What to do to the plastic windows do not sweat: an overview of effective techniques


Often, the owners of plastic windows are upset, seeing moisture drops on the glass, and on the windowsill, the flow of water. We tell about the simple methods of getting rid of this trouble.

What to do to the plastic windows do not sweat: an overview of effective techniques 8928_1

What to do to the plastic windows do not sweat: an overview of effective techniques

All about moving fogging methods

Features of the device window systems

Causes of fogging

What are dangerous sweating windows

Seven ways to solve the problem

Folk Methods

Systems from plastic and glass have long been replaced once the most common wooden. It is easy to explain the best operational characteristics and the convenience of more modern models. However, they have and disadvantages. Sometimes plastic windows sweat, and how to eliminate this problem - we will understand.

Features of plastic design

To understand the reasons why condensate may appear on the glass, it is necessary to determine the system. Its distinctive feature is a modular structure, which means the presence of several block modules. Their number and location are always constantly, but the models can be the most different. The composition of each structure includes:

  • Frame. This is a frame from a hollow profile with a metal reinforcement. Provides strength. The sash is inserted into it if it is assumed to improve the opening system, or solid glazing.
  • Filling the opening. Most often it is a double glazing, but there can be a monoocker or several separate glass sheets. Sometimes there is an opaque sandwich panel.
  • Furnitura. The set of mechanisms that are responsible for the opening and closing process in various modes.
  • Installation elements. These include special profiles, windowsill, waterproof, nachetners and slopes, if they are performed from plastic parts.

Thanks to its design about

Due to its design, the window of plastic is fully hermetically. Subject to the right installation, it is well kept heat inside the room and does not pass street noise into the room.

Causes of fogging plastic windows

In some cases, drops of moisture appear on the glazing. This usually happens when cooling out on the street. Explains everything is very simple. Air is able to absorb and retain moisture. Its quantity depends on the ambient temperature. Warm, and especially hot air absorbs a large amount of moisture and holds it well. But as soon as he cooled, the water begins to condense and drops.

According to the laws of physics, condensate falling on the cold surface itself. In the conditions of the room, this is most often the window glass, especially if frost on the street. But even in such conditions, the drops appear not always. Much depends on the humidity that is present inside the room. If it is raised, glazing will definitely "cry".

Thus, the main factors provoking condensate loss can be considered increased moisture content indoors and the degree of cooling of the glass sheet. You can add a high degree of sealing of a window structure that does not allow ventilating at the expense of ministers between the sash and the frame. In addition, the degree of heating of the internal surfaces affects:

  • Thermal insulation properties of the elements from which the house is assembled;
  • Air temperature outside and inside;
  • The general condition of the building, the quality of its construction, service life, etc.

In old buildings due

In old buildings, thermal insulation may be broken due to wear, emptiness appear, cracks. In the new buildings after the finishing work, a long time is evaporation of excess moisture from plaster, putty.

Given all these circumstances, let's call the main causes of condensate loss:

  • Too high moisture concentration, provoked by frequent washers, cooking, etc. Such conditions may be due to the complete lack of ventilation or improper conduct. In rare cases, the increased humidity is explained by the damp coming from the basement or from the roof, if it comes to apartments placed on the last or first floors, or private houses.
  • Error in choosing glazing. So, if the glass package was selected, climatic features were not taken into account, its insufficient heating is quite possible. In this case, too thin the system will begin to "cry" when the temperature is lowered indoors, as well as upon the occurrence of strong cold.
  • Various errors during installation: insufficient filling of emptiness by construction foam, installation of too wide windowsill, complete set of faulty accessories, etc.
  • Filed out seal on the frames or violation in the adjustments of the sash. In both cases, fogging in the sections of chilled air penetration.
  • Errors in the construction project or redevelopment leading to poor air circulation and heating disorders: the presence of a low-efficient heating or ventilation system, closed by any objects of radiators, a significant removal from ventilation elements, etc.
  • Recent repairs associated with tile laying, plastering, painting, etc. Repaired in this way of the surface for a long time will be released excessive moisture.

If the water drops appeared inside & ...

If the water drops appeared inside the glass package, this suggests that its depressurization occurred. This could happen due to illiterate installation or factory marriage. In any case, it will be necessary to replace the element.

What is dangerous condensate

If plastic structures begin to fog, it may seem unpleasant, but harmless. In fact, everything is not quite so. Excessive moisture applies to glasses on the windowsill, walls, ceiling. In such conditions, fungi and microorganisms feel very well, among which many dangerous people. In a warm wet environment, they quickly multiply and "sprawling" around the room.

Allergic and people with diseases of the respiratory system will feel especially bad in such conditions. But that's not all. Refrigerated construction and finishing materials swear and begin to collapse. Sometimes this process passes very quickly, literally after a few months a good repair comes into disrepair.

  • Caring for plastic windows: 7 things that no one does

What to do if plastic windows sweat

Considering that the window structures begin to sweat for various reasons, the methods of "treatment" will also be different. To begin, it is necessary to diagnose and at least approximately establish what condensate appearance is. Just so it can be eliminated for a long time. If the design is installed correctly, but the fogging is still present, such techniques can help:

  1. Delete all sources of high humidity out of the room: an outdoor aquarium, a large number of indoor plants, etc. If potted flowers are standing on the windowsill, they must be removed. Wet soil can give excessive dampness, especially if there are many plants or volumetric pots.
  2. Organization of regular ventilation. Those who are afraid of drafts, it is worth using the microwing mode when the sash is open literally a few millimeters. If there is such an opportunity, it is desirable to put special ventilation valves that are mounted from the inside of the room.
  3. Ensuring normal temperature indoors. So that the double-glazed windows do not stove, in the winter in the room there should be no less than 18-20 degrees. If this is not so, you should put additional heaters, insulate the balcony, upgrade the heating system, etc.
  4. Install the faithful seasonal mode. Some window designs can function with varying degrees of pressure sash. If so, you need to adjust the tensioning mechanism in time to set the correct mode.
  5. Heated glass. You can do this in different ways. The easiest way to install a few candles on the windowsill and light them. Compliance with security rules is required. As an option, it is possible to use the heater of the type "breeze" or air conditioner, which are sent to the glass.
  6. Drainage of air. For this, special devices are applied, which are engaged in the elimination of excess moisture. They are installed indoors and are used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  7. Arrangement of an efficient air exchange system. Roller and blinds are better removed, and dense curtains to replace the lungs.

Wide window sills obstacle

Wide window sills prevent glass stacking. It is desirable to replace them with narrow or equip special ventilation holes over radiators. Warm air will be able to effectively heat the glass.

Folk methods to combat condensate

As a temporary means to reduce the amount of water droplets on the windows, you can try to use folk methods. They are very different, we offer some of them:

  • A frequent mesh is applied to dry soap on the glass. Then it is rubbed with a soft dry cloth to shine. The soap layer will protect against condensate for some time.
  • A mixture of ethyl alcohol and glycerin is prepared in a 20: 1 proportion. By this agent, double double double a month is wiped.
  • Remove the extra moisture will help salt. It is put in a rag pouch, which is placed on the windowsill or between the frames, if there are. Holded salt is regularly replaced.

It is very important to determine exactly P & ...

It is very important to accurately determine the reason for the problem of the appearance of condensate droplets and try to fix it. Otherwise, it will have to fight for a long time and almost unsuccessfully fighting, which will come back again and again.

We disassembled what to do that plastic windows do not sweat and why condensate appears. Practice shows that most often the culprit is the illiterate installation of the design, in this case the flaws will have to be installed.

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