What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips


Not all apartment owners are well presented to themselves, which must contain a switchboard. We tell you what you need to know.

What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips 8989_1

What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips

How to choose equipment

The selection of equipment for the distribution panel should be started with acquaintance with the technical conditions of the power supply organization, which determine the dedicated power of the connection and the network type (single-phase or three-phase). Based on this power, we select the nominal nominal machine, which is installed at the entrance to the house network.

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What should be in the shield

For fire protection protection, the introductory circuit breaker (AB) is supplemented by a Differential Current switch in 300 mA (or UZO, in everyday life). A pair of these devices can be replaced with a combined circled circuit breaker of the differential current (AVDT). At the commissioning of wooden houses, according to GOST 32395-2013 "Distribution shields for residential buildings", AVDT should be applied, and not a combination of AV + VPT. From the introductory switch (AV + VTU, AVDT) several lines supplying individual groups of devices are laid. For example, the line "sockets in the living room", "sockets in the hallway", "bedroom lighting"; Separate lines are responsible for the power supply of wet rooms (bathroom), street network and powerful devices (electric heating boiler, thermal pump, water heater).

What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips 8989_4

Each line is equipped with its circuit breaker. All devices are selected from the calculation of power consumed in this line. Be sure to protect the VDV or AVDT circuit of sockets in ordinary rooms, electrical circuits in bathrooms, saunas, pools and external electrical circuits, except in cases where they use a 12 V voltage and a downstream transformer is beyond these rooms, and for external chains - in the house , not on the street.

As a rule, for lighting devices, circuit breakers are required for the current 10 A, for the outlets - 16 A, for the line to which powerful electrical appliances are connected (for example, electric stoves), - 32 A. The rated current of the differential current switch is recommended to choose one step above, than the machine connected to it in a pair: for example, for a switch 16 A, it is taken to a 22 A, for a switch 25 A - VPT by 32 or 40 A, and so on.

How many individual lines should be in the house - the user chooses, based on the issue of convenience. Of course, you can hang all the outlets and lighting on a single machine and one in the world. But this means that with a short circuit, the power supply will be turned off throughout the house, it will be much more complicated to look for a fault. And if one line is turned off (for example, sockets in the living room), then find what is the problem, will become much easier.

What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips 8989_5
What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips 8989_6
What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips 8989_7
What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips 8989_8

What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips 8989_9

Electric installation Legrand, TX3 series. Current circuit breaker 16 A, 10 ka, three modules

What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips 8989_10

UZO, 25 A, leakage current 30 MA

What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips 8989_11

Four modules, class AC, 63 A, leakage current 30 mA

What should be in the distribution panel: equipment selection tips 8989_12

UZO, 4 modules, class AC, leakage current 300 mA, 63 A

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Power lines wiring tips

  1. Try to the outlets and lighting in one room are connected to different lines. So again, it is more convenient: if the outlets line turns off, you will not have to look for a malfunction in the dark if the light turns off, you can connect the lamp to the outlet.
  2. The circuit breaker and the differential switch switch are connected in series. The sequence of their connection does not matter (although many users are confident that it is not).
  3. The differential current switch is usually installed on a group of three-four automata. In this case, to reduce the likelihood of false positives for MDT on 30 mA, the total load on the switch should not exceed 5.5 kW. For single-phase networks, it is also desirable to establish a voltage relay to protect against a long-term increase or decrease in the voltage in the network.

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