5 bugs in bathroom cleaning that make all


We suggest what to draw attention when cleaning the bathroom so that it always sparkle from cleanliness.

5 bugs in bathroom cleaning that make all 84_1

5 bugs in bathroom cleaning that make all

1 rarely wash plumbing

The less often you wash the bath, sink and toilet, the more divorce and limetones are formed on their surfaces. Not to mention microbes. The farther, the hardest to cope with these problems - in the end you will spend a lot of time to clean plumbing.

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It is much more convenient for 2-3 days to wipe the plumbing at least just a rag and once a week - wash with special means. The whole process will take a couple of minutes, and the bathroom will always look neat.

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2 Use the same rags

One rag or sponge for bath and toilet bowl? Not the best solution. Obviously, bacteria that live on the toilet can move in this way to other surfaces.

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We advise you to start your inventory for each surface type to maximize your health.

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3 Surface cleaning

Wrapped the sink and floors - you think, all? In fact, there are still quite many places that deserve your attention (and cleaning).

Regularly remove the dust at the bottom of the toilet and behind it, do not forget about the cornice for the curtains and, in fact, about the blind itself: it is from time to time or wash with soap solution, or to wash, or replace to a new one.

  • 7 errors in the cleaning of the bathroom that harm your health

4 Forget about tiles

Even if you have been removed in hard-to-reach corners, there is a chance that the tile was forgotten about washing. And in vain. At first it will form ugly heights, and then mold may appear, which will not be displayed simply.

MELLERUD Liquid for wall and floor tiles

MELLERUD Liquid for wall and floor tiles

5 Neglect gloves

The fact that chemicals are better to enjoy in gloves, many know. But there is another reason to introduce them to use - there are models with special nozzles for cleaning, which can significantly ease your life.

Silicone gloves

Silicone gloves



And what bugs in bathroom cleaning do you consider the most common? Leave your answers in the comments.

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