Cement or epoxy putting: we understand whether it makes sense to overpay


We disassemble the pros and cons of the main competitors in the volume market and let recommendations on the choice.

Cement or epoxy putting: we understand whether it makes sense to overpay 8880_1

Cement or epoxy putting: we understand whether it makes sense to overpay

Of course, in addition to cement and epoxy grout, there are also types: it is silicone, and Furanova. But they are quite specific and not so often used in the market. But between cement and epoxy materials, a serious "struggle" is also unfolded for the budget, since the difference in price between them is rather big. We disassemble whether there is no sense to overpay.

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Cement grout: pros and cons

The basis of cement grout is the actual cement itself and various fillers, which give the composition strength and resistance to water. Consider objective advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Cement grout durable.
  2. It is easy to apply on the seam, it is easy to launder from the tile if accidentally missed the tool.
  3. The seams do not quickly freeze - again, if you apply a grout with your own hands, there is a time to correct deficiencies.
  4. Cement grout can be removed from the seams and to sweep the gaps again - in case the coating is already old, covered with mold and mud, which is not possible to wash.
  5. It is considered universal, but still there are exceptions and recommendations in the application.

Cement or epoxy putting: we understand whether it makes sense to overpay 8880_4
Cement or epoxy putting: we understand whether it makes sense to overpay 8880_5

Cement or epoxy putting: we understand whether it makes sense to overpay 8880_6

Cement or epoxy putting: we understand whether it makes sense to overpay 8880_7


  1. It is not strongly resistant to mold, although you can choose special additional coatings to protect.
  2. Crumble.
  3. Sometimes yellowes, especially with improper care.
  4. It can only be with special means.
  5. And the color series is still limited.

Prices - see ourselves. Various from 250 and to 500 rubles, depending on the color and volume of packaging.

Cement Cement Ceresit CE 40 Aquastatic

Cement Cement Ceresit CE 40 Aquastatic

Epoxy putting: pros and cons

At the heart of the epoxy of the grout chemical components, therefore it has greater strength and will last without changing the properties of even 50 years. But more about the advantages and minuses below.


  1. Resistant to water, not covered with mold and rust.
  2. Does not absorb water and moisture.
  3. You can process wide seams.
  4. Manufacturers offer a wide palette, you can pick up any color - conveniently when you post a carpet from the tile.

Cement or epoxy putting: we understand whether it makes sense to overpay 8880_9
Cement or epoxy putting: we understand whether it makes sense to overpay 8880_10

Cement or epoxy putting: we understand whether it makes sense to overpay 8880_11

Cement or epoxy putting: we understand whether it makes sense to overpay 8880_12


  1. Price. Although high cost and low cost are always subjective indicators, but an epoxy 4 times, at least surpasses cement formulations.
  2. It is difficult to apply. Only a specialist can cope, and that is not anyone - it quickly freezes and is difficult to adjust. And in order to wash off the grout from the tile, you need to buy an additional remedy, you can not pass with ordinary water.

Epoxy Litokol Litochrom Starlike

Epoxy Litokol Litochrom Starlike

Does it make sense to overpay?

Yes, it makes sense to overpay for epoxy grout if:

  • You choose material for pools and sections that will constantly touch with water;
  • You do not want to worry about dirt and possible mold and redo the seams in a few years;
  • You decided to implement a specific design solution, for example, to give graphic interior and highlight seams with color or, again, make a complex composition (carpet) from the tile and you need to choose a certain shade;
  • You will be laid under the tile "Warm floor".

Perhaps all other cases are not worth spending on epoxy. But the decision, of course, is always yours.

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