20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill


We decorate the windowsill books, empty bottles or turn it into a functional zone.

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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill

16 ideas for decorating windowsill

Making the interior, we often forget about the decoration of the windowsides. But they can become a stylish accent, add flat flatness, give the setting the highlight. We have prepared a list for you from proven and uncomplicated ideas on this account.

1. Candles and candlesticks

If your windows are devoid of textile drapes, place a composition of several candles and candlesticks on the windowsill: an additional portion of the cozy and a new light source is your bonuses.

If the curtains on the windows are still available, but the idea of ​​you really like it, you can contact LED lamps imitating candles.

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Aromatic candle

Aromatic candle



2. Ceramic tile

The idea for those who want to make their windowsill special, but at the same time does not want to clutter its different kind of expositions, - ceramic tiles.

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An alternative that looks no less effectively - mosaic.

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3. Empty bottles

Beautiful bottle sorry to throw away? And no need! They can decorate the windowsill, and also - replace vases. By the way, colored glass throws out stunning glare in the sun.

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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_17

Vase bottle

Vase bottle



4. Florarium

Stylish accessory and unassuming indoor plant in one bottle.

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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_22

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5. Houseplants in Kashpo

A modern approach to the design of the window sill with room colors - to focus on the principle of maximalism. Plants - more reasonably, Kashpo - more.

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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_25
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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_32

20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_33

  • How to add indoor plants in the interior if absolutely no place

6. Live flowers in vases

Option for lovers of living colors in the house. By the way, when you get bored, you can do without them: the collection of VAZ on the windowsill itself will look impurious.

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7. Artificial flowers

Reluctance to change water and make bouquets? You can refer to artificial colors. The highest quality and expensive of them do not distinguish from real even from close distance.

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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_43

Artificial bouquet of flowers

Artificial bouquet of flowers



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8. Fresh greens

Decor of the window sill, combining beauty and benefit, is fresh greens in pots.

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9. Ceramic cacti

Another version of the decor for those who want to revive the windowsill greens, but not ready to spend time on caring for live plants, fashionable ceramic cacti and succulents.

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Artificial cacti

Artificial cacti

1 499.


10. Books

Turn the windowsill in the bookshelf is a good idea having and decorative, and practical application.

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11. Girlands

With their help, you can add a color interior, light, give him a seasonal mood.

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12. Lettering

Did you dream long ago in the interior of the place for words from the tree or other letters? Why not place them on the windowsill?

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13. Festive composition

If you have long sighs for a long time, looking in Instagram on intricately decorated fireplace shelves, share Lifehak: the most ordinary windowsill can successfully take on the function of such a shelf.

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14. Mixed exposure

Mixed compositions on the windowsill, combining several stylish little things at once, is a cozy way to add an individual interior and organize a decorative exposure in limited space.

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15. Something new

Show fantasy, connect emotions, Purge into the covers, think what is missing to your interior - and decorate your windowsill with something special, increasing.

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  • We make shelves and coasters for flowers on the windowsill do it yourself

6 functional ideas for the windowsill

If your housing can not boast of considerable area, pay attention to the more practical ideas for using the window sill and the space by the window. We made a short list of functional zones that can find their place here.

1. Workplace

Make a countertop continuation of the window sill - and you can organize a convenient and compact workplace by the window.

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  • Where in small-sidelite find a place for desktop?

2. Rest area

There is not enough space for organizing a cozy mini-zone of recreation, where could you get a book and a cup of fragrant drink? Consider closer to your windowsill!

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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_83
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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_89

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3. Dining area

The area of ​​the window will help both those who do not find the place for the dining table on the tiny kitchen.

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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_92

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4. Coffee bar

If close to the window there are sockets, you can organize a full-fledged coffee bar on the windowsill. The kettle, coffee machine, toaster and a pair of other necessary trifles will fit without problems there.

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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_96
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5. Corner pet

Lenhing for cat, a small aquarium with fish or a hamster cage perfectly spread on the windowsill.

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6. Creative workshop

The space by the window can be a kind of replacement of a creative workshop. A separate room for his hobby few people can allocate, but use the windowsill and the adjacent zone - more realistic.

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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_110

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20+ Delightful ideas for the design of the windowsill 8676_112

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