How to choose a Washing Machine Automatic: Useful Tips


The range of washing machines is huge today. We will tell you how to choose to choose such equipment and not get confused in models and characteristics.

How to choose a Washing Machine Automatic: Useful Tips 8842_1

How to choose a Washing Machine Automatic: Useful Tips

All about choosing a washing machine

Main criteria
  • Type of download
  • Efficiency
  • Modes and security
  • Additional feature

Manufacturers of technology

Once reading an article? See a short video with tips, to pay attention to when choosing.

And for those who prefer to deepen in the topic - our useful and detailed article.

How to choose a washing machine

Household appliances are improving and complicated. This does not mean that it becomes harder to use it. On the contrary, new features appear, designed to ease human life even more. The apparent complex problem is how to choose a washing machine and what better to buy an assortment from the proposed stores is solved simply. The model must fully comply with the requirements of the owner. So that it is so, we will get acquainted with several important criteria.

Type of download

In their design, all the cars are divided into two types.

Frontal load

The underwear is layered through the boot hatch on the front panel. The drum is fixed on one axis, the bearing is also alone. The upper panel of the device does not open, so it can be used as a bedside table, a working surface in the kitchen, etc.

Washing machine WeissGauff WM 4126 D

Washing machine WeissGauff WM 4126 D

Significant advantages of equipment with front load are considered:

  • Variety of dimensions and models. Full-size, narrow, compact, very narrow options are available.
  • The large diameter of the drum, which allows you to erase large things in it.
  • Ease of accommodation. For the premises of any area you can find a good option.
  • The price is lower than that of vertical loading machines.

The disadvantages are usually attributed to N & ...

The disadvantages usually include the need to release a place under the motion of the cover of the loading hatch. Some do not like that for laying the linen you have to bend.

Vertical loading

Machines with hatch located on the top panel. Their drum is located on two axes that some marketers are presented as a significant advantage. Repairmen do not agree with them. This does not attach greater reliability to the device. On the contrary, creates problems when repairing, makes it more expensive.

Washing machine Indesit BTW A5851

Washing machine Indesit BTW A5851

Significant equipment advantages:

  • A small width that makes it possible to install the device in small rooms. At the same time, the free place to open the door is not required, which saves space even more.
  • Convenient loading and unloading of linen. If necessary, the washing process can be stopped, put forgotten things. Water does not follow.

The minuses of vertical automata include a high price. It differs markedly from "Frontalok". There is no ability to embed such equipment, since the top panel must be free. Some do not like that all models have the same dimensions.

Washing machine ELECTROLUX EWT 0862 IFW

Washing machine ELECTROLUX EWT 0862 IFW


It is possible to estimate it by the combination of three main parameters: power consumption, wash, spin. Each of them is standardized and viewed on a special scale that is marked with Latin letters from A to G.


The quality of the quality of overtaking is assigned on the basis of testing. A single type of fabric with identical contaminants is loaded into the reference and test unit. The process lasts an hour at a temperature of 60 ° C using the same powder. The result is estimated by a special machine, after which the classity is assigned.

The best option should be considered

The best option should be considered the equipment of class A, the worst - G. Everything else is located between them. It is believed that buying equipment with marking below with hardly worth it. It disrupts it bad.


It is estimated on the basis of tests, during which the underwear is weighted before it fell into the car, and after. The smaller the difference in weight and residual humidity, the better the spinning work. It affects its effectiveness several factors, the main of them is the number of drum revolutions in the process of push up per minute. It changes from 600 to 1500, and in some models up to 2000. And a larger number of revolutions issues washing equipment, the lower the residual humidity. However, due to this, complexity appears. At high pressing, underwear is subjected to enhanced pressure, can be broken. Delicate and thin fabrics are especially exposed to this. Therefore, high-speed instruments are regulators that allow you to choose the spinning rate. Optimally 900-1000 rpm.

Electrolux Perfectcare Washing Machine

Electrolux Perfectcare Washing Machine

Energy consumption

Estimated as a result of testing. The smaller amount of energy is spent, the higher the class is assigned. The best until recently was the aggregates marked with the letter A. However, already appeared devices a + and a ++, which consume even less energy.

It is worth paying attention to RA ...

It is worth paying attention to the water consumption. Well, if it is minimal. Some cars spend 50% less water at the same or even the best than the analogs, as washing.

Modes and security

Manufacturers produce products with different modes. But not all of them are necessary. Before buying, you need to determine, without any functions it is impossible to do without, and what can be superfluous. Basic specialists consider such washing programs:

  • cotton fabrics;
  • Color linen, preferably with the ability to select temperature;
  • delicate fabrics;
  • quick wash.

