The better the roof in a private house: Overview of Pluses and Minuses of Materials


We suggest, from which materials to make the roof so that it is beautiful, did not flow and served a long time.

The better the roof in a private house: Overview of Pluses and Minuses of Materials 8619_1

The better the roof in a private house: Overview of Pluses and Minuses of Materials

All about choosing roofing

Criterias of choice

Surprised options

  • Slate
  • Proflist
  • Metal tile
  • Bituminous tile
  • Ondulin

How to choose a roof coating

Repair, and even more so construction, suggests significant spending. The preservative owner wants to reduce them, provided that this will not affect the service life. We will deal with how to cover the roof of the house inexpensively and efficiently. But first find out what properties a good roofing material has.

From what to repel when choosing

  • Strength to withstand significant loads in the form of snow or water.
  • Resistance to atmospheric phenomena.
  • Small mass so as not to load bearing structures.
  • Easy to assemble, a small amount of waste during fitting.
  • Long service life.
  • Easy service, maintainability.

It is desirable that the material price is not too high. Well, if the coating has an attractive view that remains the entire service life. To the roof not only defended, but also decorated the building.

The better the roof in a private house: Overview of Pluses and Minuses of Materials 8619_3

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What is better: Review of the roof roof materials

The range of roofing covers is wide. They are divided into two large groups: flexible and tough. The first is made of bitumen, fiberglass, cellulose. The raw materials for the second are cement, composite, metal, etc. Both groups enjoy in demand. Consider the better to cover the roof of the house.

Wave slate

Veteran among rigid roofing materials is already available for more than a dozen years. It uses portland cement in a mixture with asbestos and water. The resulting mass is molded into sheets. Previously, they were not painted, they remained light gray. Modern models are painted in different colors. If the paint is brought on the stage of the knead, the product will not fade.


  • Strength. Wave sheet easily withstands the weight of an adult.
  • Service life of about 25 years.
  • Good warmth and soundproofing characteristics.
  • Maintainability. If required, you can replace only the spoiled item.
  • It does not ignite, under the influence of high temperatures does not release toxic substances.
  • The price of sheets is low.


First of all, this is the presence of asbestos. According to the results of recent studies, he turned out to be carcinogen. Therefore, chrysolito-cement plates appear increasingly on sale. They are safe. Another minus asbestoscerta is hygroscopicity. He absorbs moisture, which leads to gradual cracking, destruction.

Slate plates are not combustible, but in the fire they crack with the formation of sparks. This may cause fire located near the houses. Installation is hampered by a significant mass of sheets, each weighs 20 kg. With inaccurate handling, slate can split, it is rather fragile.

The better the roof in a private house: Overview of Pluses and Minuses of Materials 8619_5

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Profiled sheet

Available in cold-pressure molded plates of steel coated with a protective layer. The latter is different. This is a layer of zinc or special polymers. Galvanized products cheap, their protective layer is fluttered faster. Polymers are better protected by metal from corrosion. Such protection is different color.


  • The relatively low mass, the congestion of the design will not be.
  • High strength, resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Ecology, metal is completely safe.
  • Easy installation, which can be carried out independently.


You need to know about its low soundproof properties. Rain, and even more so hail, drowning on the roof, will be clearly heard in every corner of the house. True, this problem is solved by arranging additional noise insulation. The thermal insulation characteristics are as insufficient. The installation of insulation and waterproofing will be required, otherwise the formation of condensate is possible.

For the roof of a complex form, the professionalist is rarely chosen because it has to take with a large margin. In this case, there will be a lot of waste from trimming. Another minus is the vulnerability of the protective layer. Therefore, when laying the plate, only special fasteners are fixed. All slicing holes are processed by paint. Otherwise, foci of corrosion will quickly appear in these sites.

The better the roof in a private house: Overview of Pluses and Minuses of Materials 8619_7

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Metal tile

Imitation of traditional ceramic tile. It is molded products coated with protective layers of zinc and polymers. The shape of the shingle varies from the trapezoidal to the semicircular, painted in different colors. In comparison with the professional flooring, it is advantageous with an attractive view and a smaller width. The latter facilitates installation.


  • A small weight of about 6 kg per square. m. This allows you to put sheets on the crate, use them for houses with a lightweight foundation.
  • The strength of the collected roof. This is due to the reliability of metal tile, a small amount of seams.
  • Durability. It serves an average of 50 years. Metal tile is used under any climatic conditions, withstanding both extremely low and high temperatures.
  • Simple quick installation. Held at any time of the year. The presence of special attachments, other components makes it easier. It is possible to equip the roof with high quality with their help.
  • Resistance to ignition.


