7 plants that can not watered a month (or even more!)


Bocarnea bent, Zamiculkas and Calanchoe - tell about plants that do not require frequent irrigation.

7 plants that can not watered a month (or even more!) 8737_1

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1 Zamokulkas

This plant has long shoots and attractive round leaves. In the people, it is often called the "Dollar Tree" for the fact that the leaves are really like money. The plant in its life grows up to 1 meter in height, so after some time it can be moved to the floor. It is perfect for decorating the corner of the room, since the shadows are not afraid.

Zamiculkas is a succulent, so spares in the stalkie moisture and tolerates drought well. In winter, it is enough to water it once a month, in summer - it is better to more often, but it cannot be poured, he will die.

However, be careful: shoots and juice zamoculkas poisonous, so it is necessary to work with a plant only in protective gloves.

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2 aloe

This is a grassy perennial plant of origin from Africa, from the most arid places. Therefore, without water, it can live long: in winter it is enough to water once a month or even less often. In the summer it is worth watching the soil: if the earth is still wet, then you should not water. When the soil becomes dry and solid, then you can start watering.

7 plants that can not watered a month (or even more!) 8737_7

3 Bocarnea bent

Bocarneya looks like a small church: she has a weathered stem and curved thin leaves. At the base of the barrel at Bokaryna, there is a bulb, which is intensifying moisture, so the plant can live for a long time without watering. Under normal conditions, it should be watering it once every 20-30 days, more private watering threatens at the roots.

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7 plants that can not watered a month (or even more!) 8737_9

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4 Calanete

Calanechoe does not require much care and it is not necessary to water often, as it pokes moisture in the stems. It loves the sun, it is not afraid of drafts, so it can be safely placed on the windowsill under bright rays. The plant beautifully blooms in lush inflorescences, flowers are of different shade: from gently white to bright pink.

It is worthwhile standing standing by water and very carefully: overflowing will negatively affect the flower. Therefore, in the pot, it is additionally better to put drainage to secure the roots from excess moisture. And with the onset of winter even more cut water.

7 plants that can not watered a month (or even more!) 8737_13

5 Ficus rubbing

Ficus rubbing (elastic) is a very beautiful plant with big dark green leaves. They contain Latex, so the ficus looks especially attractive.

The plant is undemanding, so I will calmly live a month without watering, especially in winter. If you leave in the summer in the summer or on vacation, get a ficus well and put in a dark angle - it will survive without watering a month.

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7 plants that can not watered a month (or even more!) 8737_15

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6 succulents and cacti

These are plants that do not require frequent watering, as they grow in the desert and are accustomed to the absence of moisture. They are able to accumulate water in themselves and for a long time to spend it. Plus, they will appreciate the sunny window sill and the heating from the battery - the dry air does not frighten them. Watering succulents and cacti really can be once a month, they will be enough.

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7 Sansevieria

Sansevieria is an undemanding plant, which are often decorated with interiors of offices and shopping centers. It is perfect for lazy and forgetful: Sansevieria does not need frequent fertilizer and rubbing leaves from dust. Watering the plant costs a couple of times a month, but if you do it less often, nothing terrible will happen.

7 plants that can not watered a month (or even more!) 8737_20
7 plants that can not watered a month (or even more!) 8737_21

7 plants that can not watered a month (or even more!) 8737_22

7 plants that can not watered a month (or even more!) 8737_23

Photo on the cover: pexels

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