5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom


What is an ax and what does it differ from the mattress holder? We tell everything you need to know about this useful bedroom accessory.

5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_1

5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom

1 What is the topper?

This foreign word has many values, in this article we will talk about a thin mattress, which usually put on top of the main one.

2 What is it different from the mattress?

This accessory is only an addition to the main mattress, but not a replacement. Firstly, it is quite thin - the thickness starts from 2 cm. Secondly, the structure itself does not allow to use it as a full-fledged bed: most often inside only one layer of filler.

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5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_4

5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_5

5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_6

3 What is the difference between the topper from the mattress cover?

It is often confused with the mattress staff, but these are completely different accessories that perform various tasks. The thin mattress can improve the characteristics of the bed, and the mattress holder only protects the main mattress from pollution. Mattress holder can be moisture-repellent, topper - no.

In addition, an additional mattress is much thicker and contains a filler requiring special care. The mattress holder is thin, and most often it can be washed in a washing machine.

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5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_8

5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_9

5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_10

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4 Why do you need topper?

Here are what tasks he can solve:

  • adjust the softness or stiffness of the bedroom (in case the available mattress does not meet your requests);
  • fix some of the nervousness of the bed (if the old mattress is slightly sold, and to acquire a new no opportunity or inappropriate);
  • become an excellent addition to the folding sofa (especially if he performs the functions of the main bed);
  • to act as a temporary additional bedroom (for example, complement the clamshell or folding chair for guests)
  • Also, this accessory can well perform functions for seating (for example, for a long bench, a cozy window sill or homemade furniture from pallets).

5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_12

5 How to choose?

Two key points that distinguish one topper from the other are the thickness and type of filler. We also advise you to draw attention to the questions below to select the most appropriate model.

Decide why you have a thin mattress

Excel from the tasks to solve the accessory in your particular case. If you want to correct the irregularities of the main bedroom, focus on the models not thinner 5-7 cm. The options of a lesser thickness are unlikely to allow the filler to adequately show its properties.

If you acquire a topper to mitigate the bed or, on the contrary, to give it additional stiffness, proceed from the characteristics of the main mattress. The more you want to correct the situation, the thicker choose the model.

If the accessory will replace your seat cushion, choose options with a more rigid filler (coconut coir, hard polyurethane).

5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_13

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Decide whether you will store the topper in the rolled form

If you choose a thin mattress in addition to the folding sofa or as a temporary solution in case of arrival of guests, it is obviously you will have to store it in a folded form. Not all models allow it to do.

For example, more than 5-7 cm models are quite difficult to compactly collapse, and also difficult to store (due to dimensions). If the filler is coconut coir, such a topper cannot be folded, races are formed. In such cases, you are flexible, reducing the form of the filler - for example, polyester or a foam with a memory effect.

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Softer or ridicule?

The softness and rigidity of the topper are determined by the filler and thickness. With the second parameter, everything is simple: it is necessary to softer or rightest - choose the model thoroughly.

As for the filling:

  • If you need to be softer, choose a sintepon, a foam with a memory effect or soft polyurethane;
  • Need an average soft-rigidity - make a choice in favor of the strtotofiber, HOLLKON, elastic polyurethane, latex (natural or artificial);
  • Want to quickly - choose a hard polyurethane or coconut coir (but remember that it is impossible to turn such an accessory).

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5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_17

5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_18

5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_19

And one more important point: in models with several layers of the filler, each of the layers should be a thickness of at least 5 cm, so the properties of materials can be fully manifested.

5 questions and answers about the topper for the bedroom 8993_20

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