Metal tile has low insulating characteristics. Additional noise and thermal insulation are required. The prepurability of the relief delays snow on the roof, so the recommended angle of inclination is observed. It cannot be less than 14 °.

Touch the metal tiles of complex roofs is unprofitable. Figure is required, due to this, waste during trimming can be up to a third of the required amount. Protective polymer layer vulnerable to mechanical damage. Even a small scratch will become a "gate" for corrosion. For this reason, when laying, it turns to do it very carefully, they paint all the holes and sections, use only special fasteners.

The better the roof in a private house: Overview of Pluses and Minuses of Materials 8619_9

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Bituminous tile

Representative of a group of flexible roofing materials, a kind of multilayer "Pie". It is produced on the basis of fiberglass, which is impregnated with a modified bitumen. Decorative coating is applied from above. This is a colored mineral crumb. It not only protects, but also decorate the product. Bottom fiberglass is closed by polymer-bituminous frost-resistant mastic.

The lowest layer is a film, it prevents sticking of parts. Removed in the process of laying.


  • Good noise and thermal insulation characteristics. Additional protection is not required.
  • The strength and elasticity that fiberglass does not lose even at low temperatures. This allows you to lay material on the basis of complex form.
  • Light weight, about 5 kg per square. m. This greatly simplifies installation, does not give a significant load on the supporting structures.
  • Long service life. From different manufacturers, it varies from 30 to 50 years.
  • Large selection of forms, colors.
  • Simple installation. You can cover the roof of flexible plates without the help of specialists.


First of all, it is necessary to put it only on a solid crate of moisture-resistant material. It increases the price of a square meter. For this reason, the costs of the roof from the metal and bitumen tiles are approximately the same, despite the significant difference in price.

There are limitations on the angle of inclination. If it is less than 12 °, it is impossible to cover flexible roof material. For structures with a bias from 12 ° to 18 °, it is desirable to arrange an additional waterproofing on the moisturization of fragments. From small minuses it is necessary to note the roughness of the plates, it assumes that they will have to be cleaned more often. High temperatures are not dangerous for bitumen, but soften it. Therefore, it is impossible to move around the tile in hot weather.

The better the roof in a private house: Overview of Pluses and Minuses of Materials 8619_11

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For its manufacture, natural cellulose is used. Fibers warm up, pressed, give them the form of wavy sheets. The finished products are painted in different colors, soaked with bitumen. Thanks to such technology, the plates acquire good water resistance, which is superior to almost all the analogues.


  • Small weight. The sheet is four times easier than similar on the area of ​​slate. This facilitates transportation, installation. Strengthening the truss design or foundation does not have to.
  • Resistance to atmospheric phenomena. Acids, alkalis, oil products ondulin plates are not dangerous. Therefore, industrial gases, acid rains will not spoil him.
  • Hygienic and environmental friendliness. The coating does not allocate toxic evaporation. Pollution on it is not delayed.
  • Good insulating characteristics. The house will be quiet even during heavy rain.
  • Low price, which allows inexpensive to equip the roof.
  • Convenience of mounting. The plates bend, it is easy to cut with ordinary hacksaw. Fix them on special nails that are clogged into the highest point of the wave.

  • Detailed instructions for mounting ondulin on the roof

Despite the many advantages, Ondulin is not always chosen for private houses. Much more often used for country houses or household buildings. The reason lies in negative feedback. They appear after improper laying. For example, each sheet should account for at least 20 nails, otherwise the strength will suffer. The shave of the crate affects it, it should be no more than 60 cm. Non-compliance with technology leads to the loss of operational properties.

If everything is done correctly, Ondulin will last 15-20 years. Considering its price, it is very good.

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An undisputed minus can be considered combustion and fading. It is impossible to level these disadvantages. Despite the assurances of manufacturers, the biological stability of Ontulin is approximately the same with slate. Shaded wet areas in 3-4 years can be "blooming".

The better the roof in a private house: Overview of Pluses and Minuses of Materials 8619_15

Definitely answer, the better and cheaper to cover the roof of the house is difficult. To find the right decision, it is necessary to take into account the climate, the conditions of operation, the location of the building, the like. There are many options, of which you can always choose the optimal one.

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