6 unusual interiors furnished with IKEA furniture


We are our several examples of how you can arrange the interior of the goods of the Swedish brand original and fresh. We give advice how to repeat them.

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6 unusual interiors furnished with IKEA furniture

1 entrance hall in a bar

In this hallway, we learned the junction of the famous Swedish brand, the mirror, as well as the shelves over the junction. But at the same time the interior looks fresh and does not remind the same "from the IKEA catalog." What is his secret?

First, nontrivial finish. Most of the Scandinavian interiors are with painted monophonic walls. A natural bar with his reddish tint looks truly fresh.

Secondly, interesting accessories: basket, vase, hat, macrame-panel on the wall. The decor always contributes a variety.

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6 unusual interiors furnished with IKEA furniture 8864_4

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Macrame Decor.

Macrame Decor.



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2 bedroom with characteristic bed

Surely you know that the Swedish brand has different models of furniture and accessories in different countries? And also collections that were once widely used, but now they were excluded from the sale. Just from such objects and you can fold the interior, which will not only be comfortable and stylish, but also seems individual.

Let us give an example with this interior - it used a bed with a wicker headboard and plunge. Now this is no longer found on sale - analogues are in the American version of IKEA (second photo). But it is not necessary to go beyond the ocean - just "storming" bulletin boards and furniture commissions. They can find truly interesting things.

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6 unusual interiors furnished with IKEA furniture 8864_10

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  • 5 things from IKEA capable of deprive interior of individuality

3 Gentle bedroom

In this interior recognizable bed and bedside table, as well as accessories: for example, a tray, flower on the bedside table and even several posters. Nevertheless, it looks individually and stylish. There are no global furniture alterations, but the owner has chosen the wallpaper with a geometric gentle pattern for Scandinavian style and supplemented them with moldings. And successfully put the bed - headboard to the window. The light is dissipated in the head of the head of the head of the head, Tulle framed him and creates a feeling even more weightlessness.

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Braided baskets

Braided baskets



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4 Kitchen-Living Room in Eclectic Style

The interior of this kitchen-living room wants to consider infinitely - the owner managed to combine furniture from the famous mass market with a stylish decor, which gives a feeling of luxury. It's all about the abundance of a noble beige palette, gold accessories. And even pay attention - handles replaced on the Swedish Breed Dresser. We often say that this is the easiest way to quickly and easily transform recognizable furniture. Try to repeat?

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Pictures-posters with reproductions

Pictures-posters with reproductions



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5 Kitchen-Living Room in Modern Style

Of course, individual items from this interior can be found - for example, a wicker chair or a table before the sofa. But the holistic picture does not impress the exhibition hall of the Swedish brand, although absolutely all things here are from IKEA. The reason is that not such popular models are used - for example, the facades of the kitchen are "Wastharp", which is not often used in projects, and if used - they are simply less common. Actually, this is the whole and secret - to take not the most famous models and create one's own individual space.

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6 terrace

On the eve of the dacha season, we will tell about the terrace that is easy to equip. Furniture and table here, as you could have guess, from Ikea. But brutality and character gives brickwork on the partition. Also, this interior will be easily diversified with a variety of textiles. For example, a new plaid or decorative pillows.

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