What air conditioning is better to choose for an apartment


The air conditioner will take care that the weather in the house is always comfortable. We will tell you what to pay attention to his choice.

What air conditioning is better to choose for an apartment 8782_1

What air conditioning is better to choose for an apartment

All about choosing an air conditioner

System varieties

Four selection criteria

  • Power
  • Efficiency
  • The possibility of heating
  • Additional features

Varieties of equipment

The question is how to choose the air conditioner for the apartment is simply solved. First are determined with its type. Its feature is the presence of two working elements: the evaporator, which cools or heats the air flow, and the compressor condenser module. The latter is designed to service the evaporator. Based on the mutual arrangement of these elements, several types are distinguished.


The name says that the compressor and the evaporator are combined in a common case. Therefore, the device is mobile. It can be moved and connect elsewhere. Installation is simple. It consists in preparing the opening for installation and connecting the device to the network. The advantage of the monoblock is considered low in comparison with other systems. Price. Produced in the outdoor and window version.

Monoblock Ballu BPAC-07 CM

Monoblock Ballu BPAC-07 CM

Both require binding to a source of fresh air, more often the window, which is necessary for normal operation. The shortcomings of the monoblocks are many. They occupy a lot of space. Window models for accommodation you need to open in the glass, which is not beautiful. Floor cumbersome, equipped with an uncomfortable corrugated tube, connecting to the window or door. Most of the monoblocks is small. Its enough for small rooms, for considerable areas, other equipment is required.

Best use Mobi

It is best to use mobile devices for a comfortable microclimate at the cottage, in a country house with temporary accommodation. There they are installed where necessary, perhaps in different premises.

Split system

Their main constructive difference is the presence of at least two blocks. The evaporator is mounted in the room, the compressor is on the street. Elements are connected by the pipeline providing them with the necessary relationship. This design gives significant advantages. First of all, the noise is inevitable when the compressor work remains behind the walls of the apartment. The power of the splits is much larger than the monoblocks. It is enough for significant areas of the room.

The advantage of climate equipment of this type is the ability to collect a multi-complex. It includes one external unit and two (or more) internal, which are joined to it. Such a solution is well suited for spacious homes and apartments, where you have to install several devices. The presence of a common external module reduces the main installation and maintenance of the system.

Split system AUX ASW-H07B4 / FJ-R1

Split system AUX ASW-H07B4 / FJ-R1

Even if the internal unit is only one, the owner can choose its execution.

  • Wall. The compact housing is focused more often horizontally. It is equipped with adjustable blinds, through which the cooled air enters the room. Convenient and demanded option.
  • Outdoor ceiling. The design allows you to place them on the ceiling or on the floor. Therefore, there are more places than wall.
  • Cassette. Modules are designed to install in the suspended ceiling. Due to its location, air is served in any directions, do not attract attention.

In addition, there are column and channel systems designed to distribute large air flows. For apartments, they are not used, mounted in shopping halls, shops, etc.

Disadvantages of split-systems

The disadvantages of split-systems are considered high price and time-consuming installation. They are not mobile if you need to transfer equipment to another place, you will need a full dismantling with a subsequent assembly in a new place.

  • How to choose a split system: we understand in important characteristics and nuances

What air conditioning to choose for an apartment: 4 important criteria

Climatic equipment is selected based on operating conditions. The main selection criteria are considered:

1. Power

One of the defining characteristics of the device. In order not to confuse, it is necessary to understand that the cooling or heating power is considered, but not consumed. The value characterizes the ability of the device to cool or heat the room. For a correct calculation, you need to consider several components:

  • room volume;
  • The degree of its insolation and other features;
  • the amount of heat coming from working household appliances;
  • Heat that highlight people.

The calculated formula involves the addition of all types of capacity required to cool the room with regard to these factors. To not be confused in complex calculations, it is allowed to use the average values. So, for cooling every 10 kV. m is spent 1 kW. The value is valid for premises not higher than 2.7 m, in which there is a small amount of household appliances and people. If there are many of them, the figure increases. In the calculations, it is necessary to take into account the possible influx of fresh air. Manufacturers sometimes focus on the fact that the device only works with closed windows.

