When you can make noise in the apartment: the rules of a good neighborhood


We tell about the allowed time to repair the apartment, permissible level of noise and methods of impact on loud neighbors.

When you can make noise in the apartment: the rules of a good neighborhood 8662_1

When you can make noise in the apartment: the rules of a good neighborhood

If the residents of the high-rise buildings ask the question that they are most annoying, almost everyone will tell about the noise. With poor sound insulation, which is often observed in new buildings, people worry not only the sound sounds, but also loud conversations, swearing or events accompanied by loud music. Therefore, we will try to figure out how much you can make noise in the apartment to comply with the rules of a good neighborhood.

The video briefly told the basic rules. See if there is no read time

And now we tell more.

All about the rules for conducting noisy work

Noise law in 2019

Time period when you can noise

Rules on weekends and holidays

What measures apply to the silence

Noise Law in Apartment Houses in 2019

To begin with, it is necessary to determine what noise is and what is meant by this concept, if we talk about residential buildings. Loud sounds can be divided into several categories:

  • Repair
  • Musical
  • Voice.

If you planned Cardin

If you planned a cardinal update of your interior, then you should think about the plan of all manufactured repair work so that they do not disturb the neighbors.


It is impossible to make noise at the bottom of the day. It for the most part concerns the companies going under the windows, as well as public places that are in residential neighborhoods. The noisy work of large techniques falls into this category. However, there are no elimination of emergencies, the work of fire services or special operations of law enforcement agencies.

It is very difficult to prove that during the day the noise level exceeds the permissible norms is very difficult, since for this it is necessary to cause special services that will perform its measurements, but the loud sounds at night are already subject to laws, since they can be regarded as encroachment on peace of people.

The Federal Law of NO 52-FZ, which in everyday life is simply called the law on silence, contains information about whether it is possible to make noise in the apartment and about the allowable volume in the decibels:

  • during the day - 40-55 dB;
  • At night - up to 30 dB.

However, night rest periods in Russia in each region are different, so this document is everywhere regulates the rules.

  • What if the neighbors are noisy at night: 5 possible solutions

When you can make noise in the apartment

Last year, local governments have decided that the time intervals will be considered to be considered at rest. Almost in all regions, they start from 22-23 hours and end in 6-7 am on weekdays, when many are going to work and leave apartments. On the output, this interval increases and lasts until 9-10 in the morning. But in the capital its own rules.

Rules for noisy work in Moscow and Moscow region

  • Night silence time here is installed in the 21 to 8 interval on weekdays and from 22 to 10 on weekends
  • The day here is also provided for a two-hour recreation, which begins at 13 and ends at 15 o'clock.

In Moscow, the night rest period lasts from 23 to 7 hours, in St. Petersburg from 22 to 8, and on weekends from 22 to 12.

In order not to disturb anything and do not prevent neighbors, on the site of local government agencies, you can find out the exact time when noise is allowed in multi-storey houses and courtyard.

  • 7 official requirements that you need to know before repair is not to disturb the law.

Rules on weekends and holidays

The violation of the law on silence includes repair work. Compared to the music, the sounds of the perforator tolerate is really impossible at no time at any time. There are cases that the neighbors are tirelessly doing repair even on Saturday and Sunday.

According to the established norm

According to the established standards, drilling on the weekend cannot be from 22 to 8 hours. However, this year, after private complaints, regional authorities have adopted amendments that limit the opportunity to carry out repair work in the days of rest and holidays. So, in Moscow you can work perforator and other noisy tools exclusively on weekdays from 9 to 19 hours. In several regions, such work can be carried out on Saturdays. However, there is a ban on Sunday on Sunday throughout our country.


Therefore, if you are planning to repair, take a certain time for it and remember that despite your desire to finish it as soon as possible, it is impossible to violate the rights and peace of people. We advise you to adhere to a few simple rules.

Tips, how to behave with neighbors

  • Speak with working or determine the time of noisy repair
  • Do not use tools that when operating exceed the allowable volume rate
  • With all major repair work, you must meet in a three-month period.
If the plans in your apartment will be carried out large-scale work, for example, to demolish the walls, then try to negotiate with your neighbors. Invite them to sign a document that they agree to suffer noise of a certain period of time. So you will have to avoid not only conflict situations, but also the visits of the police and penalties.

What threatens the intruders of silence

With lovers, you can try to try to negotiate peacefully and explain to which hour you can make noise in the apartment. But not always in response comes an adequate response. Often there are situations where such neighbors simply do not open the door. In such cases, call the police or contact the precinct. If for some reason the police do not react and does not arrive on the challenges, you can write a letter to the prosecutor's office. This method is very well accelerating any process associated with offenses.

In addition, try typing & ...

In addition, try to unite with other neighbors who also experience discomfort from inadequate music lovers or lovers to knock the hammer in the early morning. If the tenants of housing violate the tenants, then it's a complaint with the owners of the apartment. Also tell us about it directly to owners of housing.


It is also worth knowing that it is possible to bring to justice for violation of silence not only ordinary citizens, but also the owner of the club, a shop or other public institution, which is located in the area of ​​residential buildings.

According to the law for legal entities, fines are made up to 200 thousand rubles. If these measures are not appropriate, then the offender threatens to 15 days of arrest.

What to do with loud music

Agree, such a phenomenon, like loud music from the neighbors, is very annoying. It is very difficult to cope with it, because it includes either teenagers who are difficult to explain something or people who are suitable. The actions of such neighbors can well be regarded as a violation of public rights. However, in this case, the law on silence begins to act exclusively in the prescribed rest clock.

Therefore, such a situation can be resolved in two ways. If the music is tormented daily during the day, then it is necessary to measure the noise level that employees of Rospotrebnadzor can do. The solution is rather radical, however, if the check reveals a significant amount of volume, the law will be on your side. According to the results of the examination, a conclusion is drawn up, which will allow MELOVANOV to bring to justice.

If the patience allows you to resort to the second impact method. Wait for the night rest time (22 or 23 hours depending on your region) and call the police. Lovers listen to music will be made a warning, however, if law enforcement officers have to come again, then the violators are already flying, and such measures will certainly affect. Next time, the neighbors will think if there are parties of such costs.

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