Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips


We find out why twice a year to change the curtains, and choose a suitable fabric and design for each of seasonal options.

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_1

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips

Summer curtains

At the beginning of the spring, I never want to update the interior, make it easier and brighter. Summer curtains will help this. Their airiness will emphasize the approximation of warm weather, and interesting patterns and bright colors will be reminded that the window is also beginning to flowering.


Top fabrics for summer curtains:

  • cotton;
  • linen;
  • silk;
  • satin;
  • organza.

At the same time, it is important to consider the position of the window. If it is on the south side, it is worth adding to easy curtains one more, more dense to protect against scorching rays. Two-layer cotton curtains, Jacquard fabric and blackfriend will be cope with this role.

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_3
Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_4
Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_5
Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_6

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_7

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_8

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_9

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_10


Summer is the time when you can choose floral and tropical prints, make the interior brighter due to unusual curtains. Try to pick up the curtains under the interior or make them contrasting attracting attention.

  • 7 ordinary curtains from IKEA, which have changed beyond recognition after these simple actions.

Winter curtains

For what

Traditionally, winter curtains hang on the windows near the end of autumn. The landscape behind the window is changing and I want to change the interior a little, add comfort to it, protection against gray days and bad weather. In this case, massive, dense winter curtains will help. In order not to prevent the penetration into the daylight room, which it becomes less in winter, add light translucent tulle or silk curtains to them. They will be tamed from the curious eyes of passersby, but will miss enough light.


Choosing a material for winter curtains, focus on these materials:

  • wool;
  • jacquard fabrics;
  • velvet;
  • velours;
  • plush;
  • Shenill.

First of all, the curtains from these tissues perform a purely practical function: insulate the room, stopping the possible drafts from the window. Secondly, they create a feeling of a warm blanket, in which your home hits in bad weather.

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_12
Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_13
Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_14

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_15

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_16

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_17

  • Fashionable curtains in the living room in modern style (52 photos)


To distract yourself from a gray scenery outside the window, give preference to light or bright colors. They visually replenish the lack of daylight and refresh the interior.

Bright winter curtains fit well into the classic or just discreet interior. They also fit those who do not like bright colors or is afraid to distract attention from another important accent, for example, paintings or design chairs. Such curtains can be monophonic or with a nonsense pattern. Jar curtains will not only raise the mood, but also create a feeling of novelty, becoming an interesting accent. It is best to give preference to one-photo models or options without floral patterns, since in the winter they may look inappropriate.

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_19
Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_20
Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_21
Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_22

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_23

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_24

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_25

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_26

  • Just pick up the color of the curtain in the interior: 9 options that can not be mistaken

Universal solutions

Those who do not want to change the curtains twice a year and prefers practical solutions worth paying attention to the blinds and rolled curtains. They will fit perfectly in Loft, techno and minimalist interior. And Blackout technology will protect against sunlight on a hot noon or light lights at night.

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_28
Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_29
Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_30

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_31

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_32

Choose summer and winter curtains: Universal Tips 8933_33

Care and storage

Before removing the curtains until the next season, do not forget to put them in order. In order not to spoil the cloth during washing, save labels with instructions. Do not forget to turn on rinse mode: sections of the fabric on which the powder remains faster. But the pressure mode can be applied only for dense tissues, such as jacquard. For thin curtains, use the manual wash mode, and the silk fabric will have to be erased manually and dried in a dark place without pressing.

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