Ventilation is necessary, pos

The ventilation is necessary because the oxygen flow is required for normal microclimate. Another order of 20-25% of the operating power is added to cool the necessary inflow of air.

2. Efficiency

For economical equipment, it is required to effectively transform electrical energy to thermal. To evaluate this indicator, coefficients have been developed that are assigned to each model after testing.

  • EER. Determined as the ratio of the cooling power and the amount of electricity consumed. The higher it is, the more economical conditioner.
  • Cop. It is calculated as the ratio of the produced heat to the energy spent. Usually slightly exceeds the first coefficient.

Sometimes manufacturers indicate COP instead of EER, which incorrectly and introduces a buyer to delusion. These are different indicators characterizing the device. Based on these coefficients, efficiency classes have been developed. They are marked with letters from A to G. The first shows the maximum efficiency, the second is minimal. It is necessary to know that the values ​​are calculated in the laboratory conditions, so they may differ from real. True, this difference is small.

Split system BALLU BSVP-07HN1

Split system BALLU BSVP-07HN1

Determining which air conditioning is better to choose for the apartment, you need to accurately understand the difference between standard models and inverter. It will help to save energy resources. The work schedule of the standard device is a sinusoid. The equipment turns on when the ambient temperature reaches the specified maximum value.

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It is activated, enters the working rhythm and cools the air to the minimum set mark, turns off. Then the room warms up, the cycle starts again and repeats many times. This increases energy consumption and adversely affects the state of the device, since its resource is produced faster than it could. Inverter air conditioners work otherwise. Their automation constantly monitors the room temperature, adjusting the settings. As a result, they function without interruption with smooth power changes, since the fluctuations of the temperature amplitude are minimal.

Due to this, it turns out Economy & ...

Due to this, saving money is obtained and the service life of the inverter device is extended. True, their price is higher than that of standard, but this difference pays off. Since electricity bills are much smaller.

3. The possibility of heating

Initially, the climatic equipment was exclusively unilaterally, that is, functioned only on cooling. Gradually began to appear so-called double-sided models that can lower the temperature and increase it. The buyer does not have to choose for a long time. Most of the aggregates offered by the manufacturer refers to the last type. One-sided is very rare. However, the heating function is limited. Those who expect to be fully heated with its help will have to be disappointed. Air conditioner power is enough only to maintain comfortable conditions during the off-season and first cold. The technical documentation necessarily indicates the lower temperature limit. On average this is -15 ° C.

If you put a device on & ...

If the device is on heating even in the resolved temperature framework, it will have to work on the minus marks. What will lead not only to its early failure, but also over-the electricity.

4. Additional features

Modern models give the owner the ability to correctly choose the most useful options for themselves. It may be:

  • Independent service. Given that pathogenic microorganisms and dust can accumulate in the case, which with a stream of air are spreading around the apartment, it is necessary to clean it regularly. Well, if it will do it yourself. Separate models remove the condensate from the tank and processed the inner surfaces of the ozone, a strong antiseptic.
  • Ability to memorize operating modes. The built-in programmer allows the equipment to memorize several modes with different temperatures. So you can configure it to work at night, when all residents assembly or absent.
  • Additional air flow cleaning. Plasma or biofilters remove all airflow impurities. Small design changes of the external module allow you to mix the air from the outside. It turns out a hybrid of ventilation and cooling system.

Moisturizing is possible either

Moisturizing is possible or draining purified air. In a number of models, an oxygen generator is installed, an ionizer that is heated by the microclimate indoor.

It remains to decide, the air conditioner is better to choose for an apartment. They are focused on the ratio of quality, functionality and prices. Not always this indicator in favor of expensive brands. Often the best option is located in the average price category, for which most well-known manufacturers supply products.

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