, use and cladding

Floor materials for trimming bathroom, except for tiles

In the case of the floor options not so much. One of them is to paint it the same waterproof paint as the wall. Pre-surface is ground and plaster. There are three more cladding methods.


PVC finish is suitable for the bathroom without lining - it will definitely not reset and the mold will not appear in the room, an unpleasant smell. It is advisable to purchase a semi-commercial type of coating, more resistant to abrasion and household chemicals. Pay attention also to anti-slip properties. They are indicated by the letter R. Safe is considered R10, but the higher the value, the more expensive the coating. Perhaps, more rational to buy ordinary linoleum and lay rubber rugs on it in traumatic places.

  • The presence of shades and textures imitating natural stone or tree.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • Easy styling, if the room is free from furniture. If it is already worth it and do not take it out, the task is complicated by cutting the corners.
  • Additional sound insulation.
  • The surface is warmer than tiles.

The main complexity is to seal the seams and the perimeter, so that water does not hit them. This is done with glue or hot welding. Another minus is that before laying you need to make floor alignment. Linoleum repeats the outlines of the base and if somewhere there are horses, work will have to do again. Cracks will appear on this place and the water or condensate will be accumulated down at the bottom.

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_61
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_62

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_63

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_64


To separate the wet room with this material, you need to choose a suitable variety of laminate.

  • Moisture-resistant. Made of HDF plates impregnated with wax, antibacterial additives. Well tolerates increased humidity, but good ventilation is required and the minimum of water getting down.
  • Waterproof. It has increased strength, water-repellent properties. He does not absorb moisture, even if she falls on him in a lot of quantities.

The joints between the details are treated with silicone sealant or wax.

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_65
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_66

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_67

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_68

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Vinyl tile

This coating in the form of ready-made sheets or rolls. It is durable, waterproof and looks good in almost any interior. On sale there will be shades under the tree. The tile does not slide, and you can wash with any familiar means. Vinyl just to lay. It is self-adhesive, for the installation of glue, Castle.

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_70
What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_71

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_72

What can be separated by bathroom, except for tiles: 9 practical and beautiful materials 8386_73

  • 4 Important parameters for selecting perfect tiles in the bathroom


So, what can be separated by a bathroom, except for tiles? Inexpensive, beautiful replacement - plastic panels, paint, mineral plaster, linoleum, decorative film. All these options are distinguished by waterproofiness and large selection of shades, patterns, textures.

Need to cover the pipes? Choose drywall in order to further decorate it at your discretion. The advantages of vinyl and laminate - in their strength. Disadvantage - at higher cost. The same problem will arise with wallpaper. In addition, it is the most unreliable option for a wet room if there is no good ventilation.

Also use natural stone. It is durable, does not absorb water, it looks beautiful in the interior. Some wood breeds will also be resistant to humidity. For example, oak, ash, beech, Brazilian walnut, Elm, Tick. All these coatings are more expensive and they are difficult to mount themselves.

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