Stretch ceiling in the bathroom: pros and cons


Before deciding on the installation of tensioned webs, you need to weigh everything in and against. We present the advantages of this type of finish and pay attention to its disadvantages.

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom: pros and cons 8954_1

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom: pros and cons

We disassemble the pros and cons of stretch ceilings in the bathroom


Pros and cons


How to choose

How to care

The most popular type of vertex design in the bathroom is stretching. Their popularity is explained by excellent consumer qualities, affordable cost and a huge number of models. And if it is not necessary in the proposed directories, it can always be made to order, having received the exclusive room design as a result. With all its merits, this finish has the disadvantages that you need to know at the beginning of the repair. Let's tell which the pros and cons of stretch ceilings in the bathroom are distinguished.

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Features of structures

High competition among ceiling coating manufacturers leads to a continuous improvement in the quality and aesthetic properties of their products, as well as to reduce its price. This finish is applied in all residential rooms, including in the bathrooms, where the increased humidity and temperature jumps create problems for other types of coatings. Unlike suspended models, stretch slightly reduce the height of the room. Their installation is performed quickly and depends on the complexity of the design, the number of levels and form of the room. The installation is quite simple, but to avoid unforeseen situations, it is better to trust this business to specialists.

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Is it worth doing a stretch ceiling in the bathroom

Arguments for"

Models choose, focusing on their quality and appearance. The positive parties to use this type of finishing include:

  • Ecology - even at high temperature, the material does not secrete toxic substances;
  • Hygienic - on the surface, bacteria and fungi are not taken on the surface, so it is not susceptible to rotting and a healthy atmosphere is always preserved in the bathroom;
  • Easy to care - Dust and dirt will not stick due to antistatic properties, due to this, it is not difficult to maintain cleanness, especially since special cleaning products does not require the coating;
  • The speed of installation is within one day, and it is possible to mount the design after finishing the walls and the floor, since no construction garbage will be;
  • durability - with the proper installation and operation of the ceiling will stand from 15 to 25 years (the warranty period varies from different manufacturers);
  • moisture resistance - condensate on the surface does not leave divorces and traces, but simply dries;
  • impenetrable for water - in case of leaks from the neighbors from above, the rest of the repair will not suffer, it will be enough to just drain the water;
  • Masking of construction disadvantages of inter-storey overlapping and height drops;
  • Fire safety - the film does not burn, but melting;
  • Combination with any kinds of wall finishing and floor.

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From aesthetic point of view, the benefits of choosing such webs include:

  • A large range of surface design is a monophonic or two-color, white or color, with photo printing, one or several levels;
  • The ability to optically increase the height of the room and its illumination due to the choice of glossy varieties of the canvas;
  • Creating the effect of the "steaming" ceiling due to the use of LED tapes;
  • lack of connecting seams due to the large width of the roll (up to 5 m);
  • The ability to hide engineering communications, sound and thermal insulation.

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Arguments against"

As with any material, the finishing of this type also has cons:

  • Cost - choosing this type of finish, not only the material itself, but also work on its installation. However, a long trouble-free service compensates for this flaw. By installing it once, you can forget about the repair for many years, updating only walls or gears;
  • Vulnerability to punctures and cuts - with all its elasticity and elasticity, the film is afraid of sharp objects, and small punctures are capable of increased to large holes due to the surface tension. Not all cuts are repaired, but only those that are located next to the edge. An additional lamp can be made on the site of a small puncture. In other cases, it is necessary to change the entire ceiling;
  • Restrictions when choosing lamps - the material is afraid of strong heating (above 60 degrees), so they advise you to choose LED or halogen lamps.

All listed flaws can be solved anyway, having received the perfectly smooth smooth surface, which will delight you for many years.

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Varieties of tensioneds

To the question, it is possible to make a stretch ceiling in the bathroom, the answer will be affirmative. But to choose the desired type, you need to deal with their modifications.

They are two types: film and fabric. A film from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is moisture-proof and is able to protect against leaks from above. In this case, the angle of the canvas is dismantled, the water merges and the film is fixed back, while maintaining the original appearance. The surface is not afraid of the steam and does not rejoice during the bath procedures. Water drops simply roll down or dry, not leaving on the plane and trace. At the same time, the color does not change throughout the service life. When installing, the film is heated by special guns, stretch and fix on profiles located along the walls.

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The fabric consists of weave polymer fibers. Due to this, it passes the air and provides natural ventilation of the ceiling plate. This reduces the risk of mold. Fissure ceilings do not require heating when installed, so they can be installed on their own. However, such a web is vulnerable for moisture, that in the bathroom, where the high level of humidity is not very good. Therefore, a film varieties are most often installed in the bathrooms.

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If the height of the bathroom allows, you can make a multi-level design. It can be a monophonic or contrast. At each level, you can install lamps that emphasize the height differences.

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Tips for choosing a ceiling

To harmoniously enter a tensioning design in the interior of the bathroom, you need to correctly pick it up with its texture and color. According to the degree of gloss material, they are divided into glossy, satin and matte.

Glossy possess the greatest reflective surface. For small baths, it is better to choose this type of type, as they will add light and volume. This is indisputable dignity, but when choosing lighting devices, you need to make a correction to the fact that the surface will reflect their light. The most appropriate look - built-in lamps.

Satine have a noble silky gloss, but are inferior to the gloss in the degree of reflection.

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Matte do not shine, so there are no restrictions on their use. They fit into any interior, without distracting attention. Photo printing looks on the canvases of this type - extra glare do not distort the drawing, allowing you to consider it in all the details. Lovers of non-standard solutions will enjoy the panels with the imitation of marble, wood, leather, plaster or silk.

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The color is chosen on the taste of the owner, taking into account the rest of the decoration. The general rule is a warm gamma (yellow, orange, red) optically reduce the room. Cold (blue, green, purple) on the contrary, increases it. Classic white is suitable for any style.

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Pastel tones (sand, salad, pink, light gray) are suitable for small rooms. The traditional design of bathrooms in water topics allows you to use blue-green tones in the finish (blue, turquoise, emerald). Dark shades are twisted, so apply them to be advised in spacious rooms.

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Bright juicy colors are used in the bathroom with caution, so as not to create an emotional stress in a small closed room. The ceiling should be thought out to be combined with the rest of the room. You can make one wall accent, laying it down on tone, and leave the rest are neutral for the background.

  • 8 bright colors that make a small room visually more

How to care for the cloth

In order for the stretch ceiling to retain its original view for a long time, you need to follow certain rules for its cleansing. Since the material is vulnerable to mechanical effects, it is impossible to apply brushes with a rigid pile or abrasive washcloths. It is also not recommended to use acid-based detergents and alkalis.

For safe cleansing of stretched cavetons, a soft sponge or wet napkin is needed. You can take a special composition for this type of surface or use conventional domestic products: soap solution, means for cleansing mirrors and glasses.

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