7 budgetary stylistic solutions for self-repair


We tell, in what style it is better to issue an interior if the task is to save on repair.

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7 budgetary stylistic solutions for self-repair

1 Loft.

The popularity of industrial style in its pure form has slept, but Loft motives, woven into the modern situation, have not lost relevance. And although the excitement surrounding such interiors gave rise to a steady myth that they are far from low-cost, and even very status, take upon themselves the courage to convince you in the opposite.

Several fairly budget and uncomplicated ideas for creating Loft-space on their own:

  • pallet furniture;
  • objects of the decomposition of water pipes;
  • concrete accessories;
  • storage systems from boxes;
  • Coffee table - Penc;
  • Walls with budget finish (painted brick, concrete, plaster, uneven, deliberately carelessly colored walls);
  • Concrete floors without coating.

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  • Not only Scandy: 8 things from IKEA to create an interior in Loft style

2 Vintage Notes

Of course, the real (with really solid age), well-preserved vintage is not the cheapest pleasure. However, no one canceled various compositional techniques that are capable of (not without your efforts and efforts, of course) to turn into a masterpiece even the cheapest and unparent-looking plastic product from the separated goods. In addition, the chairs that were inherited from the great-grandmother, and a rumbled carpet, and a buffet, taken "in good hands," and the old suitcase, and those who were taken out of the garages and the villages of friends, and friends are perfectly fitted with the chairs.

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  • We liberate an apartment: where to go old furniture and equipment

3 Soviet modernism

In continuation of the retro theme - the style capable of harmoniously drawn up furniture and decor of the Soviet period.

Soviet modernism is only gaining popularity as a stylistic solution for interior design - which means that in the coming years will not come out of fashion and will become more relevant.

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Where to look for furniture and decor for such a repair:

  • flea markets;
  • dacha and garages of friends;
  • babushkin chest;
  • sites, forums and groups in social networks, where the furniture is given for a symbolic fee or a gift for self-delivery;
  • neighbors making repair and ready to get rid of unnecessary furniture and accessories;
  • Grandmothers selling various retro accessories at the metro, parks, train stations;
  • Vintage shops.

Video: Instagram @Ruslovsky

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4 Shebbi Chic

Another style, willingly take-off all the shabby, shabby, vintage and slightly encouraged. It sounds poetic, and looks - and more spectacular. Add to this Shebbi a little "chic" (accessories from non-ferrous metals, lace, spreader chandeliers, crystal, glass, mirror surfaces) - and your budgetary repairs will turn into a style triumph.

By the way, in such an atmosphere perfectly fit inexpensive paper wallpapers, seeing views or just a casually painted wooden floor, old doors and window frames, decor in the technique of decoupage.

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  • How to make budget repairs even cheaper: 7 nonbustic ideas

6 Scandinavian style

Frankly, the refined version of the modern Scandinavian style is not the cheapest pleasure. However, a more popular, simplified, massive option is much more democratic and less attracted. In addition, many scand-trends fit perfectly into the format of budget independent repairs:

  • Vintage furniture and decor;
  • Decor, furniture and accessories of handmade;
  • own transformation of the furniture from the mass market;
  • Eco-decor (including paper, from branches, braided and knitted);
  • Things that have received a second life (bases for lamps from old VAZ, lamps of bottles, etc.);
  • Furniture and accessories of simple, laconic forms.

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  • 13 frequent errors in the design of the Scandinavian interior

7 Eclectic

Mixing, combining different styles within one interior - a great base for self-repair. If you want to combine brickwork and a classic vintage buffet, add to this my own created rug in technique Patchwork and kitchen furniture from Ikea - why not? And even if the perfect harmony does not come out, in the end, the main thing is that you have a cozy in your own home, right? And repair made with your own hands is guaranteed to add heat and individuality space.

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What styles are better to avoid if you want to save:

  1. Minimalism. If you thought: "Less furniture and decor are less than spending," we hurry to disappoint. The smaller in the room of the elements of the situation, the more rushes into each of them. And the more noticeably there will be signs of budget repairs and flaws of design. Not to mention the fact that a worthy minimalistic interior is noted - the task is not from the lungs.
  2. Classic. This style involves high-quality, expensive objects of the situation, the use of solid, nothesive materials (wood, stone, metal). In addition, the mass market offers not so many budgetary furniture and accessories that can fit into the classic interior.

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