What is better: porcelain tile or ceramic tile - compare two materials


We tell what they differ, and what is better to choose to finish.

What is better: porcelain tile or ceramic tile - compare two materials 8520_1

What is better: porcelain tile or ceramic tile - compare two materials

Compare ceramic and porcelain tiles


Her varieties

Porcelain plate plates

Options for registration

Compare materials

What is better for outdoor work

Ceramics is good for the design of special premises, facades, where the elevated humidity, temperature changes are high, the likelihood of pollution is high. It is not afraid of exposure to water, high or low temperatures, is easily cleaned. More recently competitors did not have competitors, but now he appeared. On the eve of repair or at the end of construction, many decide that choose: ceramics tiles or porcelain stoneware. We'll figure it out in this matter.

How to produce ceramics

Its production begins with mixing ingredients. Sand, different grades of clay, minerals are mixed, served in the press, then on the firing. Depending on the method of manufacturing, the properties of products are obtained different. Bicotura or double firing plate has low strength. This is explained by the technology of its production.

The workpiece is pressed, then burns, covered with icing, is again served in the oven. The resulting cladding is porous, which slightly reduces its strength, but light. In this way, only wall models produce. For floor elements use another technique. Monocotture is overtook only once. Raw materials pressed under great than for bicoture, pressure.

What is better: porcelain tile or ceramic tile - compare two materials 8520_3

The blanks are immediately covered with icing, go to the firing. It turns out a facing with a smaller number of pores. It is durable, easily tolerates significant loads. Located on the floor or on the walls.

Distinctive features of ceramics

  • Moisture resistance. It is possible to finish the bathrooms, kitchens, etc.
  • Resistance to temperature drops.
  • Sufficient strength.
  • Durability. Subject to the rules of operation, it serves decades.
  • Easy to care. The glazed surface does not absorb dirt, it is easily removed from the surface.
  • Fire resistance.
  • A variety of textures, colors.
  • Low price.

Over time, products lose brightness. This is because the layer of glaze on their surface gradually abruptly. When transporting material, you need to be careful because the plates are fragile, when falling can split. It happens, the glued tile cracks or even cleaned if a heavy item falls on it.

What is better: porcelain tile or ceramic tile - compare two materials 8520_4

Varieties of ceramic finish

Tile types of ceramics set, just some of them.


A large high-strength tile made of red clay. Capacked opaque icing is covered by double firing.


It uses only white clay for its production. Good for clearance of dry premises.


Extruded double firing products of increased strength. The mixture of different clays is used for their production.


Facing with a compacted basis. Manufactured by extrusion. It has maximum strength, fire resistance.

All finishing ceramics takes tests, according to their results, it is assigned to one of five classes of wear resistance. Minimum PEI I, maximum PEI V.

What is better: porcelain tile or ceramic tile - compare two materials 8520_5

What is ceramographic

Strictly speaking, this is another modification of ceramic facing. The raw material is a mixture of sand, minerals, pigment, different grades of clay. The peculiarity of production consists in pre-pressing, firing at temperatures above 1000 ° C. Such conditions are similar to those in which rocks are formed in the depths of the earth's crust. Therefore, the properties of ceramics turned out to be close to natural stone.

For this reason, the material got the name of the porcelain. It is almost similar in its properties to natural granite, in something even surpasses it.

Characteristics of ceramographic

  • Increased strength, easily withstands significant loads, strikes.
  • Low water absorption. It is very small, they almost do not absorb water.
  • Wear resistance. Not engaged in intensive use.
  • Uniform color distribution across the thickness of the plate, because the pigment is introduced at the production stage.
  • Durability. Properties are saved throughout the entire material.
  • Frost resistance. Withstands more than twenty freezing and thawing cycles, so suitable for the decor of the facades, veranda, etc.

What is better: porcelain tile or ceramic tile - compare two materials 8520_6

There are deficiencies in porcelain books. Small porosity determines the considerable weight of the plates. For sex, it is insignificant, and when finishing the walls need to be considered. Gypsum Carton partitions may not withstand their weight.

The material is solid, drilled and cut it difficult. Errors in work give cracks, chips. Sometimes the plates split. With all its hardness, they are fragile. Another minus is less than that of ceramic facing the selection of design. A variety of colors, textures are not here.

  • How to choose a floor stoneware: Criteria and useful tips

Varieties of ceramographic

Initially, the coating was monophonic, only matte. Gradually, its design was improved. Several modifications of the material differing in appearance and properties appeared.

Intended matte decor

Good imitation of natural stone, without drawing and gloss. Durable, durable, wear-resistant. Stacked in premises with complex operating conditions, on the street.

Polished plates

Abrasive processing gives them gloss. The coating is durable, beautiful, slippery. Feature - the presence of micropores that actively absorb pollution. Do not put it where the impact of bright pigments, fat, oils, etc. Cleaning abrasives is prohibited. Be sure to regularly apply protective mastic.

Glazed finish

The layer of glaze is superimposed before firing. It gives glossy or matte plates with different patterns. Over time, the glazing can be erased, so it is not worth putting in rooms with high passability.

Texture products

When pressing, the coating is given a variety of relief, which is preserved after firing. Products acquire an attractive view and non-slip surface.

What is better: porcelain tile or ceramic tile - compare two materials 8520_8

Compare: porcelain stoneware or tile

Properties in decorative materials are different, despite the fact that they are both considered ceramics. Compare their main characteristics.


The tile has sufficient strength for the interior decoration. Outdoor varieties are stronger, but they also split or crack when severe items fall. The competitor is much surpassed in this. Porcelain tile withstands blows, abrasion. It is placed in premises with high patency, porch, facades.


If operating conditions are met, both finishes will serve for a long time. True, over time, ceramic plates fade, can be covered with scratches. It flies the layer of glaze. Porcelain strain plates are scratched throughout the thickness, they do not change the color.

Frost resistance, resistance to atmospheric influences

When choosing an outdoor design, the question is that better, porcelain stoneware or ceramic tile is definitely solved. The latter is never used for the decor of the facade, on the terrace, porch or balcony. Negative temperatures and atmospheric phenomena destroy it quickly.

Registration and cost

The undisputed leader here is a tile. A diverse design in combination with a lower price make it in demand.

What is better: porcelain tile or ceramic tile - compare two materials 8520_9

By comparing the properties of the finish, we conclude that they are intended for different operating conditions. Tile is mounted in bathrooms, bathrooms, hallway and other residential rooms. For the kitchen, the material is chosen by the class of strength above 3. on the balcony, the porch and other outer surfaces does not fit it. Porcelain stoneware is universal, can be laid everywhere, including outdoor finish. Due to the high cost in the residential rooms it is rare.

Clinker or porcelain stoneware: what is better to choose for the street

The facade, the porch or terrace is separated by clinker or porcelain tank. Both options are well suited for these purposes, but better still clinker. It is made of a special grade of clay, in which there are no lime impurities. In addition, extraction technology is used for production. The difference with pressing is large. The plates are very dense, but at the same time vapor-permeable.

Clinker facades are made non-ventilated, while porcelain bounds are only with ventilation. High-quality clinker is much stronger than more durable. It is resistant to almost any adverse effects. Given the complex production technology, the finish price is significantly higher.

What is better: porcelain tile or ceramic tile - compare two materials 8520_10

Choose what is better for the floor and walls a porcelain stoneware or tile is not difficult. For rooms with complex operational conditions and for the street, the best solution will be the first option. For all others - the second.

  • How and how to drill a porcelain tile

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