Build a staircase for giving: design ideas and useful tips


We tell how to understand the variety of species and forms of stairs, and what you need to know if they gathered to design them on their own.

Build a staircase for giving: design ideas and useful tips 8858_1

Build a staircase for giving: design ideas and useful tips

How to plan the construction




Wood and stone stairs

Stages of work and installation

  • Installation
  • Finish finish

What could be more pleasant than climbing the wooden staircase on the second floor at the cottage, to stop and listen and listen to the drum fraction of the summer rain? Or go down in the morning barefoot down to drink tea? We tell you what you need to know about materials, layout and calculations to put the staircase yourself.


Basic varieties five.


Not for example, if you say that this is the most popular look. Very often used for the porch. The name received due to its design. After all, what march is a few steps and an intermediate platform. It is good to put it where much place, otherwise she will lose their attractiveness, and the installation will be conjugate with a number of difficulties.

Build a staircase for giving: design ideas and useful tips 8858_3


One of the most aesthetic. Often the railing of the stairs for the country house is decorated with carvings or decorative forging. A shadow column around which the steps go. It looks good with a small number of meters, but quite dangerous and with unusual can cause discomfort when lifting.

At Bolzakh

The hospitals are metal bolts, so the design has such an interesting name. The whole design looks rather weightless, the stage seems to soar in the air attached by bolts to the wall. Despite the apparent unreliability, such a model withstands up to 180 kg of weight.

"Duck step"

Perfect for small country houses. It has a rather sharp rise, sometimes up to 70 degrees. The name received thanks to the special form of steps, walking on which resembles a duck gait.


The coolest in terms of the angle of inclination of the stairs for the cottage, and they are also convenient to collect and disassemble them. They are also called attic because it is often used as a way to climb precisely in this room.

Build a staircase for giving: design ideas and useful tips 8858_4

  • 4 charming country houses that inspire you to repair

Designing the stairs in the country do it yourself

So, what you need to know at the stage, when the whole design is still located on paper

  • General style of facade and interior;
  • the number of meters that you are ready to give under the steps;
  • The size of the passage to the second and subsequent floors, the height of the ceiling and the thickness of the walls;
  • What a dacha was built: a tree or stone.

Beautiful carved and cast models, it is undoubtedly decorating any home. But if you have a cottage style of Country, then Baroque Monogram will bring dissonance to the overall interior mood.

The most unsuccessful option is to design the design in the ready-made home. Suffering or external component, or convenience. It is quite another thing when calculations are laid at the construction stage, the designers have a chance to move the partition, to increase the hatch at the top, rearrange windows and doors. Experts advise you to plan access directly to several rooms - it is more convenient.

Build a staircase for giving: design ideas and useful tips 8858_6

Important nuances

To make it convenient to walk along the steps, do not do too cool or, on the contrary, a common staircase. The most correct - at an angle of 45 degrees.

Treat the location of the support and carrier beams in advance if you do a tree model. If you stopped on a monolithic version, calculate and leave sufficient opening on the passage to the top. Bearing overlaps will need to be planned along the future design.

  • How to use space under the stairs with the mind: 10 practical ideas

Getting to calculations

To build, first imagine how it will look in the interior. What railing is best suited how many steps and which material will become the basis. Use for inspiration photos of designers and carpentry business masters, examine different projects of country houses in Russia and abroad.

What you need to know before calculations

  • The length of the walls from the floor without coating on the first floor but clean floor on the second
  • Length and width of opening upstairs
  • how many centimeters in the width of the overlap
  • where will the steps go
  • Material for building

Build a staircase for giving: design ideas and useful tips 8858_8

Features of the design of wooden and stone stairs

Wooden houses give shrinkage over time, unlike those from stone. Specialists advise in wooden houses to put models from wood, and in stone - monolithic.


Let's talk more about shrinkage in a wooden dacha. In fact, the sizes may vary up to 10 centimeters and all due to the fact that the tree is rather soft, compared to the same brick, material.

Also, the humidity of the tree is also of particular importance - it is necessary to choose the material with an indicator of no more than 10%. Another point is the breed, choose the hardest grade of wood (larch, oak, beech, maple).

Build a staircase for giving: design ideas and useful tips 8858_9


Monolithic model - basic design in the house. Make it from reinforced monolithic concrete. Pre-up to fill the mixture is a formwork. If you don't do all this in advance, when you have to install more and additional fastening, and this will complicate work.

What to do before installation

Determine the wall finishing option. It depends on the distance from the construction to the surface. If insulation, sound insulation or similar works are assumed, design the design so that it does not interfere in the future. Successful backlight will make any model much more elegant, will emphasize architectural. Put the motion sensors, adjust them to the lighting of each individual step or the entire span immediately. It is not only beautiful, but also conveniently - you do not have to look for a switch in the dark.

Build a staircase for giving: design ideas and useful tips 8858_10

Dacha, built from aerated concrete, foam concrete, arbolit and other so-called "soft" materials, needs to further strengthen the staircase of the stairs. Calculate how much approximately centimeters will occupy the future floor decoration. As a rule, about 5 cm takes place on the tile, the laminate is slightly smaller. This amount is important to take into account when drawing up calculations.

Stages of work and installation


  1. Design sizes of steps
  2. Surface markup
  3. Construction of the Mace Basics for Formwork
  4. Armature bookmark
  5. Installation
  6. Final finish

Build a staircase for giving: design ideas and useful tips 8858_11



Stages of installation for a model from a tree or from concrete will be different. For the first first, the boosters are mounted, measured and cut off the width of the adoption. After that, the holes for future steps are already cut into the Koser. At the length of the Kosomrov, there are instruments and places of fixing steps. And the final stage acts properly fastening.


For an option from concrete, first make formwork. In future steps, fittings made of metal or fiberglass. After that, the first step is poured, a few punctures of another soft solution are made to drive out air and achieve greater density. Everyone is closed with a film, put the board with a laying on the formwork, so that you can get up and pour the next one.

Finishing Tips


  • Independent material does not need the finish - except if it comes to emphasize the drawing.
  • The damaged surface must be covered with putty in the tone and climb. Cracks, scratches and chips will disappear.


  • For models with run-down steps, choose a lining that is easy to cut.
  • In order to save time and strength, and at the exit to get a harmonious interior - choose the same floor and staircase finish.
  • Want to smooth down noises? Welcome top of a concrete carpet or tree.

In a spacious cottage or a small summer cottage - in any house above one floor, one of the most important design elements is the staircase. It is difficult to overestimate it, because it literally helps us rise above your own head. But, in addition to metaphoricity, there are many functional components in it, at a minimum, this is a very important and noticeable element in the design of the house.

  • We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan

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