What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions


The IVD expert tells how with the help of heat-resistant enamel to transform old heating devices.

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_1

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions

How heat-resistant enamel will help in the operation of heating equipment

The modern house surrounds us everyday life and technological comfort all year round. Independence from the weather outside the cottage window, engineering systems provide stable climatic comfort of its owners. In the overwhelming majority for heat in the house "respond" to various degrees of progressive heating systems. It may be the simplest (but it is not constructive that is not a primitive) Russian oven, and boiler equipment saturated by smart control electronics. And most of them, to ensure room temperature, the house requires the achievement of sufficiently high temperatures and the coolant, and exhaust flue gases from the heating boiler. As a result, in the volume of modern housing, we get the surface very hot, if not frankly hot. In general, it should be noted that these "hotels" should be aesthetically attractive, which is often achieved by their harmoniously looking color.

What is the advantage of the heat-resistant enamel?

Of course, if you paint the above items of ordinary paint, it will begin to bubble on the first hundred degrees of heating and the subject will lose any aesthetic appeal. It is for reliable and durable painting of preheated, and sometimes hot objects have developed special heat-resistant enamels. As a decent example of such a material, I can safely recommend "Enamel heat resistant" from the domestic manufacturer - Vixen brand. I have a small amateur experience with this composition illustrated in the accompanying photos.

In addition to a pleasant appearance, the heat-resistant anti-corrosion silicone enamel Vixen gives metal surfaces reliable protection against corrosion. When we are dealing with the metal, can you refuse such an option?

Color resistance to heating

Separately, it should be said about the temperature capabilities of these coatings. In the range of VIXEN 10 colors options, and each color enamel has a certain heat resistance. Champions in heat resistance (up to + 750 ° C) are the enamel of black, gold and copper color. A little inferior to them according to this indicator (up to + 600 ° C) silver, white and graphite color. They followed blue with + 550 ° C, red-brown and chocolate-brown have been established by + 500 ° C stepper and closes this rainbow palette bright red enamel with "modest" + 400 ° C.

It often happens that after heating, the surface painted by poor-quality heat-resistant enamel can change color. The fact is that in the manufacture of such enamels, manufacturers can save using non-heat-resistant, and ordinary pigments. However, in heat-resistant enamel VIXEN, special heat-resistant pigments are used, which, with repeated heating, withstand the effects of high temperatures. So, the processed items will not lose sight even after several years.

Personal experience: how to paint the heat-resistant enamel boiler in the country in the 5th stages

For testing coatings with heat-resistant enamels, I "sacrificed" a homemade solid fuel boiler and a bath stove.

1. Select the color of the enamel

I chose three enamels of different colors closing almost the entire temperature range of use - silver, bright red and blue.

The boiler body was decided to make silver (as an aviation liner), which gave it a well-known ease, the firebox door (as the most hot part) was logical to prevent bright red, and the lid pondered - blue.

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_3

In the photo: "Enamel heat-resistant" VIXEN.

2. Clean and cool the surface of the equipment to room temperature

Of course, before applying enamel, the surfaces cooled the surface to room temperature, cleaned with rust, dried and degreased. I pay special attention to the first aspect, although enamel and heat-resistant, but it is applied to the surface cooled to the surrounding temperature.

Thanks to anti-corrosion additives, the heat-resistant enamel of VIXEN can be applied even on a rusty surface.

Although enamel and heat-resistant, but her ...

Although enamel and heat-resistant, but it is important to apply the surface to cooled to room temperature.

3. Shake the balloon

I recommend changing the balloon before use 2-3 minutes.

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_5

4. Apply enamel to the surface

I liked that the balloon did not "spoiled", did not give extra drops: the coating laid smoothly, without incl. The torch of the sprayed composition was stable and uniform. The recommended number of enamel layers from 2 to 3. Already literally after a quarter of an hour, the first layer was practically hardened. The technique even has an appropriate term - "Drying time" on the low ". So, after 15-20 minutes, I surely covered the surface on the second time.

The heat-resistant enamel vixen have excellent clutch with the surface, so before applying the priming is not required.

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What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_7
What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_8
What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_9
What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_10

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_11

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_12

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_13

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_14

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_15

5. Wait for complete drying

The total time of drying at room temperature is at least a day. But what is especially interesting and indicative - complete technological curing of the coating occurs precisely when heated during the operation of the product.

With heat-resistant enamel & n ...

With the help of heat-resistant enamel VIXEN, it will be possible to transform an old heating device.

Where else can I use heat-resistant enamel?

Enamel can handle picnic mangals, fireplace grilles and screens subject to severe heating. It is easy to paint the heat-resistant enamel and the oven in the bath that I also did.

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What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_18
What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_19

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_20

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_21

What is a heat-resistant enamel and how to use it: examples and step-by-step instructions 8474_22

In the plans of my summer cottage season, paint a samovar pipe with all three existing coatings. The heat-resistant enamel vixen will allow me to do it with high quality and for many years.

There are also other areas of use. For example, car enthusiasts can be recommended to paint the braking machines: brake drums, exhaust pipe, calipers and hubs.

Text and Pictures: Oleg Sanko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher

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