The last cycle is short, carried out in cool water. It starts to refresh little contaminated things. Without these programs, it is impossible to do without these programs. Everything else is selected on the basis of the wishes of the future owner and acceptable prices for it. Budget devices are equipped with basic modes only. The machines from the premium segment are distinguished by multifunction. They are able to cope with any materials, including thin silk, wool. Qualitatively dispense the blankets, blankets and even shoes. The latter is cleared when the special program is activated.

Some models may not only ...

Some models can not only wash, but also to handle things to ferry, dry, cuddling. It is possible to facilitate the subsequent ironing or even getting rid of it if the corresponding program is selected.

Safety issues are very important. Manufacturers equip their products with additional options preventing various troubles:

  • Protection against leaks. May be partial or complete. In the first case, the sensor, which detects the leak, stops the flow of water into the device. The second is also triggered by protecting the tank overflow. The last option is the best, since it is able to completely prevent the flood when the device is malfunction.
  • Protection against voltage drops. It is not always stable, which can lead to the output of a car. The operating characteristics of the devices vary, but still it is better to choose a model with additional protection or connect the device through the stabilizer.
  • Lock door. Prevents accidental opening of the loading hatch during the operation of the unit. If this happens, the water from the drum will fall on the floor. Especially in demand for devices with a weak lock.
  • Protection against children. The child often sees an interesting toy in the technique. He is ready, imitating mom, twist handles, press glowing buttons.

Good Exit - Protective Blocks & ...

Good output - protective lock control panel. So the baby will not be able to bring down the settings, spoil the device or create a hazardous situation when soap hot water can appear on it ..

This is only a part of the useful additions that make the operation of the device safe. Solving which washing machine to choose, it is worth paying attention to them. These are useful options. Each firm develops them to use its products safe.

Additional feature

Experts give a good advice when they offer to pick a machine machine that performs additional functions that will be useful to the owner. It may be:
  • Drying linen. Upon completion of the washing process, the fan heater is activated, driving hot air through the fabric. Moisture evaporates, condensed in a small vessel. It is implemented in two versions: the drying time is set by the timer or is determined by the built-in humidity sensor. The latter gives the best result. In addition to ease of use, you need to consider that the equipment will consume much more energy.
  • Intelligent washing process control. Built-in electronic "brain" is able to determine the weight of linen, calculate the amount of powder and water, set the desired program. The owner remains to specify the type of fabric. The devices of this type of any brand cost more, but help to save on the purchase of detergents and pay for resources, as well as to care for things correctly.
  • Fault notification. Electronic control devices are able to conduct self-diagnostics, report the owner of problems. They make it in the form of an error code output, a certain number of blinking of signal lamps, etc. In any case, the master will be easier to fix the breakdown.
  • Reducing noise level. All automata are noisy, especially during the press. It interferes with their owners, so manufacturers are developing technical techniques that reduce the noise. It can be a special isolation, installing an asynchronous engine instead of a standard collector, much more. As a result, the sound is quieter. But the price of the aggregate is growing.

Interesting facts about choosing a machine machine can be obtained from the video.

Get acquainted with machine manufacturers

The ranking of the best companies is difficult, we will introduce the most large suppliers of washing equipment.

  • Bosch. German company that issues reliable technique with minimal power consumption. A wide range of high-quality average price segments with a long service life is available on sale.
  • Ariston and Indesit. Marks belonging to the European concern Merloni ElectroMestici. Different variety of models. Among them are inexpensive devices with minimal functionality and premium-segment models with a wide selection of programs.
  • Miele. It produces only premium-class machines, whose warranty is 30 years. According to users, if not violate the rules of operation, they will serve even longer. Also, Miele aggregates are characterized by quiet work, lack of vibration, especially careful washing in the presence of cellular drum, exclusive company development. True, in this case, their price is noticeably higher.
  • LG and SAMSUNG. Belong to the South Korean manufacturer. Their feature is fully automatic assembly. The devices are effectively erased, there are super roomy, erasing up to 10 kg of linen in the same time.

Washing machine LG F-1096ND3

Washing machine LG F-1096ND3

Do not be afraid of difficulties in working with the unit and make the choice of a washing machine in favor of the simplest models. In 2019, new developments will be found that the hostess will make it easier. It is worth paying attention to them, then in the house will always be clean, and forces and time it will be spent much less.

  • 6 coarse errors in using washing machine that spoil your equipment

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