Checklist: How to create a comfortable microclimate in the country house


There are infrequent microclimate in the house, therefore, there are raw in the rooms, there are unpleasant odors or thick layers of dust on the tables and shelves. We give 9 tips, how to avoid these unpleasant phenomena.

Checklist: How to create a comfortable microclimate in the country house 8563_1

Checklist: How to create a comfortable microclimate in the country house

1 make insulation from soil

At the stage of the construction stage, it is necessary to take care that the dampness and smells of humus coming from the soil do not penetrate the house.

If a ribbon or pile-painted foundation is selected, sometimes limited to the fact that they remove the fertile layer on the building area. But in the swampy terrain this is not enough. You should still plug the coarse sand to a height of at least 20 cm above the original level of soil. Water will rise by about half the thickness of such a pillow, and its top layer for most of the year will remain dry.

Another option (it is suitable for ...

Another option (it is suitable for fine-gulled ribbon) - Pour Ventkanals under Earth

2 Thought up the ventilation underground

During the autumn rains and the spring, the moisture penetrates in the underground. So that it is dried, in the basement (Zabirka) you need to foresee. Their area of ​​construction rules should be at least 1/400 of the total area of ​​the first underground, but it is advisable to double this value. If the reinforcement of the tape (framework) is performed correctly, produced will not affect the strength of the foundation. Do not fear and the fact that the floor will be colder. Practice has shown: the underground undeveloped underground should be intensively ventilated and being cold (in no case cannot be covered with blood), and the base overlap should be carefully insulated.

Black rolls from quality

The rough rutting from high-quality cement-chipstones will serve longer than the militant

  • Proper ventilation: how to make an exhaust in a private house with your own hands

3 Protect floors from fungus

Additional protection from the fungus will be the processing of the design of overlapping and floor of the first floor by antiseptics. Especially carefully you need to soak wooden beams, cranial bars and black boards.

Bar and blackboard for overlapping and ...

Bar and floorboards for overlapping and floor of the first floor base is better to handle twice - before and after assembling the design

4 Thought up protection against leaks

It is also worth paying attention to leakage protection. A leakage and damaged pipe or damaged pipes can cause wetting walls and overlaps. Worst of all, if the insulation is injected inside a multi-layer design: it will dry slowly and the unpleasant smell remains in the premises. Installation of water supply, sewage and heating can only be charged with a qualified specialist, and revisions should be envisaged in the locations.

Important: If the mold still started in the underground, they fight with it, burning sulfur checkers.

Insulation inside walls sometimes & ...

Insulation inside the walls are sometimes tightened with a pergamine, but this material is definitely and not too durable

5 Isolate insulation and wood plates

And mineral wools, and foams allocate harmful substances, the number of which depends on the age and quality of the material (in the case of a chipboard, and the OSP is important class of emission and formaldehyde). Therefore, such products are allowed to be applied only in layered structures, separating from residential premises with preservative coatings or barriers from impermeable film, foil or foil paper.

6 Make ventilation of premises

In a wooden or stone house, it is quite possible to restrict ourselves to ventilating through the windows, but without hoods in the wet zones, it is still not to do. But in a modern frame building, the walls of which are not able to adjust the humidity of the air in the rooms, the system of forced supply-exhaust ventilation is extremely desirable.

From the emission of the particles of the insulation, reinforced polypropylene films are well protected.

7 Protect the house from drafts

Drafts, of course, help ventilation, but at the same time create thermal discomfort and contribute to the formation of dust (particles of seals and insulation blows inside the house). Therefore, in a wooden building, you need to pay attention to the hobble work, and in the frame (shield) - on the sealing of the jacks between the elements of the walls, the installation of windproof membranes.

The outer layer of the packle in the seams is needed ...

The outer layer of the packle in the seams must be soaked with flaxseed oil, olifa or other protective and decorative composition, does not interfere also to break through the rope seams. These measures will prevent the blowing of the sealer and the formation of dust.

8 Thinking up the heating system

The greatest comfort will provide water (liquid) heating - a warm floor or radiators under the windows. If there is no possibility to establish such a system, you should purchase electroconvectors. The furnace heating will allow you to warm the house even in a strong cold, but the heat will distribute unevenly, besides the air in the rooms it will be too dry.

Melted plates in the attic

Melted plates in the attic overlap usually laid in two or three layers

  • Heating for a private house: what better to choose

9 Warm attic overlap and roof

If you save on the insulation, in the summer on the second floor (in the attic), you will not be able to live because of the heat, and in the winter through the ceiling will destroy all the heat produced by radiators or stoves. Under the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, the minimum thickness of mineral wool in the attic ceiling or roof is 200 mm. To protect against weathering, they should be topped with a vapor-permeable material (polymer membrane).

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