8 useful plants for the cultivation of plants for those who have never succeeded


Choose a place with a suitable light, water properly and be sure to transplant purchased flowers - follow these simple rules so that the plants feel good.

8 useful plants for the cultivation of plants for those who have never succeeded 8780_1

8 useful plants for the cultivation of plants for those who have never succeeded

If, despite all the efforts, your indoor plants are sick from time to times, they fall or die at all, it is worth checking if you violate the basic principles of flower care. They are important, even if only unpretentious varieties live at home.

1 Choose a place with suitable lighting

While some plants love the sun with a brighter and wonderfully feel themselves on the southern windowsides, others (and there are a lot of such) prefer a shadow or sixteen, as well as good, but scattered lighting. It is especially careful to approach the choice of places for flowering plants: in adverse conditions, they simply will not please you with beautiful colors.

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  • 7 bad habits in the care of plants, because of which they are often dying

2 Moisturize the air near the battery

As a rule, under the window in the apartment there is central heating. Hot dry air propagating from him can greatly harm the plant that stands on the windowsill. In this case, it is worth going in two ways: either choose the most unpretentious plant that will not respond to dryness, or put the air humidifier. Replace the gadget can be a wet towel or a saucer with water. Spray the moisture plants more often and rub their leaves.

8 useful plants for the cultivation of plants for those who have never succeeded 8780_5

3 Watering correctly

This is a very important stage in the leaving of the plant. Not all the flowers can be water directly into the pot. For some you need to put a pallet and pour water into it, otherwise you damage the leaves or inflorescences. Pay attention to whether water goes into the soil. The fluid should not be stated, otherwise there is a risk of reloading the root system, the formation of mold and the appearance of black flies.

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4 Remove dust

Wipe dust important not only from a hygienic point of view. The dirt particles that accumulate on the leaves interfere with the plant to develop and synthesize the sun's rays. They can also cause illness.

8 useful plants for the cultivation of plants for those who have never succeeded 8780_8

5 Replanted Flower

It is very important to transplant the indoor plant after purchase in a more suitable primer. The store mixtures in which plants are stored before the sale are not suitable for long-term cultivation, there are no sufficient reserves of nutrients. That is why many flowers after a while after purchase begin to fade.

8 useful plants for the cultivation of plants for those who have never succeeded 8780_9

6 Do not touch the plant during rest

Almost all varieties of plants in the year there is a period during which they slow down their growth and as if they would fall into hibernation. Most often, he comes in autumn-winter time, but there are exceptions. During this period, it is not necessary to often water the plant, and also feed, replant, cut and multiply it. Give the opportunity to relax a flower. Any manipulation at this time can cause his death.

8 useful plants for the cultivation of plants for those who have never succeeded 8780_10

7 Choose Cachepo in size

Too little kashpo for a large plant will not fit: in it the root system will not develop, the flower will die from the lack of soil and nutrients. However, a large pot for a small plant is also not suitable. The roots will try to scream all the land to be more comfortable to "breathe." If the soil is too much, they will not succeed. In this case, the flower will throw all the forces on the formation of the root system, and the above-ground part will not receive a sufficient amount of food and, most likely, will die.

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8 Examine the rules of feeding

Upburn is an important part of the care. You need to make useful substances in the soil at least once a few months. This applies to all plants, even the most unpretentious. In the depleted soil, the flower will stop developing as it should be, slow down and will look weak.

However, it is worth remembering that excessive feeding or the choice of inappropriate substances can harm the plant no less. Therefore, it is important to make fertilizers no more often and at least that period when recommended.

8 useful plants for the cultivation of plants for those who have never succeeded 8780_13

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